As long as immigration levels aren't super high, why is globalization bad, exactly?

As long as immigration levels aren't super high, why is globalization bad, exactly?

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because it destroys diversity and pulls everyone down to the level of the lowest common denominator.

Nice meme, but I am being serious.

Globalization is inevitable. You can't put a tariff on modernity. Embrace it, but on your own terms like Japan

For the 5688865th time.
It only helps the 1%. Look at your housing market for an example. Look in the archives if you want a better explanation, I'm not doing this every day.

It's not. Only mercantilian commies think otherwise

The loss of identity will create a rootless caste of "world citizens". Exchangeable drones stuck in high minded, impotent dreaming about whats best for humanity, instead of what happens in your own neighbourhood.

A shared identity created by globalism will be something that will be dumbed down to the lowest common denominator, ending up with all peoples being equally worthless.

Globalization =/= Globalism

Because civilization is good for your well-being.