What's the Sup Forums consensus on Huey Long?
What's the Sup Forums consensus on Huey Long?
Kayden Wilson
Robert Diaz
Isaiah Cook
He was somewhat right.
Joseph Nelson
My least favorite Mcduck
Aaron Lewis
we have a street named after him :)
Elijah Adams
Plenty corrupt, but he brought Louisiana out of the stone age
Biggest threat this country has had at POTUS
Carter Hughes
He was pretty cool, him and Charles Coughlin would have made an interesting political duo.
Andrew Brooks
definitely should watch the PBS Ken Burns documentary on him
Wyatt Nguyen
Coughlin is Best Boy
I like Huey long, it's a shame he was assasinated. Carl Weis looks very Jewish
Sebastian Reyes
Unabashedly corrupt alcoholic but his heart was in the right place. Would be nice to see more politicians like him.