How the fuck does anyone have an opinion on anything these days?

Everything seems to be getting more and more complicated. Every time I think I've come to a solid and reasonable decision on something, whether it be brexit, climate change or religion etc, some supposed "expert" will present some compelling point of view which will make me change my mind. Then shortly after that, someone else will present an even more compelling argument which makes me question everything again.

I don't have time to devote my life studying all this shit, and I know I will never have all the answers. But at the same time, sometimes I just want to make my fucking mind up about something. How does Sup Forums make their mind up on things like this (assuming you're not some kind of scholar)? At the end of the day is it just some gut feeling that has to override logic?

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I don't have an opinion on anything I just play with myself and get high

Look inwards young one. Only there will you know the answer

pretty much the response i expected

being able to admit you're wrong and change your mind is a good thing

triabalistic white supremacy is correct btw

the best praxis is never to trust the Jew or his minions

applying this you will know truth

but how does everyone already have such concrete views on immigration and climate change? assuming most people aren't sociologists or data scientists, how can they have opinions on such complex topics


because to so many people politics have replaced religion