Question for Idenitarians:

Question for Idenitarians:

Do you believe in in racial superiority and the separation of races, or is it just anti-Islamic immigration?

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White nations for white people.

They are as reactionary as any other movement that proclaims itself to be about "identity".

It is understandable, but a critical person will ask himself why these movements exclusively focus on what they consider to be problems.

In effect it is just subversion to soften the image of fascism. Martin Sellner used to be a hardcore neo-nazi, in one of the videos with Lauren Southern he even proclaims "we are not even nationalists". Of course, people like Lauren Southern buy it because they are desperate to create the narrative of identitarian movements as being separate from fascist movements of the past.

As someone who is not on your side, you would be silly to dismiss these movements as simply anti-immigration.

You re retard of unimaginable proportions.
Identitarians believe in identity aka european idenity and appose immigration most of which in gonna be african not islamic in the comming years and if you thought cologne was bad then oh boy wait for what our friends down south have to say.

Man your a beta cuck whi cares how immigration is stopped as long as it is

Against non-European immigration outside of Northwest and Baltics no matter how good or bad. DNA based citizenship NOW!
>superiority question

Separation of races. I don't see a reason to rank the races in a hierarchy necessary. IQ differences are obvious but there are other differences too.

>exclusively focus on what they consider to be problems.

What "problem"?

I dont believe in racial superiority. I do believe in the inferiority of islam as an ideology and that blacks are poison for a society.
The multicult eventually leads to civil war.

Its short termism at its worst.

>racial superiority and the separation of races,
You can believe in one of those and not the other.

Multiple raves in a country are fine, so long as they adhere to the same FOUNDATIONAL culture values. If there is no shared base, the society is fractured and conflict arises.

Immigration etc

Like I said, it's understandable, but the image Martin Sellner wants to convey is simply propaganda. Everyone in Identity Evropa is a (white) nationalist, yet he goes on video with Lauren Southern and proclaims "we are not even nationalist".

I agree in some sense, but it depends on how you view it. Racial superiority of Europeans is undeniable, but I don't believe in complete separation of races. Though I've yet to find an argument for the separation of races that does not hinge on the idea of racial superiority. In essence, it would impossible to construct white nationalism if Europeans were not successful.

Europe for Europeans.

Not superiority, but separation.
Remember that we have three levels of identity: local, national, of civilization.
So a guy born in Genoa is a Ligurian, an Italian and an European. If he's from Barcellona he's a Catalan, a Spaniard/Hiberic and an European.
The local identity is the less important, nation much more, civilization fundamental.

I believe every nation should have the people of their nation. the rest can get da fuq out

Their is racial superiority, that's an unspoken fact of life.

Mainly western culture won't survive without white people, so to keep western civilization pure and true, white people must live on.

I'm no white nationalist, more of a realist in the sense that western civilization is on the brink of collapse because of how far we've let people go.

pretty much this

>"we are not even nationalist"

What do you think he means by that? And can you remember what video that was?

I believe that Africa should be for Africans.
Asia should be for Asians.
And Europe should be for Europeans.

I'm italian, and we are facing this migrant crisis the most, even if we had no terror attacks.

Yes, i believe in separation of races. Racial superiority exist, but it's not written in nature: it should be achieved via scientific, cultural or violent methods. And i think any race organized enough with a good cultural background can achieve.

I'm all for "White nation for white people" and i am working actively in my community to destroy that "white guilt" we have because we don't want to get raped.

All non-Irish need to GTFO

You're one of the few country's that hasn't been hit that hard in Europe.

Well, we can consider ourselves civilizationist.
We need to work together as europeans, like Sup Forums has flag from every white nation.
Now local identities are disappearing, nations are under siege, and our civilization is posing the seed of self-destruction. We declared war to the force destroying us, not between ourselves.

Fuck that. Nativism and only nativism.

They have been hit hard for centuries.

Initially GI was all about NWEs. Sucks some cucked out. I don't want any Non-Germanics in Germany under any sauce. It's the same dissolution of the German blood and nation like any other

Chaos is that you?

With just a few more Muslims we might be able to eradicate them.

I don't like italian identitarians.

I kind of identify with identitarian stuff. I'm not so much for racial /superiority/ as i am for racial /separation/.

I think everyone would be better off if we all kept to our own ethnic/cultural backgrounds, but shared/traded ideas/inventions/technology/etc. I believe every race has their own pros and cons that they bring to the table but physically we should be separated

I didn't say that Italians are entitled to substitute native Germans, only that we need to form a common movement and work together against the globalists.


