Omg my fucking god you can`t be serious

omg my fucking god you can`t be serious

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based dane

>can't celebrate her being a girl


Holy shit its real.

They tweeted it in between something about a jersey shore reunion and an article about a black woman starting an anti-gun non profit.

I really didn't need this today.

to be fair, gender reveal parties are retarded, but I'd have one just to piss these faggots of

>assigning a gender to your baby
>assignign a species to your baby



I like pieces like this. It opens normal peoples eyes to the idiocy of the left.


Doing God's work.

Kill yourself, retard.

Universities are dead. If you don't come out as a science major or engineer, kill yourself.

>"We'd be better off showing the little girls in attendance that changing the world is every bit as much a female prerogative as bedazzling onesies."
>Cosmo's navigation tabs: Style | Beauty | Love | Video | Weddings

The lack of self-awareness is astonishing.

I've read some really stupid shit in my life, but wow.

>Style | Beauty | Love | Video | Weddings

In the age of madness, men are like women and women are like men. Think about your soul, user, for the end is near.

Because gender isn't real right? But if a guy wants to force us to call him a woman, then gender is real? Gender magic!

Why then can transgender people celebrate their transition to the opposite gender?



>your baby is basically Hitler


The fucking mental illnesses of these people are bottomless aren't they?

By the way the Russian word for "light blue" means fag. Just a fun fact.

>don't celebrate your baby because Hitler

Can we even reverse this brain damage?

Sounds like a typical Jew run company to me.



>omg my fucking god you can`t be serious
you're a disgrace, what do you run buzzfeed?

Their goal is the destruction of Western(White) civilization. You haven't seen mental illness yet.

>implying implications

no cunt i`m against this

dont russian soldiers wear light blue striped shirts?

Try and stop me.

While on holiday this summer you guys should read one of your sister's/gf's/mother's female magazines. They're complete progressive propaganda. Disgusting.

Help me anons. Tell me if the following exists:

a) A publication or syndication, whether in print or online (or both), that
b) Has a majority female target demographic
c) Marketed to not on the basis of identarian politics (e.g., LBQTs or ethnic minorities), which
d) Focuses exclusively on politics, and
e) Contains absolutely no fluff (beauty, fashion/style, weddings, celebrities and rumors, etc.), and finally
f) Was not created for the principal purpose of promoting birth control rights or legislation

I honestly don't think such a thing exists.

i know fucking jizz mop, the click-baity ass title.

>tl;dr if you think there are only two genders you are Hitler

You know we are all fucked right?


Dear faggot on twitter, stop telling me what to do.

>b) Has a majority female target demographic
>c) Marketed to not on the basis of identarian politics

No, those two are mutually exclusive as it is.

He has returned.

I thought the cat was a cartoon exageration of the wire as she was down loading.

>Jesus has risen as an archive bot on a taiwanese morgellons support group

That's bullshit, but I believe it.

Can We Please Just Start Admitting That We Do Actually Want to Indoctrinate Kids

Pushing Kids Into Transgenderism Is Sadistic, Medical Malpractice
Author: ex-tranny
>Socially indoctrinating young children toward accepting transgenderism is rampant today in public schools, starting as early as kindergarten

Michigan pushes schools to teach transgenderism ‘throughout the curriculum’

Gender Fluidity Promoted to Children as Young as Three in London, Educators Still Want to Go Further

Children as young as 4 being given transgender lessons which encourage them to explore their 'gender identities'

Execs Meet with Transgender Activists to Promote Positive TV Portrayals

Transgender porn quickly growing in popularity
>Transgender porn has been steadily climbing in popularity for years and, with Jenner's emergence and the favorable publicity surrounding her decision, it has grown into a full-fledged phenomenon.

I have never heard of them reffered to as "gender reveal parties"until that shit happened and people were shot at one.

This article disgusts me, as it implies only women give birth.

The use of scrapers, bots, or other automated posting or downloading scripts is prohibited. Users may also not post from proxies, VPNs, or Tor exit nodes.


>work for major drug store chain as an assistant manager
>get shipment of magazines to put out by a certain date (earliest date we can put them out)
>Every single woman's magazine is 100% progressive and gets more insane each issue.
>This insanity is starting to hit fitness magazines. For example on the cover last month of one of the fitness magazines was "plus sized model" (don't remember the fatty's name) that had an article about being healthy at every size.
>Asked female co-worker (she is in her late 60's) that works in the cosmetics section what she thought about those magazines.
>She said "none of them are targeted at women. There isn't anything in any of those magazines that a normal woman would want to read. I don't know who they are making those for.
>Later asked a younger co-worker what she thought of those magazines. Her reply? "I don't know anyone who reads them."
>Ask co-worker who buys the magazines how many of them sell. She says "The only magazines that we sell a lot of are the fitness, science and technology and automobile magazines. But we have to have these out as well or we can't sell the other ones."
>So magazines are like cable. The stuff you want to watch you can't just buy. You have to bundle them with shit you don't want.

