>Heath Ledger was murdered according to Lindsay Lohan, who says the “Hollywood bad boy” became a problem for “the pedophiles at the top of the Hollywood pyramid” after his performance as the Joker in The Dark Knight propelled him towards superstar status.
>“They couldn’t trust him anymore. They knew he had a big mouth and big balls. He liked to rock the boat,” Lohan said.
>“He knew a lot of industry secrets and he wasn’t afraid of speaking out.”
>It wasn’t a suicide. It wasn’t an accidental overdose. Everybody in the industry knows the truth. He was taken out. He was an example to the rest of us to stay in line.
All the bad boys have moved to the alt media, over here Nazi jokes make you only about average edgy.
Oliver Anderson
Lindsay Lohan is always right.
Liam Phillips
>checked this bitch was pedo'd makes perfect sense
Ethan Brown
>only 1 source and its shit
Charles Powell
How else did she go completely off the rails Now you mention it Fuck, it must be... >"He was an example to the rest of us to stay in line" When did movies start turning into unequivocal piles of shit? Was that before or after The Dark Knight?
Camden Thompson
It's probably true. There's a reason everyone in hollywood is so emtionally messed up. They ar either (1) molested as kids, or (2) messed up with shitty families, or (3) abused in rituals and shit.
I used to live near Hollywood. Definitely a fucked up place.
Samuel Green
He took Jake Gyllenhaal's dick up his ass during a Brokeback Mountain sex scene and probably sucked Ang Lee's cock. May have had a sexual relationship with JG to get in character.
The experience fucked him up and his sexuality. He ended up overdosing on drugs he got hooked into while having gay sex with Ange Lee and Jake Gyllenhaal.
You can tell he was the "receiver" in the gay relationship.
Carter Cook
>2008 a lot happened that year
Jordan Ross
>Lindsay Lohan says... >shittiest source possible
Who gives a shit what this washed up whore who blew out her brains with drugs has to say. Earlier this year she thought Erdogan was hot hit.