You have the AFD (alliance for peace and freedom) for this.
Identitarianism doesn't have an ideology thus is incomplete.

Honestly won't work as long as we tolerate non-Germanics in our lands. There is a wog issue in Australia, Germany and even Nordic nations. How can we work together, if our goal is to deport your diasporas?

We are not a party. We influence parties from the outside.

Their language has been hit over time by the advancement of civilization. Blame the British for colonizing them, not non-European migrants.

our goal is to retake them

(I'm italian)
Because we have both CasaPound (if you're a soft pussy)
And Forza Nuova (if you're a tough guy)
Identitarian Generation will only divide further the nationalist scene.
Also identitarians do not adress the JQ and , here in france work with the JDL (jewish defense league)


I think it has a dual message. I think it would be close to what this person is describing
but it also sends a message that they are simply against the current wave of illegal immigration into Europe, and that their focus is simply one of civil duty.

It is brilliant, Martin Sneller is a very intelligent man I must admit. I'm just surprised by the stupidity of the left. They could have linked Lauren Southern to neo-Nazism due to Martin Sellner's past, but they simply are unaware of the connection that are easy to find.

And I'm not using neo-Nazi as an exaggeration here, it blows my mind how the left haven't used this to nail Lauren Southern as a white nationalist apologist.

That's the problem


Look at what's happening, Boldrini and Faino going full antifa , does GI made a statement ?
Damn even Salvini (which is too soft imo) said that those laws are anticonstitutional

I believe I have a right to be proud of my people,their background, and rich history. The European people are so unique and interesting in the history of mankind and the world. We have literally changed the destiny of mankind. What we have accomplished in the past 500 years brought humanity from the iron age to space faring. We would literally be considered gods if we went back in time 200 years. I'd like to be able to acknowledge this without being accused of racism. In fact fuck them that word no longer means anything. #proudtobewhite

Forzanuova is shit and casapound has the wrong methods, if anything GI will get more people to become conservatives and nationalists.

Europe for Europeans.
Islam a shit.
Everyone else needs to gtfo of Europe.
Other than that I don't care.

The left has been calling her "alt-right" even before she started hanging out with GI. So I don't know what else they could throw at her that would have any effect.

I notice that someone has scrubbed Sellner's neo-Nazi past from his Wikipedia page. It used to be there.

Lol no they'll jus call you nazis

>ForzaNuova is shit
Spotted the Antifa

Superiority isn't an issue.
The problem is that black people and muslims, who don't share a culture or even history with white people, think they can run our show. That they can decide what's best for us. What's good for us, and what's bad.
They believe they have been wronged by white people, but they won't go to black or islamic countries.
They sincerely believe that they can have all the glory and all the progress of white people without the actual white people having a say in it.

Now exchange black and muslim for Jewish, and it stops being Identitarian. Or at least, that's what they'll have you believe.
Funny, isn't it. That Jews have a homeland that's as wealthy and as technologically advanced as Western nations, but they refuse to go there.

Maybe they understand.
Jews were never the chosen people.
They abandoned that when they left the Garden of Eden and bit another one of the devil's apples.

Ma dai porcodio sono dei 50enni che fanno il saluto romano, ma dove vuoi andare con quella gente?

this basically

European ethnic states for pureblooded natives*

Pan-Europeansm is THE SUBVERSION. That's how USA went from 80% Anglo to 5%


I belive in european racial superiority
And yes, seperation of races, niggers, asians, indians, arabs, aborginials (these i call neanderthals, because they are clearly some sub neanderthal type or some shit that hasnt evolved since cavemen) are all different races
Bird have alot of species right? They are not "all equal", in phsyical features, behaviour, so does in humans.

You are right, but I think the term "alt-right" still has some mysticism around it for the people who write in leftist media, they are not entirely sure who to pin the term on. They have slowly realized that the alt-right is a euphemism for white nationalism, but they still use it in a broader sense, e.g describing "Kekistan" as an alt-right movement.

Are you the Finnish guy who "defends" Lauren Southern etc?


Germany for Germans.
France for the French.
Spain for the Spanish.
Italy for the Italians.
Poland for the Polish.
The Netherlands for the Dutch.
None of them for the (((Europeans))).

Brexit had a reason, Anglo. Try not to forget it.

Almeno capiscono cio che sta succedendo all'Italia.
La forma sarà pure sbagliata ma l'idea c'è.
E poi ci sono anche giovani nella sezione Lotta studentesca

We left to keep the shitskins everyone was letting in, why should we care about whites moving between white nations?

