What's the Sup Forums consensus on Huey Long?

What's the Sup Forums consensus on Huey Long?

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He was somewhat right.

My least favorite Mcduck

we have a street named after him :)

Plenty corrupt, but he brought Louisiana out of the stone age

Biggest threat this country has had at POTUS


He was pretty cool, him and Charles Coughlin would have made an interesting political duo.

definitely should watch the PBS Ken Burns documentary on him

Coughlin is Best Boy

I like Huey long, it's a shame he was assasinated. Carl Weis looks very Jewish

Unabashedly corrupt alcoholic but his heart was in the right place. Would be nice to see more politicians like him.

Louisiana born here
Man oh man, like, no one has a consensus on this guy. He was just all over the place. He's the jerry lewis of southern politics

hes the one good thing Louisiana had. Its too bad all his work was undone though and now the oil companies are back at it, taking all the oil and profits while leaving us with nothing but a horribly polluted coast line, but at least we get to work 12 hour shifts for 20 bucks an hour and get cancer in a few years.

>unabashedly corrupt
Please explain, never heard corruption claims before

A Jew wrote a good song about him.



This is what makes ancaps so fucking stupid.


I guess cronyist would be a better term. Kicked basically everyone out of the LA government and replaced them with his friends.

yeah, hes pretty famous as being the only corrupt politician in Louisiana government.

he was a king of kings

To play devils advocate, it can be very beneficial if those friends share the same convictions and dedication to the cause as you, on the other hand it can also be extremely harmful

Cronyism is very Jew tier regardless

Huey Long once gave a fifteen hour filibuster where he made jokes about his political enemies, read cookbooks, read and analyzed the entire constitution. He didn't stop until he couldn't physically speak anymore. His speech took up over 100 pages in the daily congressional record. The cost to print all of those pages was over ten thousand dollars.

>the only corrupt politician in Louisiana government

What were his politics exactly?


every man a king


he was basically a dictator who stormed in and grabbed the oil industry by the balls. Before him, Louisiana was still in the 1800s and he modernized it. Theres a big cult of personality around him with the older people here. Everyone loved him.
