As promised by Jeff Holiday and Wizard of Cause, the skeptic community(tm) is starting to take on the alt-right

As promised by Jeff Holiday and Wizard of Cause, the skeptic community(tm) is starting to take on the alt-right.

They thought that the "alt-right" was fun while the memesters and some white nationalists/ideologues were both in it, but now that the memesters joined the Kekistanis and only the evil racists are left, it's time to bring the whole thing down.

Here's the first takedown video of many to come, by Kekistan's own Mouthy Buddha:

Remember, just say no to forced eugenics programs!

Other urls found in this thread:

Well Sup Forums, what do you think?

> Believing in the Holohoax
> In 2017
This is why race realism should always be coupled with discussions about the Holohoax, because even for someone like myself, I don't fucking want to kill people, I just want them to fuck off forever and let me live with other white people, which always seems to get lost in the noise.

Hell, I would be okay with non-whites living in my country, provided they were high-IQ and there was a guarantee that >90% of the population was white, that culture would be protected, no race-mixing, etc. I'm fine with trading with non-whites, learning from non-whites, even admiring aspects of other cultures.
Jews need to fuck off to Israel though.

>Skeptic community

Oh, you mean atheist libtards? WEW LAD!

not a single argument, only emotions, grant standing, false dichotomies, strawmanning and some really wacko rascist shit too.

the left is loosing bad because they can't stop being a elitest circle jerk, their whole identity is build a about individualism thinly veiled in a communist agenda

Skeptics at least claim to value intellectual honesty. Best response in that case is to listen to the criticism and respond with the best counter arguments possible.

he only criticized behavior albeit which was kind of fair. However he conceded and said the alt right were correct in a lot of their assertions.

>year 1 Anno Trumpini
>denying the Holocaust

holy shit leaf that must mean that and I, Tara McCarthy and thousands of other people are shills who say that their relatives died in Auschwitz only because they're paid to do so. glad you figured it out.

I love ot how Sup Forums still thibk that anyone beyond esgy image boards gives a slighetst shit about what people so here n shit... more delusional than most of the autistic hate/rage conspiracies being spread around here.

Topkek srsly.

Also as pointed out, he doesn't actually say anything except point out that some """"alt-right"""" people are emotionally reactive and incapable of defending their views, which makes it more difficult to discuss those ideas, and that some people are becoming fixated on alt-right ideas to the point of pathological behavior, which I agree with, but that isn't a critique of the validity of the ideas/concepts of sex realism, race realism, criticism of communism, etc, and none are touching Holocaust/WW2 revisionism, which is too bad.

I also hardly see any discussion of the other aspects of the "alt-right", namely the overlap with the 'spiritual-but-non-religious' crowd, use of psychedelics, Hoppean libertarianism, cryptocurrency/anonymity, primitivists/technological skeptics, MKULTRA,
Before sperging out on me, please give your definition of the Holocaust, so that I know what I am being accused of

Richard Spencer is a bigot. He is not a centipede like one of us. Real centipede patriots believe in truth, justice, activism and kekistan.

They will lose hard. It will be glorious.

>As promised by Jeff Holiday and Wizard of Cause

It's ironic. The skeptic community was founded on mocking creationists for listening to their heart instead of their brain, but the arguments that skeptics make against race realism all boil down to "it hurts my feelings."

I haven't watched the video yet, but judging by Buddha's main argument against genetically-determined differences in intellectual/academic and athletic ability is that "that's what caused all those awful murders." Imagine how they'd react if someone tried to prove God existed by pointing out the existence of atheist murderers. They'd find that absurd.

Amen brother, we like letting our wives and girlfriends get fucked by BASED black men with MAGA hats

Did your grandparents die before they could give birth to your parents?

What does it really matter? Bigotry and racism are historically a losing ideology and will continue to be. It may never die but it will never be accepted by modern civilized society.

>their whole identity is build a about individualism thinly veiled in a communist agenda
holy shit haha this is so true

no rare speners yet?

>Bigotry and racism are historically a losing ideology and will continue to be
lmao what, they are the standard features of every group in the world through all of history through today, even brainwashed white liberals are bigoted and racist, just against other white people. You are retarded and this post is retarded and you should feel bad

bump for reason, egalitarianism and liberal democratic values.