I think SJW have killed off most TV shows, movies, magazines, comic books and now working on killing off video games. Someone with access to government taxes (because we know damn well they are not using their own money) are paying for this crap.

He makes the board better, senpai.

He barely does shit.

Did you just assume that bot's gender? Check your microaggressions, shitlord.


He's not a bot, he's a turbo-autist mentat.

learn how to follow da rules

>70+ years since WWII
>Hitler still comes up in every fucking conversation regardless of original topic

The greatest edgelord of all time.

It's their children they're going to fuck up by denying the child have an identity and a huge dose of white guilt.
>"You were born a bad person "Finley", and I don't want to see you play with any of those gendered toys. Now play with your neutral gray ball, but not too aggressively or we're going to have to goo talk to your therapist and advocate again."

...Except archiving israel state fund news...

Shit like this is why God doesn't talk to us anymore.

promoting childfree women AND mental illness
what the fuck

It has to be a bot. It's the first reply in nearly every thread with a direct link.

>I think SJW have killed off most TV shows, movies, magazines, comic books and now working on killing off video games.
Are you sure it's not the internet that is killing off that stuff?

If I want to watch a tv shot, I usually download it through a torrent site. If I want to read about something interesting there are hobby websites that cater to it. If I want to research a large purchase I usually search youtube videos for the product.

we have to kill all women

At some point, I seriously believe the left will starting wanting to assign every legal adult a goverment "speech secretary" who will personally govern every little thing you say or do. They will follow you around everywhere. You will be stopped over 500 times a day and be forced to "correct" unacceptable actions you supposedly commir, lest you risk being fined or getting put in the slammer.

I'm sure that will be relegated exclusively to Whites though. Should that nightmare ever happen, I will as consolation fuck with speech secretaries as a spic. Call her a little glow-in-the-dark CIA nigger or a dumb commie kike. Harass them without repercussion because I apparently can do no wrong. Make their jobs living hell so they quit.

If he is a bot, I think we can make an exception for literally doing the lords work.

I thought gays wore purple triangles, not pink?

Regardless, that's about the furthest reach I've seen for quite some time. You know they're running low on ideas when the only thing they have left is "LITERALLY HITLER".

Notice how we don't have 5 WaPo/CNN shill threads on the front page at all times anymore?

And the word for crepe is also a light swear word.


Why would anyone be opposed to Finnbot?

norbro is a cute

this x10

Because their handlers tell them to be.

> one in every 1,000 to 1,500 births is intersexed
> guess nobody can have gender reveal parties
sorry 99.933% of children without genetic sexual defects, the remainder have spoken

What's next? The oppressiveness of assuming that children will eventually learn to speak? Or have all four of their limbs?

My girl will stay a girl and no one can do anything about it, I just need to keep her away from lesbians and beta men.

Wouldn't all those testosterone treatments make the baby come out all unbalanced?

How unnatural

>it's white privilege to teach your children English first

>blue used to be associated with girls
Feminist lie it was always blue for boys
Never use gender. Word has been taken over by them only refer to sex.

I'm willing to bet this will happen in California within a decade.

All his bot does is flag threads that have links. He makes all the posts himself

...And failed to addressed my point. Probably a trump voter too.

One would think. Getting bombarded with the mother's own hormones is bad enough for a fetus, I don't want to think about what might happen if you added even more foreign elements into the mix.

Wasn't pink originally a masculine color until it got co-opted by feminists?

As a black person I would really fucking resent this.

If liberals really believe in appropriating then this is literally appropriating a black life.

Like WTF?

Women are actually Adolf Hitler?

Woah duuuuuuudddeeee

don't kid around bro, that'll be next

pretty soon parents won't be allowed to teach languages to their children

Wait. The nigger on the left is a boy isn't it.

Jesus. Fucking. Christ. Hollywood.

is it to the point of being a recognised logicial fallacy yet, argumentum ad biscoop?

I don't give a fuck about israeli news sites, those threads are 1 out of every 400.

But please, continue your stormfag tirade.

>argumentum ad biscoop?

I like it. Add to the sticky.

"buh muh holy book"

Children don't really need to be taught. More advanced things will be taught in school but children just being around people speaking a certain language will pick it up. The only way to make sure a child wouldn't have English as their native language would be to keep it around people speaking another language. If they're around two languages they'll pick up on both. I'm sure there's a limit there though.

>Hitler gives fags girly color
>Implying American pop culture emulates Hitler
This is why I'm getting reelected

>Wasn't pink originally a masculine color until it got co-opted by feminists?
Where is the proofs?

"Dear Cosmopolitan: No thank you"

It will only apply to white children because priveledge or some shit, I almost can see the left pushing for it and the media will go right along with it, after all they already push for it to be acceptable to make them transgender at least in Leafland and EU countries.

Who is this bitch and why is she allowed to spread her white degeneracy to a black boy? This shit got me angry as fuck.

>Never use gender.

Words have genders, people have sexes.

sow my seed mommy