America's culture of work is pathetic

One of the most unlikeable things about modern culture is the celebration of "work". Work, we are told, is supposed to be our passion, our life's project, our highest meaning in life. We define our lives by our work, and when people work longer hours we congratulate them. The fact that we hold work as our highest honor is proof of our spiritual emptiness and slavery.

This is all wrong. We should not see work as something to celebrate, but as a necessary evil, something we have to do. We should try to be decreasing the amount of work we do as much as possible, and react with disdain whenever people say we need to work more or harder. There is nothing likable about work; it sucks.

If, when someone criticizes work, you react with "commie scum!" or "lazy fag!" then you have been conditioned by the capitalist class.

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People like you are the reason why I actively hope for total economic and social collapse.

>"Well you know, work is just spiritual slavery..."
>dies of starvation

I didn't claim that ALL work is bad and worthless, clearly we need to work to survive, I was saying the celebration of work is the problem.

I agree. We still haven't evolved from the days when we needed every person to slave 100% for society to function. Now technology can make it so that barely any of us have to slave and we'd be fine, yet we evolved to all be perfect slaves to society. We need to start putting mind over matter and say enough is enough and free ourselves.

The amount of time you put in at your job you could grow enough food to feed an army. I don't mind work at all I just can't stand the commitment, people expect you to work for them for years that's crazy I hate having a schedule but like getting things done

Still waiting for full automation to take over.

That's just a pretense. Everyone knows wage slaving sucks. I hate that you still have to pretend during job interviews though.

This is true, I heard some of my older coworkers complaining that people don't want to stay at the job. They were mad that new people were leaving for higher paying jobs. I hope to leave within the year myself.

You all seem to be under the impression that resources are free. They are not.

You're fucking retarded.
>One of the most unlikeable things about modern culture is the celebration of "work"
This is a retarded sentence.
>Work, we are told, is supposed to be our passion, our life's project, our highest meaning in life.
There is no life without work. You have to sustain yourself, because it is no one else's responsibility to do it for you. Stop falling for the "everyone should go to college and live their dream" meme. You're blaming this on "work" (liekly you're a faggot commie so you're really blaming this on capitalism) but you're the one who drank the leftist koolaide. Sometimes a job is just a job, and sometimes you do that job your whole life, and you can still live a good life but that is up to you.
>The fact that we hold work as our highest honor is proof of our spiritual emptiness and slavery.
this is a retarded sentence.

Let me ask you a question: Why is it someone else's responsibility to take care of you?

Shut up kike

Nobody said that.

You forgot your communist flag.

Absolutely no one said that, and your response is predictably knee-jerk and conditioned. NO one said that no work at all was necessary

This is the worst of it all, that we actually have to pretend to enjoy the work process

>wage slave
I never understood this
Are you saying working for money is more like slavery than not?

Or are you just some NEET who doesn't want to earn your way?

>a commie can't into accomplishment
imagine. my. shock.

>gimme a loan i went to your frat
>ok, *pushes buttons* here you go
>everybody else can pay for it
Seems pretty lazy yes? It is. We all work to pay off that interest. That's all it is. Woman fell in the garden. Man toils the soil. We don't toil soil for ourselves anymore. Nor for anybody else. We buy our food and work to pay for other people

Wage slave here. It's fucking soul crushing. I don't mind work, I really don't. What I hate is being shackled to a job and never being able to take any decent length of time off without quitting. Most places are reluctant to let people take one fucking week off. If that's not slavery I don't know what fucking is.

>Inb4 hurr just quit and find another job

It doesn't work like that anymore, it's so hard just to find a full time job in the first place.

Now that's a slide thread if I've ever seen one. Sage

I guess from the other side I honestly enjoy being productive and don't understand the mentality of the people that want to do as little as possible. Of course, there is a delicate balance with what you pursue in your personal life and what you do professionally that has to be taken into account.

Wage is a measure of your worth to society by society, and that's just a fact. Hard to do jobs that give value give higher compensation as a result. It isn't perfect but I'm pretty sure a rocket surgeon will always make more than a burger flipper.

>Nobody said that.

Of course you did.

Do you expect you would have the same standard of living that you have if everyone did the bare minimum amount of work needed to survive?

And then of course as a means to explain away why you are entitled to enjoy unearned benefits we get to hear about everyone's favorite literal deus ex machina, automation.

>equating work with spiritual emptiness and slavery

Spoken like a truly godless heathen, but as an apostate of capitalism for whom God was always dead.

The virtue of industry is not lost on you, but you still see only the material.

A man who works to provide for his family shouldn't be celebrated?
Someone who raises their station and becomes a more valuable member of society shouldn't be celebrated?
A doctors labor of healing and saving lives shouldn't be celebrated?
A businessman who provides an opportunity for others to work and raise their station shouldn't be celebrated?

