
Redpill me on Jesus.

Was he real?

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He was real, and yes, he was black.

Shill detected.

of course, he was joseph's wife's son, spent 13-30 in india with buddhist monks and came back to his homeland and was killed by the kikes

Werent the Romans based?

He was real. He was a Jew who realized the meta of what being a Jew, and by proxy the Old Testament, was all about.

Unlike others who are then content to feel superior in deciphering these important stories, he realized he could come up with a way to evolve it into something greater, something even more fundamental to humanity's story. A way to help the smart and the dumb find personal salvation, and by proxy their nation.

The best redpill I can give you about Jesus is that if you believe he was the Son of God, he in ever way acted like the Son of God and was worthy of the distinction. If you don't, he still brought a system of beliefs, ethics and rituals that make you a better person. You win either way with Jesus.

More likely he lived among the Essenes. Says Josephus:

>They neglect wedlock, but choose out other persons children, while they are pliable, and fit for learning, and esteem them to be of their kindred, and form them according to their own manners.

Preach it, brother.





Dude does my yard work on the regular. Course he's real.

Be a Catholic

Yeah, but he wasn't a beta wimp like the Christians believe, he was an alpha male who was not crucified.




>believing in santa claus and the tooth fairy
why Sup Forums?

Christianity was made up by cool guys who had fetish to torture people, so they had this made up plan with Jesus, Bible and other shit.
And also try At least, give some input next time you make a thread:
>Wxamples of off-topic and/or Sup Forums-tier threads:
>Red pill me on X. (with no extra content or input of your own)

no. josephus and pliny the elder never wrote about him when he was supposedly taking the middle east by storm. retconned roman lie to split and placate the jews.


Yes. Whether or not he was God is up to your faith, but he definitely existed.

Yes, and he was also a muslim

They were
Christianity is a jewish myth made to infiltrate western society

Prove it

Prove George Washington existed

John Martin Allegro, a catholic priest who was one of the first to study the dead sea scrolls, claims that "jesus christ" was a actually a code for shrooms used by the Essenes, a jewish cult that was heavily influences by gnostic beliefs. They used psychedelics to become "christ-like" and in this state they understood that they were all children of god.
Very interesting stuff and it actually makes way more sense to me.

How is that an argument?

Here's my follow-up redpill on Jesus: don't look to fucking Sup Forums for knowledge on something that could legitimately change your life.

All you're going to get it "fuck off retard prove the tooth fairy is real" and either "prove he ISN'T real!" or a lengthy debate between two non-professionals citing whatever they can find on the internet. Spoilers, the debate is a debate because there is no definitive proof one way or another.

I believe He's real and He acts appropriately in my life. Others disavow him as nonsense and He acts appropriately in their life as a result as well. Go read the Bible and come up with your own conclusion, you are lucky to be in an age where you can do that freely.

Why would a poor man, who was only renown was among the likewise poor be talked about by someone like pliny the elder? He was more invested in antiquity and formulating a coherent and complete set of knowledge, not on what would have been assuredly perceived as simply another prophesying man.

How many poor people are remembered throughout history? You can claim that because of the works and miracles which he performed would grant him great acclaim and fame among everyone, but this isn't the case in Jesus' life story. Faith is what he preached more than anything else.


He was the first anti-globalist.

seems pretty effective to me.

Nice post. I wish I could find some really good books on theology, but I find it hard to get anything that I'm really looking for. I'm probably kind of an oddity though, considering I believe strongly in Buddhism as well as Christianity, as Buddhism is what proved to me that Christianity is legitimate and that Jesus Christ could actually be the messiah, of course I didn't make this decision until I read the Bible.

I'm just asking you a question, not trying to prove Jesus's existence.

Yes Jesus is real

>And without doubt great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory.
(1 Timothy 3:16)

? Christ literally means "the anointed one" just as it did back then.

can you site the material where you are getting this from?

They have a shrine that holds his baby teeth in Jerusalem called Church of the Holy Sepulchre. I think it might have his foreskin too. Actual body parts from Jesus from before he died. Additionally, the Roman Historian Tacitus described his Execution by Pontius Pilate.

Again, I'm not say Jesus was God, but there was definitely a Jewish guy named Jesus who claimed to be God who lived in Judea and was executed by Crucifixtion.

Wikipedia is a decent place to start for this. I like to go to the bottom and read their sources after the actual article, personally, it gives you a bit more context.

