Well, well, well,...................../pol always denied the Russians were in bed with the Trump campaign.
Now Trump jr. himself admitted colluding with the Russians to defeat Hillary Clinton.
/pol will defend this
Treason and the Trump campaign
Other urls found in this thread:
>collusion isn't a crime!
>it's not solicitation if she started it!
>oppo research doesn't have monetary value!
Hahaha I'm playing with myself right now
I'm not defending shit, Don Jr is a fucking retard. The Trumps cant blame the news now because donny just admitted they were colluding with an obvious russian agent to try to get the magnitsky act repealed because it's named after a reporter who outed putin's corrupt bullshit and got murdered for it
Wait. Wasn't the information the Russian lawyer was offering to the Trump camp info about how Cli ton was involved with Russians?
Why is no one talking ahout that?!
this is a nothingburger and distraction.
- left is buttmad that Trump is getting border wall money
- left is buttmad that Trump had a successful G20 meeting.
- left is buttman that Poland was nice to Trump
The MSM is literally pulling a thread that's detached from everything.
- look at context of meeting
- look at content of e-mails
- look at what was offered
Russian shyster offers Trump Jr evidence that Hilllary is committing treason but is really lying to get her food in the door... looking for something else.
- shyster ends up being Obama Russian contact
- shyster has relationship with US ambassador to Russia
because it doesn't fit narrative.
Trump Jr cucked the NYT and they are discombobulated.
Russian lawyer lied to get her foot in the door and a meeting.
Trump Jr preempted the media by releasing the emails himself, and the media is ecstatic that he made it so easy
You forgot to call them drumpf and drumpf jr, and you forgot to call us drumpfkins. Shameful fucking display see me after class.
You realize the whole thing was think russians hacked the ELECTION right?
This didn't happen, and what trump jr did wasn't illegal you giga nigger.
You are correct, sir. Also, she doesn't work for the Russian government nor was anything obtained. If your opponent is rigging shit, is it illegal to learn that from a foreigner? But hey, it wasn't apparently illegal when the Ukrainian government gave Hilldawg's campaign opposition research.
The White House and its supporters are turning to a frequent boogeyman to defend Donald Trump Jr.'s meeting
what a time to be alive
>businessinsider com/donald-trump-jr-emails-hillary-clinton-ukraine-2017-7
It has "Trump" and "Russia" in the same sentence and that's all leftist dumbfucks wanted to hear.
Your not getting paid enough sage
>You realize the whole thing was think russians hacked the ELECTION right?
The MSM never even claimed that, they've always said that actual votes were not affected, but that Russian hackers hacked Podesta/DNC and released the info to third parties, which is a very different thing than hacking an election.
That's why it's so exasperating to argue with people like you. You combine stuff you've read that's half-true, with non-truths you half-remember, with shit you make up on the spot. It's pretty much impossible, you're like dogs, blindly loyal.
You're literally more loyal to Trump Jr than his own father is. Trump has done nothing but say he didn't know about the meeting.
Drumpf is done hes going to be impeached for being a racist anti-muslim anti semite bankruptcy lawyer rapist.
we all knew this is how it had to go. Trump was obviously up to his neck in Russian bullshit, it was only a matter of time before he and his inbred offspring cracked under the pressure.
maybe when these faggots are out of office we can do what we should have been doing and start pushing the Russians back into the post USSR shithole they made for themselves.
Who was Seth Rich?
Trump's son talked (gasp) with a Russian woman! (faints) Now democrats are pretending like that's some kind of crime. They act like Russia was behind 9/11.
If it was a strike against the democRATs it cannot be treason by definition, since democRATs and liberals are the biggest enemy to America. I would gladly do the biddings of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi if he was fighting the democraps.
>flagrantly lying on Sup Forums hoping no one notices
You're on the wrong site if you think we didn't all see MSM intentionally use the term "election hacking" an incalculable amount of times on air, on twitter, and in headlines.
You'll have much better luck hoodwinking people on shariareddit, so just go back.
I do know that some people have at times said "election hacking" as shorthand for "hacking Democratic material and selectively releasing it to help Trump".
But you've already forgotten the beginning of this discussion. That's another exasperating trait you guys have - you can't hold more than one post in your memory so long chains of argument always break down.
The original poster said, essentially, "Trump Jr wasn't meeting about Russian hacking ergo this is all fake news".
