Communism can't create valid discussion because it literally makes no sense. If I disagree that the worker should cease the means of production it's that simple. It's immoral to force somone to give you more stuff just because they hired you. They hired you for what they hired you for. If you don't want to work there go somewhere else.
Communism destroys all the checks and balances that America has laid out in its constitution
Communism disenfranchises the populace by rewarding public favor over merit
Communism has resulted in more deaths than any other form of thought including any independent religion.
Communism is a belief where you get one thing so therefore you need other things
It's inefficient
It's ruthless
It's had no positive effects on anyone ever outside of the Israeli settlements
Communists are the good edgy guy in the education system
Literally why the fuck would you support communism not only does it not work but it's all together immoral and genocidal
Pic related is why most of the tards support it. That or they can't think about anything aside from black and white.
Xavier Taylor
it's virtue signaling, contrarianism, gibs lust, and gives people the illusion of having a cause to fight for
Brandon Hall
It feels empowering to weaklings who hate themselves
Joseph Torres
That makes a lot of sense recently. I was talking to a communist and he said automation will make labor unnecessary and that the only reason labor exists is to tie down the workers and keep the current manufacturing leaders in charge.
But it's like, most Americans don't fucking work in a factory. That's not what economy is based on
Jayden Hall
yes, communism is the way of the future!
Andrew Bell
Automation isn't coming in the speed or amount they are saying, if that were the case, why import hoards of immigrants, if you ignore that it's essentially for increasing their votes because their policys are shit.
Michael Ramirez
Communism is a revenge fantasy user, people who didn't have the willpower and intelligence to work their way up the hierarchy desire to bring everybody down to their level.
Daniel Collins
Commies never really say why, if automation is going to "make work obsolete" (a complete falsehood), we should automatically go for communism and not fascism, distributism, UBI, etc.
Jacob Parker
>Philosophical reason to support communism. It is based on liberalism, but with two tricks. Liberalism requires you to simply believe in human rights and liberal values. Marxism is a critical theory that allows for criticism and modification of said values.
Communism offers the most well thought-out and final vision of an ideal society, a utopia.
>Practical reasons Communists, I mean, marxists in general offer pragmatic and practical solutions that appeal to public.
>Historical reasons Communism, in fact, failed in very few places: Cambodia, Albania, DPRK is on the way. In other cases, it resulted in great success and tremendous achievements.
A broader Marxist ideology has basically shaped the whole modern world. Human rights, taxation, social rights, worker rights.