*keep the shitskins everyone was letting in out

Some believe in racial superiority, some don't but still want the races separated for a myriad of reasons.
Me personally, I believe in white superiority in terms of just the civilizations they build are superior in every measure.
The only other group that's even close are East Asians and they basically copycatted everything that whites have made.
Socially they're still pretty fucked though. I have two friends living in Japan and they make it sound like an insect colony beehive society where everyone is depressed.

Yes. But on topic, are you suggesting Sellner is going for some kind of pan-Europeanism? To me it seems like he is happily working with other Europeans now out of necessity to combat the outside hordes, but if that problem was solved he would go back to nationalism.

ma lo so e non lo metto in dubbio, son convinto che abbiano buone intenzioni ma il modo non è vincente, fare poiltica è come vendere un prodotto e forza nuova fa schifo nel marketing.

When I say nigger, OP, I mean all non-whites because at the end of the day they're all animals compared to white people.

Questo te lo concedo.
All'Italiano media fa pure paura.
Tanto, essendo apertamente fascisti non si va piu da nessuna parte.
La Meloni a quanto sta ?

So we both divide the nationalist scene and are a problem not being a party, it has sense.
We are against the use of old fascist symbols because the only thing they do is to scare people and lock ourselves in old disputes about Mussolini and if the train were in time, or about Holocaust in the case of Germany. We don't give a fuck about Holocaust, Danzig or building an Italian Empire, we are in 2017 and the problems are globalization, immigration and the destruction of our communities. Let's build a new right from scratch instead of raping the corpse of Mussolini
5% Meloni, 15% Salvini... we need to destroy 5cucks

sta a briciole. Dio ma ti rendi conto che salvini è quello piu di destra?
che disastro

I acknowledge race IQ differences and that we should stop accepting other races. But that's more based on them having lower productivity, higher crime rates and relying on welfare.

Why would we want a pan European anything? We saw how the European Union failed at it.

Exactly. Nativism and only nativism.

Salvini+Meloni fanno il 20% e stiamo iniziando a governare città ultracomuniste come GENOVA (se non ne capite la portata non siete italiani).
Comunque più risultati della maggior parte dei nostri vicini... forse l'Austria ci batterà in senso positivo con le politiche

We are fiercely against the EU.

literally I just see anything from the quran as an idea i want less of in my life. They could all drop the muhammed dick-sucking and come and I would be totally fine with that. Black brown or yellow you can be made into a productive member of society same as me.

>focuses only on problems
I think that's bullshit, and an engineered perception by leftists.

IE is a pan-European movement. They support an EU type structure. Nationalism is dead in Europe unless you're talking about the UK or Europe A Nation (which is very popular among youth)

Le Pen protectionism doesn't work. Europe a Nation is the solution, and the EU is the best way to create a National Socialist Europe.

It just seems some people in the Alt-Right want some Pan-European or Pan-Germanic Union.

certo che ne capisco l'importanza ma non mi fido della destra italiana, noi di GI proveremo a fare la differenza. Te lo prometto.

You divide the nationalist scene in Italy because you don't propose a complete alternative.
You speak about the great replacement but do not name who is behind

You fail to understand that what is happening was predicted by both Hitler and Mussolini
And that we are fighting the same ennemies as before.

Also GI has ties to jewish groups (LDJ/JDL)

lel ne faccio parte anche io, sezione veneta

Io lombardia, Sup Forums è un'ottima piattaforma per spargere il nostro messaggio

Most people do. Richard Spencer, Identity Europa, Identitarian. etc. all want a united ethnic European Empire similar to what Hitler was talking about post-1940.
Hitler Teaching What Is Europe

Americans don't understand that post Napoleonic nationalism has beaten the shit out of Europeans and hasn't served them whatsoever. Europe A Nation is the solution, and the EU needs a major ass reconstruction. Introducing racial laws and ditching fiat currency for starters. There also must be migration caps between the regions, at least for a generation or two.
Europe A Nation

How are they supposed to start ranting about Jews in countries with stringent hate speech laws, genius?

But why divide? You can be GI and vote Forza Nuova without problems. We do activism, and for activism you need a clean face.
Sbaglio o la sezione veneta è un po' in pausa? Non abbiamo fatto nulla ultimamente... ok che siamo tutti concentrati su Defend Europe but still

Not being a shabbo goy is a start

Io non conosco nessuno al di fuori della Lombardia, sicuramente dopo l'estate faremo qualcosa anche assieme essendo abbastanza vicini, specialmente per ius soli e porcate varie.