All good things created by man kind had been created through labor. Your parents labored to bring you into the world and provide you with all the comfort you enjoyed as a child.

You forsake them with your selfish ideology.

>Be me
>Spend 1k on a meh acre of land in VA
>Another 2k on Shipping Containers
>1.5k on solar panels
>$500~ To get place outfitted for wifi (+50/mo)
>DIY Compost Toilet
>Go to gym for showers
>Cook several meals in advance on propane stove to save on cooldown
>Only use cell phone
>Pick up mail from friends house (Could get PO box for 50/yr)

I only need roughly $500 a month to survive after not even spending 5k on a fucking permanent residence. That includes car insurance, wifi, phone, food, fucking everything. I'm pretty sure it's lower than that but fuck do I need a full-time job for?

You can get $300/mo just donating your fucking plasma twice a week. Then I only need to spend one weekend driving for Uber a month. (Though I try to do it every weekend)

It's not perfect, I gotta class my house as a 'shed' to skirt laws, and I'd love the money to get real plumbing and running water, but I get to actually enjoy my life. Fuck health insurance too. If I die at 40 like this, I've still lived my life better than 70 drooling year olds relying on their retirement.

I'm lazy, and I'm loving it. Join me lads.


Also make sure to keep fighting amongst yourselves and not fighting against the banking system directly. Remember the Others are your enemies, not us the Bank :^).

Also it may be good to note that the reason Monsanto and other biotech corporations are inserting patented genes into every food source imaginable is so if you are unfortunately caught having a garden or growing your own food, you can be arrested/sued :^).

>Let me ask you a question: Why is it someone else's responsibility to take care of you?

>Or are you just some NEET who doesn't want to earn your way?

Ah, the mantra of the moron. We don't want want to assume responsibility for ourselves, or is it the other way around? We are willing to be self-sufficient, to abide by just laws and to more or less not be a nuisance to our fellow man. But you? You just suckle at the tit of the corporate state, waste your years inside fluorescent rooms and are generally intolerant of your fellow man. And why is that? Because you know deep down inside that it is you that is a child that won't accept personal responsibility, it is you that keeps your fellow man enslaved. The only way to live with yourself is to project your own shadow onto others.

Have a nice day :^).

So, not being able to take a week off a paying job is slavery to you? You're a moron! Go back to your college dorm and suck off Bernie you ungrateful piece of shit!

And to the fact that you can't find another full time job, try looking for a trade or craft, not coffee grinding. Hell, try looking outside your inner city or socialist state. It's not that hard. I mean fuck, I could go to a trade school and get a welding job for $60+k, starting.

what are you paying in property taxes??

Being useful to others brings meaning to our lives. That's part of what being human is about. Guess what? Unless you are a walking pussy or a baby, being useful requires work.

>If, when someone criticizes work, you react with "commie scum!" or "lazy fag!" then you have been conditioned by the capitalist class.
Well? ARE you a communist?

You certainly speak like one, always trying to find "problems" in culture to "correct"

Your right
Ima take responsibility for my self and quite my job and apply for welfair. That way I can free my self of slavory and rely of the good grade of the state to support me.

Lets not forget that this work is a minimum 40 hours of hard labor a week. Most will need to work 50+ to get by.

The real problem we have is the state granted land monopoly that allows the elite to siphon off community generated site values.

What we need to do to fix this is implement a full land value tax and repeal all other taxes as Henry George laid out in Progress and Poverty around the turn of the century . Land should be competing for man. Fuck rent seeking, fuck real estate speculation and fuck allodialism

My property value doesn't even hit $50k. So somewhere between $300-$400 per year.

OP is a blackpill. I am actually very good at my job and enjoy it. I also make a decent living from it. Fuck OP and FUCK blackpills.

>All good things created by man kind had been created through labor

yet the laborer is at the bottom of the pole drenched in bean counter shit

>Implement a tax that requires subsistence-farming peasants to pay the state or risk losing their means of survival

Yeah, you sure showed those allodialists by reinstituting feudalism!

Jesus Christ, do you idiots even think about what you propose or is it just about saying whatever makes you feel good at the time?

Come on mate, together we can take the commies down.

>Progress and Poverty
allodialism: Anglo-Saxon estate system in which absolute possession was invested in the holder. — alodialist, allodialist, alodiary, allodiary, n.

Wouldn't that be good? Holding the land gives you title. No rent seeking.

Maybe for you atheist scum, but in Church we are told to "work to live, not live to work" and a lot of conservative-minded big business have been pretty successful thus far because of that mindset.

I can't afford the treatments for the cancer this just gave me. Why do I want to go assault a trashcan now?

