Jewish betrayal

What is your worst (or most memorable) experience getting swindled by a kike?

How did you get revenge?

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i havent ever been betrayed by a jew b4 but ive been betrayed by several people from this website

This jew bitch in school did a screechy rant about Hitler, so I became alt-right just to spite her.

A Jew snitched on me and basically ruined my life.

Better off sticking to Craigslist

steam friend took my trading cards and leveled up to 36 b4 I knew they were worth things :[

US education all the way up to college.
I don't even know how i could get them back for all that.


>What is your worst (or most memorable) experience getting swindled by a kike?
Christians claimed they were redpilled

Bitch stole 20 bucks and my friends weed.

She took my shit so I fucked her friendship with her best friend up. Fuck a Jew.

I cheated a Hasidic Jew out of a few thousand dollars when I lived in North America.

are jews really that bad?

I'd have to say circumcision for sure.

But getting revenge? I guess it would be the time I helped shut down some shmuck who was trying to pass off about a mil in MBS shlock to his friends and family through an extensive system of Jewry. What a piece of shit.

The worst part is they don't understand how bad they are even though they all Jew the fuck over each other all the time.

Not me, but my friend got cucked by a Jew he was dating a few years ago.

paying taxes

Two of my non-blood uncles are kikes and regularly try to steal the family farm in Oklahoma. I also rent land to a Jew for livestock. He once claimed a cow died of lightning when we hadn't had a storm in a week. Then he goes about how money is tight this year and if I could reduce the rent price, but he finds enough money to get another satellite antenna on his house.

Stand your ground. They thrive on your insecurities and self doubt.

The thing to understand about Jews is that the think this is normal behavior and expect that you're going to Jew them back just as hard. If you don't then they'll see it as your fault.

>Not me, but my friend got cucked by a Jew he was dating a few years ago.
Rate my re-creation of that scenario.

But we are. We hate those heretics as much as you do, adolf.

6 Gorillion/10

Gettig nickle and dimed by my landlord at every opportunity. I also live on the east side of cleveland so I'm also in constant range of uppity dindu antics. Pic related is my life.
>try to apply for apartment
>"no problem goy, just pay the $50 application fee. Oh you're a student? Sorry, you parents have to cosign. No they can't use the same application, they have to pay the $50 fee again hehe"
>just about to move in
>"oh hey goy I know we didn't tell you this earlier, but we decided to renovate your unit before you move in. You know what that means? Rent hike!"
>need to do laundry
>"here's the washer and dryer goy. Only $2.50 for a wash and dry. Quarters only. What? No I don't have a change machine. Get your own damn quarters you filthy gentile."
Even after all of this, they were surprised when we didn't renew our lease. If you ever consider it, never rent from the greedy skypes at (((Bruziv)))

There was this jew kid in my high-IQ homeschool group that would try to swindle and cheat at EVERY fucking game we played (most notably Yu-Gi-Oh and D&D). I'm pretty sure I was way smarter than him and saw through his jewish tricks at every turn and called him out on them. I was also the Dungeon Master of the D&D group but I never fucked with his character, because I don't like to exert force when in a position of power. I just kept him in line and prevented his various clever attempts at swindling, rules-lawyering and god-moding.

I'd like to imagine that a 5 year old Kevin MacDonald getting swindled at Yu Gi Oh is what inspired the "Culture of Critique" series.

Jews loved every single one of MacDonald's books until he wrote the last one.

some kike charged me 30 bucks for a 30mg adderall. Fucking jew piece of shit, he knew he was the only supplier

I never did get my revenge.

thats fucking capitalism how the fuck is that jewish wtf

He was a friend of a friend and we chilled together a couple times before. That's not what an honest person does in that circumstance.


Never met one in real life before. I'm starting to think they're a myth.

Well yeah low supply and inelastic demand lead to higher prices for sure, but the jews revel in it and have no shame about it

I'd literally just seen him buy a large amount the day before in person for 5 bucks a pop from our mutual friend (who happened to be away when I needed one, hence the monopoly situation).

It's not just Jews who do that. Plenty of dealers who wind up being pieces of shit with addict brain will act like the worst Jews ever.

Oh the stories I could tell, but at least most of them got what was coming for dicking everybody over.

But he was probably a plain old autistic Jew if he didn't see it as a good chance to build connections for future profit.

shit dude gimme an address I'll go take care of your problems for you

Ah I see.
That is rather Jewish

Cleveland has a real problem.

Went to work for a lying kike that was promising massive quarterly bonus for hitting sales objectives. Not eligible first quarter, due to being a new employee. Right at the end of the second quarter he dismissed all the people he hired before the quarters end, and stiffed me out of about $1500 dollars worth of expenses. He would force all day skype training sessions on Sundays, etc. I'm sitting on a pile of fedex shipping labels and one day plan to mail hundreds of pounds of rocks to his kike office until it totals around the 1500 he screwed me out of. TL;DR: Gas the Kikes.

Nice revenge.