In France GI will tell you to fuck off if you have ties with the "bad" goys

I believe East-Asians and whites are equal, and in some areas East-Asians are even better than whites.
But I think that black people and arabs are inferior to the rest of the world. Just look at their countries.

jesus why wont u get it, we dont have anything against these so called bad goys but the moment you take those people in you give weapons to the media to attack us.. its a stategic decision. You have to be smart or you are gonna get fucked and becoe irrelevant like FN

Sod off anglo scum

I don't blame them for carefully crafting their message.

The NSDAP didn't start national campaigns of antisemitism until 1930. They took the first actions against the kikes (N laws) 18 months after coming to power. I would argue one of the greatest successes of the NSDAP was that they drew out attacks from the kikes and then counterattacked 100 times harder. Everything could then be justified even in the eyes of cowards or shabbos.

Attack a kike and the inbreds swarm you. Counter a kike and they got bogged down by squabbling with each other.

I think every race believes in the superiority of their race, and some of these things are quantifiable.

ie. Asians having higher IQ or lower crime rates than whites. Blacks having more exceptional athletic talent (is this true?) yet less intelligence.

I think it can be separated out, and any healthy nationalist or identitarian understands they just want the best for their people. If a member of another race wants the best for their people, that's respectable and fine. They promote races living unequal but in harmony vs equal and in chaos/mixing.

What is so wrong about Fascism? Most identitarian's and white nationalists are also fascists, it goes hand in hand. I really don't think they are trying to "hide" it...maybe in Europe, but here in the US its hand in hand.

France has the Bloc and an infinite list of different kind of rights, it's a bit different probably... still you can't be a GI activist and dress as an SS
The Turin section is 1488 but well hidden
Yes, but japanese stays in Japan and we stay in Europe
I tolerate chinese because they are far better than muslims, but fuck them too, they have a totally different work ethic and I don't want their mafia

Are you part of an Identitarian group, or are you just giving your personal opinion? I'm just asking, because I have some other questions for Identitarians.

What's the identitarians' opinions over the problems of white people outisde Europe (which are very similar)?

Well I think it would be fair to say that most people who are into racialist organizations like Identity Evropa are for a sort of pan-European identity in an international perspective but also nationalist in the standard definition of the word. I'm not sure if these two "identities" can survive in a long-term, but this relates more to my own theory on how multiple identities tends to gravitate one way or the other.

Americans like Richard Spencer suffer from this. During his speech at Richmond for example he proclaimed how "you" (as in the white people of America) are the descents of the Roman Empire. Some Italian who believes the Roman culture is part of his national identity probably would have a problem with someone of Anglo-Saxon ancestry proclaiming that everyone who is white are the descendants of Roman rulers. And rightly so as it destroys the concept of national identity.
This is an American thing however.

For Europeans I suspect the pan-European idea will be more accepted in countries that have an interest to elevate their own status as part of a "greater" story, while nations with strong national identities not based on reactionary movements will gravitate towards nationalism proper.

I see what you mean.
No retarded skinheads and
Look sharp so it isn't another NordFront tier fail.

>still you can't be a GI activist and dress as an SS.
To be fair they probably don't allow anyone to RP as a Napoleonite either.

I understand why people that have just discovered the JQ want that to be the only topic, because it's really the only topic that matters, but just because you see your enemy on the hill doesn't mean you death charge him. You force a few off the sides and wear them down, once the rout is guaranteed you do what Europeans do best.

I agree, I think there's three ways of creating a NS nation in Europe actually:
1- Use the EU, might be quite hard to do unless some genius rises up and pulls some political tricks.
2- Start low by declaring a tiny indenpendant state somewhere, and gaining territories diplomatically (by using independentists groups) or by force.
3- Start low by creating Europe-wide groups that eventually become de-facto nations. I believe that this is what GI is trying to do.

The funny thing is that skinhead now are antifas, our local antifa violent cell is full of bald guys that dress black
We attack Soros but he's mainstream, even jews hate him
He really looks like a villain from a Bond movie

3: Visengrad, Alpe-Adria, Intermarium.
Old right wing parties are already building based smaller EUs.

I still believe Mosley was right. That there will be a mass awakening of European identity and it will 'come in a great wave' .. I believe GI is working hard for this mass awakening of identity and that's why I support them. I'll shill this old speech one more time so other people watch it.