Bible says racemixing is wrong pt 1
Tobit 4:12-13
>Beware of all whoredom, my son, and chiefly take a wife of the seed of thy fathers, and take not a strange woman to wife, which is not of thy father's tribe: for we are the children of the prophets, Noe, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob: remember, my son, that our fathers from the beginning, even that they all married wives of their own kindred, and were blessed in their children, and their seed shall inherit the land. Now therefore, my son, love thy brethren, and despise not in thy heart thy brethren, the sons and daughters of thy people, in not taking a wife of them.

Ezra 10
>And Ezra the priest stood up, and said unto them, Ye have transgressed, and have taken strange wives, to increase the trespass of Israel. Now therefore make confession unto the Lord God of your fathers, and do his pleasure: and separate yourselves from the people of the land, and from the strange wives. Then all the congregation answered and said with a loud voice, As thou hast said, so must we do.

Nehemiah 13
>In those days also saw I Jews that had married wives of Ashdod, of Ammon, and of Moab:And their children spake half in the speech of Ashdod, and could not speak in the Jews' language, but according to the language of each people.And I contended with them, and cursed them, and smote certain of them, and plucked off their hair, and made them swear by God, saying, Ye shall not give your daughters unto their sons, nor take their daughters unto your sons, or for yourselves. Did not Solomon king of Israel sin by these things? yet among many nations was there no king like him, who was beloved of his God, and God made him king over all Israel: nevertheless even him did outlandish women cause to sin. Shall we then hearken unto you to do all this great evil, to transgress against our God in marrying strange wives?

Pliny the elder didn't write about Jesus (he also doesn't write much about religion period), but Pliny the younger, his nephew (and adopted son), exchanged letters with Trajan on how as a provincial governor to deal with Christians. Christians had been a problem in Rome; Nero's henchman Tigellinus had some burned alive in AD 64, supposedly in response to the fire in Rome (for which Nero tried to blame them).

Not as much of an oddity as you might think, I live within 5 minutes of one of the largest Buddhist temples in the U.S. and grew up seeing quite a few of my friends get really into it. I never did, but I went to the temple to peruse their library sometimes, and talked to some of the monks occasionally.

If you can't find a good book for it (sadly I'm not very well read on this subject) I'd recommend stopping by some churches or temples. At least when I went the monks seemed pretty eager to answer my questions. And if that isn't enough, maybe head to your local seminary? They usually have exceptional libraries.

2 Peter 2

>Whereas angels, which are greater in power and might, bring not railing accusation against them before the Lord.But these, as natural brute beasts, made to be taken and destroyed, speak evil of the things that they understand not; and shall utterly perish in their own corruption; And shall receive the reward of unrighteousness, as they that count it pleasure to riot in the day time. Spots they are and blemishes, sporting themselves with their own deceivings while they feast with you;Having eyes full of adultery, and that cannot cease from sin; beguiling unstable souls: an heart they have exercised with covetous practices; cursed children:Which have forsaken the right way, and are gone astray, following the way of Balaam the son of Bosor, who loved the wages of unrighteousness;But was rebuked for his iniquity: the dumb ass speaking with man's voice forbad the madness of the prophet.
>Give not what is holy to dogs
>neither cast ye your pearls before swine
>or they will trample them under their feet
>and turn about and rend you into pieces
Matthew 7:7

Hi Shlomo.

To a bumbling retard maybe

Theres portaits of the man, writings by the man, multiple accounts from various people at the time mention him
Answering a question with a question is a big red flag that you dont have an argument

Now give me an example of Jesus existing other than religious text i'll wait

How do you know those are jesus's teeth or foreskin?

The Holy Prepuce (foreskin) used to get some veneration back when the Church still celebrated the feast of the Circumcision (January 1), but this came under fire in the late 19th century when the Church realized how many Holy Prepuces were floating around Europe. They have all since disappeared, and the Feast of the Circumcision has been removed from the liturgical calendar as embarrassing, but you can still find old Latin orations about it from the 16th-18th centuries. Catholics are the biggest fucking revisionists.


You're cute, wanna marry? I can convert you to islam

Yup. Pic related.

Is theres an archive of the thread?

Answering a question with a question is called the Socratic method.

Anyways, we have portraits of Jesus and multiple authors that write about him and his sayings. Seems like Jesus fits your criteria for historicity.

Christians killed, tortured and destroyed everything that was related to the true EUROPEAN spirituality, paganism, which itself was very much connected to culture and European BLOOD and dictated life for Europeans in such a strong way that pretty much all of the high festivals of TODAY are STILL mainly if not only PAGAN, the only Christian change being the name and some lies.

Now Cuckstianity wants to destroy European blood itself. With shit like "Love your neighbor", "we are all the same, we're brothers, God is our father", "do good without looking at who", etc. An universal religion that came from the desert. NOT EUROPEAN.