>be me
>parents buy house
>we live there for a while
>time comes to move, we start renovating to sell
>everything is nigger rigged
>tear down paneling in the basement: 10,000 USD in undisclosed damage to the foundation
>toxic mold everywhere
>tear down paneling in a bedroom: 3-5 layers of wallpaper under it
>3-5 layers of wallpaper everywhere else, they just put more over it
>electric wiring in multiple areas fucked up
>carpet over all the hardwood floors with staples just randomly stuck through it.
>they used a nail gun on the carpet too
>awning over porch wasn't supported properly, so now it's sagging
>"Hey mom, what were the people like that sold you this house?"
>"Oh just some old Jewish couple."
>Apparently the wife of the previous owner said, "I really hope you're worthy of our home!"
>pic related

On a side note, my father had a Jewish lawyer with a weird faggot son that had the "I wish I was Fat" fetish.

I once took a driver ed class in California, and the first thing the teacher did was go on rants about how much he hated white people and started using stereo type of white southerns and fucking off the whole time and never doing anything class related. I'm pretty sure he was Jewish as he had a hooked nose and his last name was brooks "how much more Jewish can you get then that?" and since I was the only white male in the class he of course targeted me, he was nice to everyone of every race besides my own and supposedly his "own". and it was no surprise I started to fail the class as I wasn't learning anything and only listening to him go on an on about how proud he was he was a cuck and he was racist only towards white people, I never said anything and only tried to learn and be apart of the class but I was failing since he failed his role as a teacher. then not to much surprise, his insults towards white people, were now directed towards me. instead of being responsible for me failing the class he started mocking me and saying in a southern accent "oh it's my militarist mind" since I was wearing a "how ironic" navy blue military jacket and I'm a Yankee by birth. I know a insult when I hear one and and don't take light to it, so I up and left and only with another insult he quoted some fucking hollyjew movie and said "where are you going?!" "the burbs yes I've seen it" and I just said "don't ever expect to see me here again" and left. I could had been racist and said something back but I didn't, and this isn't the first time I ever met a Jew. I've met quite a few of them before and there were some way worst ones then this one, however, I only tell this to show I've dealt with racism myself but if I ever said anything about it I would be the racist as white people can only be racists and no other race can, at that time I was still a teenager and he was full grown man in his 70's I believe, he might of been older god knows he was in the Vietnam war.

>"I wish I was Fat" fetish

Jews are good killers though. One of my non-blood Jewish uncles is a Vietnam vet. He got knifed in the back by a gook kid on a zippo raid and got the purple heart he brags so much about. The only combat he saw was against women and children and he acts like he is a war hero. I only know the whole story because my aunt was pissed at him one day they came to visit.

ive never been jewed before

I believe I remember him saying something about getting stabbed once but that was because he was a cop once, and yes there's some truth to that, look at how many people the USSR killed in ww2, way more then Nazi Germany ever did, and also how many people the USA and Israel kill in the middle east to this day.

8 years ago I had a teacher who was one of the more esoteric flavors of Berg, with a petite body but huge nose.

Midway through second semester she started calling parents (mine included) to visit a neurologist due "uncooperative attitude" said neurologist was her cousin, we went to a psychologist instead and she got really pissed, the rest of the year my test always had a few points deducted "by mistake".

So the student has become the master


>look at how many people the USSR killed in ww2, way more then Nazi Germany
Found the retard


I am still plotting.

I bet he still suffer sleep-wrecking nightmares to this day. Good work, potatoenigger

How am I a retard for saying this? The USSR for almost all purposes, was under complete Jewish rule, and they killed 3 times as many people then Nazi Germany did.

Swindled: Getting a univesity education

Revenge: Redpilling 150 kids per year as a teacher


Or this is a bit more accurate

uhh going to college

>What is your worst (or most memorable) experience getting swindled by a kike?
I was born to one

>How did you get revenge?
I became a disappointment

An atheist state was controlled by a bunch of religious Jews?

>This was a significant factor that contributed to the Bolshevik attitude to religion and the steps they took to control it.[1] Thus the USSR became the first state to have as one objective of its official ideology the elimination of existing religion, and the prevention of future implanting of religious belief, with the goal of establishing state atheism
Those fucking Jews, they came up with everything to hide their tracks. They even had a massive purge of religious people (including practicing Jews) from government!

Like the concept of black identity or black brotherhood, jews have it secretly times 10. You don't see black dudes sharing the same kind of love for each other simply for being black the way jews do for other jews.

You're the retard

tfw had to read Night by (((Elie Wiesel))) in 9th grade

Actually never met one in my life tbqh. Maybe Kansas is too flat for them or something.

>jew being jew
>demi nigs arent stupid
>demi nigs beat up jew and take his shekels
I just kind of watched.

Yeah mate. Never expect to understand what Jews are about if you don't live with a big concentration of them.

This has been historically the worst mistake of Europe throughout the ages. They always are detached and figure Jews can't be so bad and maybe they'll be good for the economy or whatever. And it always ends in pogroms and expulsions. Take it from me. Jew are garbage cancer and should all be given tickets to the desert.


time to kill all jews

Pol is a collective hivemind of failed individuals who come together over something basic as skin color. They are losers, and from this resentment escalates racism and other garbage ideologies. I look forward to war, as an upper class citizen, to purge America of whiney losers, both black and white, whom of which have no respect for the work and cultivation that defines the individual.

ive never been jewed thank Allah

I thought you were jewish?

I've seen this shitty copypasta already four or five times, please kys

Before I got married. Every Jew tried to convince me not to get married. Then try to convince me not to have kids. Once I had kids they told me I was,so lucky
. It was strange they are fuct

>Jew claimed a cow died of lightning
They seem to attract a lot of it.

>being an American citizen and paying taxes for Jewish wars
>becoming a WN