He's pandering to the T_D crowd again

Why did he sell out Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:


It is called being a capitalist, look into it faggot.

this faggot thinks hispanic is a race omg what a retard

He's cashing in on the wave of /r/The_Donald Sarcuck kekistani faggots emerging into his realm of youtube videos. He knows they're easily manipulated morons and kids who just discovered "redpill" shit because of the election and wants those viewer shekels. He's an ancap and the market is fresh with new retards who's psyche was rendered into the equivalent of that "at last I truly see" image and now want to hop on bandwagon kek memes


He doesn't monetise his videos. The only way he would be profiting is donations.


Seems TLP is always relevant

yes he's a scam artist who sells nothing but feelings

Isn't it just another word for mestizos?

TLP is a fucking retard.

You do know in multiple videos he has said hispanics aren't a race, right?

What the problem with TLP's post?

maybe because you insult me all the time?

Stop mentioning Sup Forums and Sup Forums you geriatric faggot.

Are these anti /r/the donald threads made to divide us against each other? Seems like it. Posts like these are a common theme on here, and its pretty obvious. Redditt is full of cringy faggots though.

>anti /r/the donald threads made to divide us against each other

Sup Forums has always, ALWAYS, held disdain for neo-con cocksuckers. the_donald are multiculturalist mongrels and a bunch of good goys. They are literally the Proud Boys and everything else wrong with """conservatism"""

>Why did he sell out Sup Forums?
We developed more sophisticated cognitive abilities, he can't compete.

>who sells nothing but feelings
oh look some commie retard who bases everything on feels, doesnt watch his vids, but dismisses others as feels thinkers. Dont you feel embarrassed knowing you dont know wtf youre talking about? Like dont you ever self reflect and realize everything you believe and argue for is complete bullshit?

so Sup Forums is retarded cancer? I already guessed.

>anarchy in the uk

kys loser

What? Hispanic means Spanish is your first language. Nothing more. If two blue eyed, blonde haired whites have a kid in Mexico and teach it Spanish, it's a White Hispanic.

>Open Society

>Diversity is our strength


I dont post on the donald so.I wouldnt know fuck head.