I have to say I don't get these shoops of him, because he doesn't actually look like a pinhead, so the "caricature" doesn't make sense as an exaggeration of a natural feature. What inspired them in the first place?

i'm sure i've met colored people smarter, healthier, more attractive and accomplished than you.

Concentrated shill effort.

this is officially the worst argument i have ever seen on this board. unironically kill yourself

>look at all this backlash I got, this proves that i'm right!!!

Literally the same argument that Antia Sarkeesian used.

Who honestly gives a fuck about what some e-celeb pseudo-intellectuals think?

you live in a sad world. i wouldn't be surprised if you beat me to it.

Wow, that's crazy.

Do you know why specifically the pinhead look? Or did it just evolve into a meme from a random image someone made of him?

>skeptic community

you mean irrelevant losers who have shaped absolutely nothing with their retarded rabble?

No one denies that Jews died during the (((holohaux))). They deny that there were systematic executions taking place.

If you have browsed Sup Forums for > 1 second you would know this.

Now go to bed Timmy. It's way past your bedtime and the grownups have business to discuss.

Lol @ roastie whores

The only critique I remember from this video is "dude they shat on my comment section = Alt-Right bad".

I expected more desu, hoped he'd deliver.

>the alt right is right about white genocide and basically everything else
>but it sounds mean so ill make overproduced videos attacking them

these "centrists" are so ideologically committed to the holocaust narrative that even when actively seeking out , finding, and agreeing with the evidence that shows that yes




they still cant being themselves to just take that small step to the right because of jewish fear mongering

It doesn't matter if you personally class yourself as "alt-right", They're talking about the alt-right they're talking about...

>What is Apex fallacy.

99% of Sup Forums

I will reply after I done with this video

I feel bad I added to this guys views. He uses a lot of big words and obviously has good video editing skills but other than that he added nothing to the discussion.

There are certainly colored people who are smarter than the majority of whites--Thomas Sowell is one good example of a black intellectual. This does not discount reality, which is that, on -average-, colored people tend to be less intelligent than whites, among other things. And Asians are generally more intelligent than whites. Intelligence correlates more strongly with race/ethnicity than it does any other factor, including culture and socioeconomic conditions. Sorry if it hurts your feelings, but that's just the way things are.

i bet you're glad to have this safe space where you can give voice to your shit. how many brown people do you work, with interact with each day? how many of them are you polite to? how many time a day do you hide your shit beliefs in real life?

so who's the cuck now?

your ideology has already lost.

You mean "got demeaned and railed by"
Can't imagine being a white woman only niggers will fuck

actually intelligence more strongly correlated to social demography than race

I'm not watching that garbage. Besides, there's no real reason for europeans to avoid group strategy when every other racial group (at least in the US) fully utilizes this tactic by setting up advocacy nonprofits to work towards their own racial (not just ethnic) interests. Whites need something similar to La Raza ("the race") before we slip further below 60% of the population. This is what groups like NPI promise, and even if half of Sup Forums think they're shills, I'd still like to see other groups emulate them. All youtubers like OP do is nitpick stupid stuff associated with the label do rather than directly addressing their politics.

How many times are brown people polite to whites while living in our societies yet wishing for our eradication?

alt lite needs to fucking die

There are laws in the USA allowing government to diversity neighborhoods that are too white

This the ultimate point that most whites will not mentally allow themselves to arrive at. Why is it perfectly OK for every other group to celebrate their identity and cheer for the downfall of yours? The logical end game is that white's will
ultimately become minorities in their own country and cease to hold any political power.

This is false

B-b-but whites doing it is RACIST and like Hitler, meanwhile jews and other nonwhites have never inflicted injury upon whites, please ignore the bolshevik revolution, ottoman empire, barbary slave trade and etc.

It this cunt a kike?
He looks disgusting.

you're exactly right!

the alt-right is the white ISIS

Remember to hooktube videos in future! Clickbait only generates ad revenue...when you click!

Alright I watched the video, pretty good production quality. But there is some dumb shit I like resulting into oy veying muh shoah like every Jew ever. I will skip the other shit since he addresses people who shat on him on twitter which I did not.