And I pointed out how ridiculous that was. He was meeting with an ostensible agent of a foreign power to get bad information on HRC. It's open and shut and your arguments are circles. You just keep moving the goal posts around and throwing in red herrings.
Trump Jr. himself said it was bullshit and there was nothing there. Or else he would have used it.
Except the "agent of a foreign power" was essentially a DNC subcontractor and not tied to to the Russian government. No laws were broken and no information was even exchanged.
>Except the "agent of a foreign power" was essentially a DNC subcontractor
The email ITSELF represented her as an agent of a foreign power and Trump Jr was happy to meet with her under those auspices.
>no information was even exchanged
1.) Trump has every reason to lie in this scenario and has been changing (or "expanding" if you want to be charitable) his story for 3 days
2.) Even if no meaningful information was exchanged, Trump Jr knowingly tried to get help on the campaign from a foreign national, and that's a crime.
It's almost like the Democrats want their leaders exposed. Do they think no one knows the shit they (Obama,Clinton, etc) have done? Shit's gonna come out about them and it's going to be the fucking mother load.
It is pretty entertaining to watch all the damage control these sheep are attempting.
>but muh fake news.
Russia: Hey we have dirt on Hillary, you want to hear about it?
Trump Jr: Uhh sure why not.
Russia: Look see shes dirty.
Trump Jr: Yeah we knew that. Sorry Dad they had shit all.
Yes, one side did collude with a foreign government last election...
>Trump Jr knowingly tried to get help on the campaign from a foreign national, and that's a crime.
Not according to lawyers
> "The law prohibits foreign nationals from providing 'anything of value ... in connection with' an election," Bob Bauer, a former White House counsel under President Barack Obama, wrote on the Just Security website. The hacking of Clinton campaign manager John Podesta's emails, "which were then transmitted to WikiLeaks for posting, clearly had value, and its connection to the election is not disputed," Bauer wrote.
>But as a legal matter, "that's stretching it," said Craig Donsanto, who spent more than 40 years working on election-law cases at the Justice Department before he retired. "Where is the contribution?"
>Another national security law expert agreed but asked not to be named in order to speak candidly.
>Providing secrets to a foreign government is espionage, and representing one for money without registering might violate the Foreign Agents Registration Act, he said. But accepting information from a foreign government that might be helpful to your campaign is not illegal, he added.
Or was Hillary Clinton breaking the law too when she had that former MI6 guy "investigate" and draw up the pissgate dossier?
Wasn't the dirt that Hillary was fooling around with Russia?
> Trump Jr. did, however, have full reason to suspect Clinton had operated nefariously in her dealings with Russia. Bill Clinton had given a $500,000 speech in Russia. Clinton had given her approval in handing one-fifth of U.S. uranium to Russia, after which her foundation received $2.35 million from the Russian-controlled company. Suspiciously, Clinton did not disclose the transaction.
> Likewise, Clinton campaign chief John Podesta sat on the board of a company that received $35 million from the Russian government alongside fellow board members Anatoly Chubais, a senior Russian official, and Ruben Vardanyan, an oligarch.
> Given this context, why wouldn’t Trump Jr. be open to taking a meeting that offered evidence of incriminating Clinton dealings with Russia, particularly when most of the media refused to look into Clinton’s question-raising actions?
>It was the MSM
>Trump JR posts it on his twitter
>Don Jr is a fucking retard
takes off the father
I love this timeline
Need to be at war for treason
half of that is nonsense
>The MSM never even claimed that...
And there goes your argument!
All of it is true and easily verifiable. Cry you bitch. Cry.
why would i be crying? I'm not American I don't give a fuck about who won the election. Part of me actually wants Trump to last a full 8 years because he's doing so much damage to your cancerous country and I'll be watching your civil war live streamed will eating popcorn. I might even get to watch you drone striked. USA is finished
Kinda funny that no one is seeing this for what it really is: another piece of bait for msm to faceplant into a wall. Because they are willingly ignoring (or don't seem to realize) the fact that the Russians were allegedly offering: evidence of treason by Hillary.