>why you are entitled to enjoy unearned benefits
Now you're back in the right-wing echo chamber.

>Also it may be good to note that the reason Monsanto and other biotech corporations are inserting patented genes into every food source imaginable is so if you are unfortunately caught having a garden or growing your own food, you can be arrested/sued :^).

This is ludicrous hippie conspiracy shit and there isn't a shred of actual proof.

>Now you're back in the right-wing echo chamber.

It's a simple question. Do you think our society would have the standard of living it has today if our culture expected nothing more than a minimum amount of work input? Because unless you're willing to live a spartan lifestyle in pursuit of your ideal all I'm hearing is that you just want to have all the nice things you have without having to work for them.

>I was saying the celebration of work is the problem.
Celebration of work is fine.

Celebration of work to keep the goyim putting in 60hr weeks so their surpluses can pad the profits of Wall St. and (((them))) is what's wrong with America.

This...put the bong down LeRoy and produce something.

Don't be a lazy nigger, go back to your safespace on twitter and get a welfare check if you don't wanna work. We all know your a nigger so you will get one.

Celebration of work is a fucking redpill you dweeb

>There is nothing likable about work; it sucks.
>t. commie working at Starbucks with a gender studies degree
I own my own business and I love going to work every morning. Start your own business or kill yourself, lazy fag. Capitalism has not failed, YOU have failed.

>All good things created by man kind had been created through labor

My employer took Labor day away from us. The CEO is a J O O... not even joking.
I got a raise last week, finally. It's been 5 years since I'd had one.
You know what I got?
50 cents...
50 goddamn cents!
Fucking pocket change. Not enough to cover inflation for that time period. Last time I got a raise that could be described in 'cents' was when I was a busboy in the 1980s.

Just got an assessment in the mail yesterday from my condo association for hurricane Matthew damage. $3k by Oct 1st.


Americans really could work less. I view the 40+ hour work week as a travesty, there is nothing natural or healthy about working 40+ hours a week. Our hunter-gatherer ancestors only had to work 15 hours a week per person.

Its sad seeing my fellow Americans work so hard. They spend so much time working, they drive around, never exercise, and eat fast food in their car. They are literally giving up a large chunk of their life in work, then they have no time to exercise or eat right, so they shorten their lives even more.

The way around this is to live communally or tribally. The hunter-gatherers who tried to do it all themselves ended up working a lot harder, and getting a lot less. People who share resources work less, and get a lot more. Its how my family lived when I was growing up, we depended on sharing with other families. They would give us their old clothes to wear, so we didn't have to spend money on clothes.

You know who else passively accepts tiny raises instead of showing agency and either bargaining for better compensation or finding work elsewhere?

Women. Women with vaginas. Pretty pink vaginas.

Do you have a pretty pink vagina user?

lmao, trade school cucks are so deluded.

with no experience coming out of your "trade school" you'll be lucky to get 18 bucks an hour.

The rest of the wagecucks in this thread are larpers or straight up fags who've never had to write a 30k check to the irs every quarter.

Only way you may get 60k starting as a rookie welder w/ no experience is by working 60 hours a week, good luck trying to do anything else on a schedule like that.

tl dr, work sucks. It can be ok but most of the time you work w/ fucking morons and fat fuck bosses who get off on ruining everything that's enjoyable.

>Our hunter-gatherer ancestors only had to work 15 hours a week per person.

Our hunter-gatherer ancestors also lived in damp caves with none of the conveniences or luxuries that you have today. Would you like to give up what you have now to live in a damp cave?

Your argument only Works if you assume you can't make your Work into play.

You can't just think you're gonna be happy sustaining yourself working some 9/5 involuntarily and not doing anything meaningful with your life.

You're always going to have to work. People have always had to work. When we were half apes throwing spears at shit in the savanna. That shit was work.
Why did we do it?

Because we'd motherfucking die otherwise.
Life isn't fair. It isn't supposed to be fun all the time.

It's not some god damn forever pleasure cruise where nothing is ever supposed to be difficult and nothing ever hurts you.

If you want anything meaningful out of your life it's going to be difficult to create but that will make your life meaningful.

If people who thought like you controlled the world we'd all starve to death.

If you want to rid yourself of work forever. Find something you're good at that you legitimately enjoy. Become your best at it and sell it.
If you're not smart enough to do that then try and turn your work into play so your life isn't hell. If you're in a bad place it's gonna take even more work. You might have to lose sleep. You're going to have to try hard anyway to make what you imagine real. But at least your life will have meaning.

But that's stupid, we have vastly improved technology, shouldn't that lead to less work, and not more?

no, it just results in greater efficiency and productivity, and therefore a greater economic yield per man-hour worked

yeah but have you seen the alternative? ( i.e. every other country in the world)

>complaining about our work culture
You need to meet a country called Japan and their insane workdays and work culture. You have it good here, retarded faggot. People who complain about America should be cast the fuck out to be a Europeon again.