And if it didn't destroy it's way through it would never have as many adepts. Still a dying religion by the way. Europeans are waking up to their true roots since now they're not tortured and killed by christians when doing so anymore.

The little childlike story of a being in the sky which power and said "benevolence" are so non present that creates such huge hypocrisy.

“Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent.
Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent.
Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil?
Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?”

― Epicurus

2.000 years of Cuckstianity.
5.000+ of EUROPEAN Paganism.

European concept of HONOR
Comes from PAGANISM.

Yet some people think it's Christianity that came up from that, and without Christianity there's nothing but evil. Such immature and irrational idea is hardly grasped by the free thinking man.

If you're European embrace your own roots, not a desert cult. Christianity is an Abrahamic religion, grouped together with Jews and Muslims becase their religion is pretty much the same. Again, not European.

Contrary to popular belief there are places you can learn about European Paganism. To start with:

How do you anything is what someone says it is? How do you know your mom is your biological mother and not just some lady who raised you? How do you know the world wasn't created five minutes before you were born and all this "History" stuff is made up and implanted in our minds? How do you know stars are giant burning balls of gas and not tiny bugs trapped in the sky? How do you know the moon is made of rocks and not cheese? How do you know germs are real and not an illusion?

Eventually you just have to fucking roll with it since it's generally accepted by scientists and historians. You can be as skeptical as you want but you're only setting yourself up for an existential crisis when you wonder whether or not you're real since there's no real proof that you're real and not just someone else's dream.

Same thing applies to Jesus. There's no real way to absolutely prove beyond a shadow of a doubt he was real because no one alive today was around when his baby teeth fell out to prove they were once in his skull. But then, you'd just want proof he isn't lying or something. You can believe Jesus was a myth if you want, but there's no real way to prove anything at all isn't a myth. So you either roll with it or you don't.


Varg's entire playlist on youtube "ThuleanPerspective" on "European Polytheism & Tradition". Is a pretty good place to start learnig about Paganism.

Of course you also have the Poetic Edda.
Dr. Jackson Crawford has made the English translation of it and has some very good videos on the topic as well.

ok. I don't believe it. Happy? Something tells me you won't be.

pol is a Christian board

LOL no
Fuck off Summerfag


Socrates was also a fucking dickhead

No he wasn't faggot.

He was a kike,

his real name was Jesus Shekelberg. The Christfags changed it.

Yes and he loves you.

>Here, let me post a screenshot I made that has 400 lines of text
tldr, Jesus is a cuck

And no thats not the same thing at all and you know it
Show me historical sources that mention jesus as a real historical figure from that period



No, that's not Asatru. Nor describes the ancient European Traditions and culture. That's the Occult/Wicca/etc...

Learn some real culture please, your indoctrinated little christian brain might not be used to it, but it's good.

No, I actually am. Very happy, in fact. I love it when people actually make a decision and have a belief instead of going all "Maybe, but let's go find more data first". Fuck data and fuck logic. Things are better when people just make a choice and go with it, even if it's wrong.

Now this is full on retardation
Not even worth arguing with Christjews
Hitler was right about it being poison to the mind

Citation needed

You did it again, cuck.
Nobody reads your screenshots, sweetie.
tldr Jesus is a cuck.



He was real. Just not named Jesus. His real name will be around the name 'Ise' or "Iesu" DESU. The anglicized name is just a transliteration. Take the more Semitic sounding names more seriously.

>throwing the baby out with the bathwater

Yes, let's talk about degeneracy...

He was. He was black. We wuz kangz and prah-fits and sheeeit

Fuck off nigger


>Was he real?
If you mean did a man called Jesus live then yes he did, there's no doubt about that. Did the jews fuck him over? Yes.

Was he the result of a virgin birth with angels hanging around and rising from the dead? I doubt it.

Actually Jesus real Hebrew name is Yahshua, the Iesu comes from the greek translation of his name, Jesus was not Greek he was born among the Hebrews




Kill yourself

Anointing oil is cannabis

it cures cancer

Keneh bosem is cannabis, cannabis oil will cures cancer




Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Peter, James, and Paul were eyewitnesses or associates thereof

Yes, he is real and he is the Lord.


Yes he was real. But it is up to you to decide if he was the son of god or not.

>only one pope

I'm not sure, I can't find one if there is one.
I just saved the pic from somewhere.
The posts are from 8ch/Christian/ is you want to ask them.
They're very informative.

>That pony mug

Sill, the present pope.

Tells a lot about Christianity of TODAY, not 800 years ago.

Amen on that one. I'm a Christian, believe he was the son of God, however, don't believe in the Trinity.

Jesus was a Muslim.


That's right my nigga, pbuh