Here's what's gonna happen: Trump will let msm spin this thing into a sensationalist impeachment frenzy. And then blitz social media with how msm is deliberately ignoring this fact. Trump Jr reveals more emails about reaching out to the FBI about potential treason information on Hillary from the Russians and deciding to play secret agent on his own to get more info. Legally, he'll be in the clear, Dems in the senate intelligence committee will grumble about breaking protocol and how dumb he was to try this himself. To the rest of us, he's seen as a true American patriot rooting out foreign collusion, and msm falls on its face yet again, Trump flashes his winning smile during his next weekly address and maybe devotes 1-2 minutes on this non-issue.
Cause Clinton isn't the president
Treason is only applicable if the crime aids a declared enemy.
That means "war or special circumstance" for those of you without Google, or as we call it "not Russia."
Yer a shit roasting cunt
Common CNN...
Reach a little deeper and I'm sure you'll find something good!
Stolen seat 100%
Not a good thing
Not a good thing
Really not a good thing
Unspecific and hasn't actually happened yet, also not a good thing
Trivial "accomplishment"
Terrible thing
Almost a good thing, congratulations
Has hardly "worked with" anyone considering there's a firm Republican majority in congress
Trivial "accomplishment" that every president does
Not an accomplishment, more "I hate anything associated with the word Obama"
Not an "accomplishment"
All four of which were in deeply red districts that were won handily by the right less than 8 months ago
Not a good thing
Not a good thing
Not a good thing
Unspecific and not a good thing
Really not a good thing
Really not a good thing
Allows for abuse of power and targeting minorities, but please explain how that's good for a diverse society
Trump isn't going to win a war against the states but nice try
Not a good thing
Will take billions upon billions to build, plus years of construction time and will be torn down in 2021 when Hillary/Bernie/Warren/Booker/Castro/etc. take power, also funny coming from a president who preaches about limited government spending
what part don't (You) get
This is obviously very high level and sensitive information but is part of Russia and its government’s support for Mr.Trump.
Trump Jr.:
If it’s what you say, I love it.
nailed it
i keep jerking off to all the pathetic Trumpers that voted for this jew president to uh..."drain the swamp" haha. who would have thought that a sleazy NY rich guy would be filthier than the slime in D.C.??
Do you realize your delusions and fevered dreams are not admissible as evidence in a court of law?
Not a reply. Opinion discarded.
Unconstitutional and awful
Not a good thing
Virtue signal, Trump doesn't give a rat's ass about hoodrats
More guns = not how you solve gun problems
A good thing, congratulations
Not a good thing
Really not a good thing
Reducing debt is nice but not cutting social programs, that'll come to bite you in future elections
Hilariously hypocritical considering Trump is blowing billions on a useless border wall
While royally fucking the poor and the environment, thanks dumbass
New coal jobs are unsustainable and again fucking the environment for corporate income
Trickle down is the biggest fraud of the 20th and 21st centuries
Not a good thing
...In anticipation of tax cuts
Really fucking bad thing considering that it's not that easy to just "go get a job" and live off the minimum wage it provides, but the right isn't terribly knowledgeable in how that works
Again, coal jobs aren't sustainable or even important in the era of clean energy, they'll be out of jobs by 2020
Read above
Tax cuts for the wealthy aren't helping the 99%
Like blowing Putin's schlong? That's "strengthening relations"?
Second good thing on this list
Cease fires are ceremonial, bureaucratic bullshit
Hasn't done jack shit about either, save for bombing desert villages in Afghanistan and thinking to himself "I'm helping"
Really not a good thing
Discrimination in the name of religious freedom isn't a good thing
Third good thing
The only thing to come for you and your corrupt posse is impeachment
How exactly is that reply not a reply?
>this is a nothingburger and distraction.
Just like Trump's entire Presidency to so far.
It will say "Nothingburger" on the tombstone of this administration.
GROMPF btfo. Really scooped my raisins.
"Not a good thing"
It's almost as if you haven't bothered even looking into whats happening. She does not work for the russian government.. it must hurt being as retarded as you are
That's not an argument either.
"Let me post this funny image macro, that'll show him!"
Actually if you weren't a dumb fuck-wit, you'd know the "whole thing" was about collusion between the Trump Campaign and Russia's involvement in trying to sway the election for Trump.
That's what Mueller is investigating, not hacking. It's already established fact that Russia was behind the DNC and Podesta hacks.
Also, Trump Jr. might have violated campaign law by even entertaining the idea of using a foreign agent to get oppo.
