Pol post your white Christian pure waifus

Pol post your white Christian pure waifus


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Politically speaking these are the only women worth procreating with

My cousin.

Her sissy

These females look like kikes, bro.

Nah they Christian bro

Foreskin removed

This be mai waifu.

Which one is the adopted one?

Nice trap

If only, then she would be purfect. :D

>thighs revealed
OP that is biblically defined nudity so she's a whore.

oo i'll take this one too.

she's like 18 and already starting to get fat!
she's gonna be some fags fat wife before she's 30.

I'd nail her now though nut hit and quit.


She's 19

this girl, but she never replies to my tweets. she apparently thinks im creepy

>thinks im creepy

Prob a cunt

I was first, SHE'S MINE.

who dis


she seems pretty based.
gonna donate to her gofundme on pay day maybe she will reply. she lives less than 10 minutes from me.

What the fuck

Already reported bro

Why donate?

Is this a joke?


so i can send a message to her

This is like watching a train wreck

100% legit. She is the chick that was going full 1488 during the nigger riot live stream last week

Unlike you fags I actually have a beautiful white Christian woman who will soon be my wife.
> pics or gtfo

Get fucked, you degenerates aren't getting a glimpse


>caring about filthy, smelly, dumb 3DPD whores

Take the 2D redpill senpaitachi~!

You beta orbiting faggot
Get in the gas chamber with that whore

thanks. i do really want to meet her.

Eh its a start cam certainly do worse

Do not give that woman money just because she parroted shit you heard online you faggot.
Jesus christ, where is your father?

Man idk what to say other than never meet your heroes

Girl on left is my waifu.

Well, she is looking for help to get started making youtube videos and going to rallies and shit. I dont mind helping her regardless. She has done a view parascopes and I think she would do very good.


Just stop man.
Don't be a orbiter. Don't do this to yourself.

so you're the reason she made her youtube private? thanks asshole.


Get a tripcode so I can filter you. You're a fucking joke.

I think this is her I'm not sure

its not

Daughter of my parents's friends
I've been grooming her since she's 11. I'm sure she'll be pure and a good wife this way. In 2 or 3 years I'll propose to her.


D ayyy um

Wow nice Kek has blessed my future wedding

i just really dont like tattoos on a woman.

>Posts bland AF, overweight Jew
Ebic trolle xD

I hope you get raped to death

right is hotter

Southern European's arn't white
Every white is actually a Jew


Bogadoff syndrome

who is this woman? she's beautiful

Grooming. How?

Btw , she looks like she has hopped onto the cock carousal already. Your getting used goods m8


be more interesting

i unironically believe there is nothing wrong with this


Why by then she'll be almost 17. I'm very respectful when we do stuff together. I've always liked her and I wouldn't abuse her in any way.

Young women (in my experience) are always very interested in older (~5-8 year age gap) men that hang out with their brother. They have lots of admiration and desire for them. To be honest if the brother is cool with it it's a decent way of getting in a good relationship (so long as her girlfriends don't try to ruin things).


You have a cute boyfriend user.

These types of threads crack me up


LOL I'm 99% I know who this is and I'm considering telling her parents.
You're fucking retarded.

Purebred Nordic mated with a mesoamerican. Fight me

>you will never rest your head on Emily's warm voluptueus breasts

life is suffering


>by then she'll be almost 17
>almost 17
How old is she now?

Emily who…

Emily Youcis


You're her fifth boyfriend. Tenth?

do you think these girls are virgins Sup Forums?