>the conclusion bit
It basically boils down too
>don't organize
>don't have a message
>don't have good talking points and rhetoric that you can share among yourselves

>forced into fringe political pockets
GEE I wonder by who, why is an opinion that was held by majority of people 60 years ago is so fringe now. Could we do something to reverse it? I don't know what we are doing seems to be working.

>movement is racially based and divisive
Its a movement based on our identity others who do not belong in our countries on our land are tearing down and weakening things that we want to protect. Its really self evident if you think how Jewish media has affected USA.

>Western values
You might as well say white race
And yes it is necessary in saving white race

It's humor according to leftists.

I don't care about any of this internet drama, but Spencer is just nationalist Bernie Sanders.
>socialism will work for whites I swear to god trust me goyim
>free healthcare will work for whites only I swear goyim nevermind its failure in other majority white countries.

>Operation make the Alt-Right look good with shitty counterarguments

So we chop peoples heads off?

Yes its garbage in Norway :(

>The Skeptic community
Fedora tipping overweight MRA's are taking on the Alt-Right because nihilism and shit. Skeptics as mostly cultural Marxists themselves.

you people really enjoy playing the victim card. just as bad as any jew

Why haven't you fucked a white woman and have 5 babies by now, Sup Forums?

Do you not care about western civilization?

It was an alright video, you Alt-Right guys could go a much longer way if you just adopted Libertarianism.

no, just lynch and hang

>Playing the victim

Even Alt-Lite faggots are admitting that this shit is anti-white, and replacement has become a real thing.

Jews came to our countries and acted like retards and got ovened. While we are being displaced by their policies that we did not even got a chance to vote on. We are not going to Israel and tearing it down, what right do they have to do it to us.
Now do you actually have an argument?

Never happened

is it a coincidence that alt-right hair is an inversion of the jewish payot?

There are Alt-Righters who like libertarian economics, but they're too retarded in every other way. Most of the Alt-Right actually recognize that the constitution can't save you from a 3told world shitholes, or your kid getting brainwashed into chopping his dick off.

Bring it on fags. Your memes are cringey and your dream is a lie. This generation will see total Aryan victory, not the wishy-washy nihilism of perverted mystery meat e-celebs.

You can have what America had for the longest time, where they would keep their population primarily White and Anglo-Saxon. Just make a constitutional amendment which can't be changed with it.

>Most of the Alt-Right actually recognize that the constitution can't save you from a 3told world shitholes
I don't know man the American founding fathers did not really think that when they said that only whites can become citizens.

Well sorry skeptics but you can't ever defeat emotion of near-panicked fear caused by constant anti-white media propaganda and very real prospect of becoming minority and getting murdered for being white in my old neighborhood that was 100% white when I was a child during same lifetime.

No amount of autiste logic tricks can beat that. This ain't magic trick. Lives are in danger here.

They still think pepe's and Kekistani memes are good. Basically normies. There was one "Kekistani" user who didn't even know the origin of the meme and thought fucking Sarcuck created it.

the alt-right is just a sad bunch of insecure people. so sad

>Too much of a pussy to reply to me
top kek what a coward

All constitutional amendments can be changed or modified with a supreme court ruling.

They created the immigration act strictly because the constitution doesn't consider the fact at all. So they passed an act that was only effectual until the mid 1800's.

>They created the immigration act strictly because the constitution doesn't consider the fact at all. So they passed an act that was only effectual until the mid 1800's.
So what is your point again? Obviously you don't even need to change constitution for this just the law.

I don't understand the point of these memes which only seek to mock and dehumanize nonwhites. The US has over 150 million nonwhite citizens and that's almost 50% of the US population.

Pushing shit like this into the mainstream is only going to get all the niggers, spics, and chinks united and take more aggressive stances towards any type of pro white policies/movements/. To the majority of Christian whites, shit like this is only going to paint a picture that white nationalism and the alt right are just a racist "nazi" group.

The alt right was doomed to fail due to the people who make up the movement. They're all faceless anonymous cowards whose only presence is online and spout racist violent garbage and rhetoric whenever they can. That's why you only have a few folks like Richard Spencer out there, who get harassed daily soley by association to the alt right.

My point is law and constitution can't save anyone from it. Motions can (and would be) blocked. Only 60% white, and over half of them think being a minority is just A okay, nothing to see there. That's not even saying that thier token 10% conservative minorities will be enough to keep the beloved 2nd.

