Why are black people always purposefully getting in your way while at the gym?

They never rerack weights or wipe down machines. Shit kills me. Pol/ wat is your theory?

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The North American Pavement Ape are an ignorant race of people. They have no problem blaring their shitty music on the subway or yucking it up or monkey cackling in a theater.

Just yesterday I heard one talking really loud in a book store of all places. They have no consideration for anyone else or their surroundings

Do all boards lead to Sup Forums?
Is that it /fit/?

i never have that problem because i'm not a tiny little insecure racist bitch like OP is, so idk what the hell you're whining about, cletus.

maybe stick to huffing gas and playing with the trailer park fuck pig instead of pretending that you're hot shit because you show up at a 'gym' and fuck around on your little wuss machine before you struggle to move 25 pound dumbbells, you obvious product of meth fueled incest.

I've honestly had the opposite experience. the black people that go to my gym go to get shit done and leave. the problem I have is the faggots who work out in pairs while not breaking a sweat and watch each other lift and never get off the fucking station i wanna use for 45 minutes.

Absence of empathy is a defining trait of wild animals

50% of Sup Forums is Sup Forums. 80% of Sup Forums is Sup Forums.

>imagine being this mad
you sound like a bitch

found the nigger

Never attribute to malice what you can attribute to stupidity.

Average nigger IQ is 85.

serious projection from the inbred gas huffer detected.

>1 post by this ID

yawn. this is to be expected from the cuck pinwheel loving idiot, however.


collageretailwagecuck here

Nogs are always on their fucking cellphone with earbuds in.

Legit pisses me off when they come up to check out and act all rude and shit with their baboon ass face.

Jfc never mind, don't compare these creatures to monkeys. Monkeys are wonderful.

Because white girls hydrate themselves by licking black sweat off the seats and equipment, whiteboi

People should really wipe down the gym equipment when they're done.

>jungle gym

Stop lifting outside.


Brilliant comment. Witty yet gets right to the point. Congratulations. With your intellect you will go far in life. Everyone thinks you are funny.

niggers go to a gym, whites go to a club

you just perfectly described actual pairs of people I have seen with my own two eyes at the gym

Ey but u still replied tho bitch hahahaha

>Ey but u still replied tho bitch hahahaha
Ey but u still replied tho bitch hahahaha


Why pay to go to a gym when you can pick up a physical hobby and learn a skill while you get fit

you sure are, kid. your little twitter hashtag shit is both useless and very telling about how new you are here as well.

How was your day

I believe OP is a correctional officer.

its what happens when you grow up without a father to teach you respect

>triggered this nigger

Poor fella... It's just words user, try not to let them get to ya

>too stupid to refute anything
>calls someone a nigger to gain e-cred from his internet chums

all is in order here.

>Has no argument

“Existential envy which is directed against the other person’s very nature, is the strongest source of ressentiment. It is as if it whispers continually: “I can forgive everything, but not that you are— that you are what you are—that I am not what you are—indeed that I am not you.”

This form of envy strips the opponent of his very existence, for this existence as such is felt to be a “pressure,” a “reproach,” and an unbearable humiliation.

- Max Scheler


Because they have no capacity for empathetic thought or thought at all for that matter.

>1 post by this ID

of course it's from a barely coherent, sheep fucking mongrel. just lol.

doesn't seem like you're happy on the outside...

Fucking losers that want to stab the Disney bunnies to death and torch the birds. I can understand the joke of it when you're having a bad day but the joke has a nano second of a life span.

I have sympathy for niggers because imagine being constantly accidently reminded by whites that you have no history to speak of, you were content to be slaves, and you have zero to show for your freedom.

>STILL desperately vying for attention from his superior

my gym membership costs $45 a month so I don't run into this problem