The thing is that the Trump Campaign and the Trump's have bent over backwards making claims there was no contact with the campaign and Russia. They were lying.
You should get out of the sun mqte, its making your brain softer than usual.
Approval ratings are like 2% in Canada. Impeachment when?
Trump voter here. Yea... I fucked up. Should have been listening to all my smart liberal friends. Turns out it wasnt a nothingburger afterall lol...
oh well. live and learn. donald couldnt get shit done anway, impeach him and lets see how pence does
Have you even read what was in those "hacked" emails? Hillary didn't lose because the emails were leaked, it was what was inside the emails.
Funny how the shilling waves are timed with the planned MSM attacks against Trump.
This shit stinks of an attempted sting operation by the neolibs/neocons.
A foreign power, Saudi Arabia, literally donated to hillarys campaign
Ukraine interfered in the election to help Clinton. Documented fact that nobody talks about.
Russian lawyer trump jr contacted is linked to the firm the dnc hired to produce the infamous trump dossier.
So if Don Jr committed treason then so did Hillary and co.
>Now Trump jr. himself admitted colluding with the Russians to defeat Hillary Clinton.
I'm really enjoying watching you libfags try to make this nothing burger into a Vegas Style Buffet. There is literally nothing illegal or immoral or even uncommon in what happened. If this is the best "collusion" evidence you have, it's time to admit there is no evidence of collusion.
>oppo research doesn't have monetary value!
>Funny how the shilling waves are timed with the planned MSM attacks against Trump.
not a coincidence. these faggots are getting paid to troll us just like Soros pays antifa and BLM to come and riot.
Wow you need to research the info for your self before repeating your retarded MSM narrative.
Lefties here have been telling me for decades that treason (if this is even that) is honorable and no big deal.
They have been very convincing, so now I just don't give a shit anymore.
Coincidentally, lefties are upset with me for coming to see it their way.
When a hostile foreign power comes to you with intelligence support, you don't call your secretary and set up a meeting. You call the FBI.
How did this make me vote for Trump?
Why are you a Russiaphobe?
Nigga, he was attempting to collude with the Russian government. Apparently the lady didn't give info like promised, but they knew she was with the government and met with her anyway, in an attempt to sabatoge clinton
"I'm gonna prove I didn't commit treason by admitting to attempted treason."
Anyway, this is mostly about optics. It wasn't a crime, but it looks super fucking dirty and thats why Trump doesn't want to touch this shit with a 9 foot pole. Six months and he hasn't accomplished shit
>hostile foreign power
>in 2012 Romney was laughed off the stage for suggesting Russia was our greatest enemy
>Clinton "reset" relations with them
>the Obama administration constantly made it seem like everything was great with us and Russia...until Hillary lost
How in the fuck would trump jr have thought they were hostile?
Remove hostile from my sentence if it triggers you so much
>When a foreign power comes to you with intelligence support, you don't call your secretary and set up a meeting. You call the FBI.
This is very funny, good job.
b-but her boring emails
That's exactly what the Gore campaign did in 2000. When they received a package containing Bush's debate prep material, instead of taking advantage of it they notified the FBI:
>When a foreign power comes to you with intelligence support, you don't call your secretary and set up a meeting. You call the FBI.
So you agree that Hillary is guilty of collusion with the Ukrainians for when her people set up a meeting with them to root for dirt on Trump?
Nah, you don't have a shit about that, do you.
How many times have I heard this.
ITT: shit that didn't happen
On Hannity, Don Jr. said the meeting was 20 minutes and nothing was communicated by the Russian lawyer. I don't see the big deal.
This user gets it.
Good, put them both in fucking jail.
This is normal.
Its just because butthurts lost to Trump they had to make up whatever narrative they could, and since Trump is so clean they had to make this one.
that's the fake news - the narrative itself, "Russian Collusion".
Its like saying, "Mountain collusion" or "Trees collution" or "ocean collusion". Its an etheral narrative and just stick anything with word Russian in it.
if you lost election because of Russians you had last 8 years in power and left national security so wide open that the Russians could get Hitler back from the dead and elected to lead a massive genocide pogrom of the jews?
You can't be trusted with national security. You have let the jews down
Just fuck of/ff
Treason requires a war-time enemy to collude with.
It also requires that you aid them... Someone giving you something is not you aiding them, you fucking imbecile.