Fuck poo niggers! This is an India hatethread.
Fuck poo niggers! This is an India hatethread
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Once India solves the Final Mystery they will be a world super power.
Why are you showing dalits and thinking everyone lives like them?
Dude you need to GROW UP.
Omg there are so many Indians at my job and I fucking hate every single one. I've never met so many people that smell so much like someone took a shit in a pot of curry and slathered it on a Mexican day laborer's sweaty armpits and STILL has the fucking nerve to act like they're superior. Why do they all either not wash their hands at all or take full baths and brush their teeth in the bathroom sink?! Why are they all so fucking annoying and rude and impersonal and pushy?! Why do they insist of standing directly on top of other people?! They always try to be tough and maintain eye contact but they always look at the ground before I do. Fucking faggot poo betas can't even pretend to be alpha but they think they're the masterrace. Fucking GO THE FUCK HOME
At least they know how to pee pee !
Fucking doo doo niggers getting my jobs outsourced to them for slave pay. Fuck pajeet.
Shh little poo man. Caps Lock doesn't make your insults any less pathetic.
Not really dignified to make fun of poor people. Especially when they are one of our biggest military allies.
Atleast one guy that makes sense.
>tfw no qt Catholic Goa gf