The Alt-Right is a "racist" movement. We care more about White people than nonwhites and seek to bring about meta-political change which would allow white people to advocate for the exclusion and separation of nonwhites.

That's good because they're going to lose.

>I don't understand the point of these memes which only seek to mock and dehumanize nonwhites
Because its hilarious and true
>Pushing shit like this into the mainstream is only going to get all the niggers, spics, and chinks united and take more aggressive stances towards any type of pro white policies/movements/. To the majority of Christian whites, shit like this is only going to paint a picture that white nationalism and the alt right are just a racist "nazi" group.
You are concern trolling, Alt-right or any nationalistic movement is gonna be shat on as it always is, cucking and playing nice is not gonna win anything. Stop applying leftist words and rhetoric to yourself like some good goy
>The alt right was doomed to fail due to the people who make up the movement. They're all faceless anonymous cowards whose only presence is online and spout racist violent garbage and rhetoric whenever they can. That's why you only have a few folks like Richard Spencer out there, who get harassed daily soley by association to the alt right.
Your founding fathers wrote behind pseudonyms because they risked getting their head chopped of by a king, as so did many others behind many successful movements . Again you are cucking and sperging like a dumb faggot.


>Only 60% white, and over half of them think being a minority is just A okay
You are talking from a premise that minds can't be changed. Its just false you should reflect on the progress we made over few years

And what exactly has the alt right accomplished since Trump got into office? There's been over 600,000 nonwhite children born since Trump became president. What has the alt right been doing? Shitposting on Sup Forums?

Oh man, Whites aren't out in the streets knocking down doors and burning crosses, I guess that means I have to embrace the extinction of white people. You guys win.

He's arguing from a stance of morality and ethics. He might as well have just said "I fell" than trying to base his argument in a psudo factual framework. too many retards are swayed by the cinematography of the video.

This. Fuck ethics arguments.

What is the point of ethics that lead to the extinction of what you care about? They serve no purpose at that point.

If your interest is keeping the white race alive but principal keeps you from deporting non white citizens your retarded

interests > principles

I fucked it up lol

Don't you dare compare the founding fathers to your faggot ass movement.

All you fags do is post on Sup Forums about how much you hate shitskins and get into hysterical fits of impotent rage whenever the leftypol comes here and posts BLACKED garbage/memes.

The alt right is barely a "movement", more like a group of anti-social low IQ inbreds with access to the internet who hide behind anonymity and wouldn't dare say any of the things they say online in public, because they know they'd be on the receiving end of a rope.

>16 minutes long
fuck that, I'm gonna need a basic gestalt. No way I'm listening to one of these skeptic faggots tear himself apart.

This "battle" was won before it ever started. We have the truth on our side. You cannot argue against white nationalism in an open and uncensored debate and win. The best you can do is assert bullshit axioms like "it's fundamentally important that we blanda upp and be multicultural" Weak shit like this isn't going to fly.

All they're going to do is leach away "skeptic" faggots as they get redpilled on the issues that matter, simply from pure exposure. The skeptic community so far has only been able to exist because it sidestepped Sup Forums and never bothered going against us.

Spencer is a faggot who says retarded things and makes vague statements that nobody knows what the fuck he means.

>grant standing


you will never encounter a bigger bunch of statist bootlickers

Bingo. At my core I am a realist, unfortunately that forced me to come to the conclusion that no matter how many "nice" black guys I know my way of life will be eliminated unless we put the brakes on hard. They left has overplayed their hand, pulling down 100 year old Confederate monuments has woken up a lot of white people that otherwise would have gone quietly into the night.

It's what they always do. Put up moral imperatives that make absolutely no sense for us to use, and then argue exclusively from that standpoint and refuse to accept any other way of thinking.

>Don't you dare compare the founding fathers to your faggot ass movement.
Wow you got this mad over statement of fact that people who were against government wrote anonymously? Damn
The rest is just insults, if we are such worthless retards then why are you kwetching here? Scared of bunch of neckbeard virgins?

The "skeptic" community is full of basic-bitch anti-SJW kekistani magapedes
They're just trying to gain relevance because they're know how fucking dead the anti-SJW meme is now.