How do we fix white men?

how do we fix white men?


If your gf uses makeup she is not marriage material. PERIOD. (She has deep psychological issues relating to her looks)

If your gf has had more than two previous partners she is not marriage material. PERIOD

If your gf says she will drink alcohol while pregnant she is not marriage material. PERIOD

If your gf says she will drink large amounts of caffeine while pregnant she is not marriage material. PERIOD (caffeine is a poison, why do you think so many different plants utilize it? It's a natural bug repellent)

If your gf says she will consume artificial sugar while pregnant she is not marriage material. PERIOD

Now here's the really important question:
Have you ever had a gf?

>If your gf uses makeup she is not marriage material.
I always spot non-bulldyke lesbians by their lack of makeup

That is a jew btw

like this

I've always thought that was a woman lol

Yes, but she wasn't marriage material.

Turn us into sexy girls.

How do fix hippos in pyjamas

Virgin olive oil.

ban alcohol, cigarettes, and other drugs
ban discos / clubs
ban gay parades
all punishable by death

fire all women (except doctors i guess) and give men the jobs
give men married with children houses

>I want my develping fetus to have alcohol and caffeine running through its body
>only lesbians don't use makeup
Kek, ok whore
Speak when spoken to virgin

That only sounds appealing to you because you've never been fucked in the ass like a girl

Give me 10 minutes with your twink ass and I will make you rethink being gay.

>blocks your path
what do?

>Speak when spoken to virgin
>projecting this hard
It's time to stop posting.

Looks like my waifu is definitively marriage material.

>>only lesbians don't use makeup
>Kek, ok whore
>already getting angry when confronted with anecdotes
Oh sweet summer child

Tip it to the side, it will roll.


>you're angry cause I say you are
Oh sweetie

STOP posting virgin

It wears a gopro camera because it knows that people will get upset and this beast uses the footage as confirmation bias.

create hard times


Imagine what it would be like taking a samurai sword, and lopping that thing in half

Kick it's knees repeatedly until it falls like timber

Kill the commies. Duh

By killing the jews.

>>you're angry cause I say you are
>Oh sweetie
Then you're even more pathetic.

How so? Which point triggered you

>She has deep psychological issues relating to her looks
Most women have this, whether or not they wear makeup.

>If your gf has had more than two previous partners she is not marriage material. PERIOD

>If your gf says she will drink alcohol while pregnant she is not marriage material. PERIOD

>If your gf says she will drink large amounts of caffeine while pregnant she is not marriage material. PERIOD
Have there been any actual studies on caffeine usage during pregnancy?

>If your gf says she will consume artificial sugar while pregnant she is not marriage material. PERIOD
Similarly, studies on artificial sugars during pregnancy? I've never heard of aspartame causing a miscarriage or deformed baby...

Rape him.

He cant run.

>Then you're even more pathetic.
Thank god my self worth doesn't depend on the opinions of a butthurt woman on Sup Forums then.

>as long as it doesn't cause anything major we're all good! I mean come on it's just a baby, the thing I'll be devoting the rest of my life to. Who cares if it hurts it just a little

Use my poke-flute

drugs and cigarettes ok
but alcohol?

Make lifting obligatory

Put his fat ass in lockup and lets see how he likes other races.

The part when you said its acceptable for your wife's holes to have been ravaged by two men.

This nigger needs a salad.

Shit, that may have given me a half-chub. A-am I gay now?

call him fat

I'm not gay, but I've definitely been fucked with strap ons bigger than you by my girl.

feels great

fix the women = men fixed

problem solved