It logically should. We have had vast improvements in technology since the Industrial Revolution- yet Americans are still working 40 hours a week.

I think it boils down to Americans just not wanting to share enough. This "I'm going to do it myself" attitude. People in many other countries and time periods lived good lives and worked a lot less- they do it by sharing resources.

Something like getting a friend or relative to watch your children is a major money saver over paying for daycare. Living with other people saves a lot of time, money, and energy over living alone. The retirement plan for most of human history was living with your children- its a much more sustainable and time efficient plan than working 40 hours a week for social security and pensions- and then not getting it in your old age.

No breadlines and the onions are available here without melee.

Socialism and communism both failed.

It all used to mean something.

Once upon a time, working your ass off used to mean helping your country win what looked like a very real war.

Now it just means struggling to starve to death.

The "work ethic" we see today is just hopeful momentum imparted by that past to our disintegrating culture.

Only pussys sit around and wait for raises .
Nothing was stoping you from asking for one

>Isn't man enough to even so much as ask for a raise for 5 years.

The term "wage slave" is an oxymoron.

>You were born luckier and have more than me, therefor you should give it away.

In the context of running a business, yes - an employee is free to leave at any time. No ball-and-chain slavery.

The term is meant to highlight the overall heightened imperative that members of this society work (student loans, mostly). There is no choice to just "bum around" as most here grew accustomed to it while growing up.

It really ought to be coined as "life slave". Even if you own the business you are a slave for its investors, its clients, and to the entity itself as an administrative agent.

This, and the fact that inflation will make $8M soon worth absolutely nothing regardless of investment strategy, is also why my retirement plan has taken the form of a 12g shotgun.

I once thought the same, and believe me, I despise the modern office environment. But then I noticed that when people aren't designated a project that makes them feel that they're playing an important part in a larger purpose, they quickly become aimless and self-destructive. Most people aren't particularly creative or self-motivating. You remove their assigned purpose, and they won't create a new one for themselves. They'll start ODing on opiates instead.

I said sharing, not welfare.

The alt-right, SJW left, neo-Marxists and Salafists are in a sense a product of a post-scarcity society where fewer and fewer people have an assigned purpose to generate the sensation of "meaning" in their lives. NEETs who wish to be heroes require a cosmic struggle to participate in.

As a wageslave, people that brag about working or how much they work deserve to be fired

I will save enough money to buy some small apartment somewhere in eastern europe or Russia and will be living there comfy. Why do I need to slave myself to rent forever or make interest payments to some bank so I can live to some low live scumbags who are proud of being an amurika? What's the point? If you can't beat the system just leave desu.

Why is Breizh the home of the wage slave?

> ...Americans just not wanting to share enough
We barely talk to one another. How is it possible to foster a sense of responsibility for one's fellow citizens when they appear only as text and pictures in a webpage? Altruism will probably fade from the human consciousness to make room for an engineered, and easily controlled, anxiety.

A farmer these days grows enough food to support over 100 people. How much extra resources does an average wageslave create for his employers?

Just saying the amount of work required to live is far, far below the amount of work a person is expected to do. Especially now with our knowledge and technology.

Time to slow things down. All this hard work is only speeding up the robot apocalypse anyways.

>You all seem to be under the impression that resources are free. They are not.

Tell that to Colonial Europe.

>But that's stupid, we have vastly improved technology, shouldn't that lead to less work, and not more?

Yeah, I mean in today's world maybe you only have to work one hour a week to eat your berries in a damp cave.

But since your standard of living increased along with technology, it takes more work on your part to maintain that standard, you dense motherfucker.

>A farmer these days grows enough food to support over 100 people. How much extra resources does an average wageslave create for his employers?

Food is only a fraction of the equation. How many people does a farmer clothe or house? How many iCraps or fidget spinners does he provide?

You can boast about how you shovel shit for a hundred people, with all your implications about how the head shit-shovelers are jewing you over, but that doesn't mean anything other than to make you feel superior.

>Just saying the amount of work required to live is far, far below the amount of work a person is expected to do. Especially now with our knowledge and technology.

It's interesting that you have a more intimate knowledge of the true value of a person's work product than the free market does. How did you come about such a talent?

Who told you these things LMAO

OK, Jamal.

>working 40 hours a week
sounds cushy

when someone says "If, when someone criticizes work, you react with "commie scum!" or "lazy fag!" then you have been conditioned by the capitalist class"

then they are a faggot NEET

>This is all wrong. We should not see work as something to celebrate, but as a necessary evil, something we have to do.
Yea alright Commie faggot it isn't work if you like it.