Blumpfth BTFO!

Blumpfth BTFO!

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Do they really want to win this one?

The best thing that can happen from their perspective is Twitter becomes labelled a monopoly and is subject to (Trump's) governmental regulations...

It's a personal account, not the POTUS official account. These people are tards looking for a payday.

It doesn't matter because he uses it as a political platform. If he was using it solely to post things like "Having delicious eggs for breakfast! They're the best eggs, from the best chickens." and "Just saw Marley and me. Sad!" then he could block whoever the fuck he wants.

But since he uses it to post about political issues, then blocking anyone who disagrees with him, he as an elected government official is violating the first amendment by preventing only some citizens to allow to be heard.

You didn't see Obama blocking people.

>he as an elected government official is violating the first amendment by preventing only some citizens to allow to be heard
you might want to read twitters terms of service, they are not the same as the US constitution

The 1st amendment doesn't mean you have a right to go into mcdonalds and yell about tendies.

>Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances

wtf does that have to do with twitter?

That's not how blocking people on twitter works. They can still post on twitter, it's just trump himself who they can't communicate with

>The 1st amendment doesn't mean you have a right to go into mcdonalds and yell about tendies.
I got my GBP fair and square

Nigga freedom of speech doesn't come with a platform nigga sheeeeeeeeeit

Log out and read what Trump just tweeted or create a new account and read what Trump just tweeted, or look on CNN to see what Trump just tweeted

This is frivolous and grasping at straws

The pettiest shit ever.

>Blocking people on Twitter is censorship
>Banning and taking down user content is not

>The best thing that can happen from their perspective is Twitter becomes labelled a monopoly and is subject to (Trump's) governmental regulations
lel this timeline

>Fucking LOL
>Even in the REMOTE chance of a win.
>Twitter and every other social media outlet will have to remove BLOCK features since the precedent will be set.
>You sure you want this win bubble boy?

If you spammed "nigger", you'd got blocked


this is the fucking end for his twitter
say good-fucking-bye orange nigger

So can we then sue reddit when they ban us on our raids

>can always view the tweet when no signed in

>obama blocks retards that spams hate speech and insults with zero content
>trump blocks people for voicing out their opinions
fuck the orange bitchy pussy free speech hating nigger

>hate speech
It's called free speech you dumb nigger loving commie faggot

can reddit sue Sup Forums and take Sup Forums down because you raid them so much?

there's a reason it's called free speech and not "some speech". it's either all ok, or none of it is :)

uh no fuckface leaf curry nigger
spamming nigger nigger nigger is hate speech if you direct it at a black person
theres a reason why your account got banned because you acted like a stupid racist fuck

Hate speech is free speech.

>theres a reason why your account got banned because you acted like a stupid racist fuck
Because there is no onus on a private company to give you a soapbox to assert your 1st amendment rights.

>implying I'd ever sign up for twit-ter
Keep being a dumb nigger dixie flaggot

>Blumpfth BTFO!
This suit will never even see a courtroom. The judge will throw it out because it's completely retarded. Even if it somehow won, that would just mean the same suit would be taken up by tens of millions of conservatives against millions of libtards who blocked people to protect their "safe space."

You're fucked, libtard.


If this is true then it is illegal for Twitter to ban people from using it.

I will let the liberals have this if it brings back fellow based pede Milo

Nothing will happen.

Why can't libtards accept this?

ill fuckin sue that faggot as well. doesn't mean my suit will get past whatever jamoke works under the judge

You arent gonna do shit, faggot.

>Hate speech is free speech.
no its not kangaroo fucker
go spam nigger nigger at a black person on twitter get your account banned and go sue twitter for "free speech" with your real face and name for banning you and see what the fuck happens

>twitter a private company
>1st amendment applying to it
then why did anthony cumia get suspended?

If that's true then it is unconstitutional for twitter to block right wing people from twitter.

Twitter ToS is not the first amendment.

>being this retarded
>a flaggot
checks out

fuck you man, you're so fuckin sued

>go spam nigger nigger at a black person on twitter get your account banned
As previously stated by multiple people (including the post you are responding to) you have no 1st amendment rights on Twitter.

not sure. have you asked him yet to sue twitter for banning him?
he can use that post where he said "I hope you Fucking die bitch cunt transfaggot degenerate." as defense

>implying that the verified idiots spamming Trump's Twitter feed are posting content

>Blocking on Twitter becomes illegal
>Brianna Wu's feed fills up with "YOU HAVE A BEENIS LOL!"

>Congress shall make no law [...] abridging the freedom of speech
We had to burn freedom of speech to save freedom of speech

Oy vey, I'm a lawyer, I'll help you sue m8, it'll be just $1000 to begin starting the process

This will be the end on Zumpf!

guess who else is about to get sued? YOU. reduce your fuckin price or ill see your ass in court

wut lol

Does POTUS not have immunity from suit while he's in office?

Save Antwan Kumiya! He has a 1st Amendment right!

What a fucking time to be alive

twitter is a communications platform and trump uses his account to communicate to the people.

dont use your retard kangaroo fucker logic on me btw

you wish /qa/ nigger

>reduce your fuckin price or ill see your ass in court
Oy vey? Reduce my price?!? But sir, the court cost are immense. In fact, the $2000 needed is barely enough to cover the $4000 interim fees, before getting to the actual cost of suing, which is $8000

The $1000 covers my preliminary review of your case

Nigger nigger jigger nigger igger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nogger

This is so stupid that Columbia University should lose it's accreditation.

Come on leaf, remove the flag. I can smell you.

Using his position to compel Twitter to ban his political opponents would be a violation of 1st Amendment rights. Blocking people from seeing/responding to just his account doesn't.

log out and see all of his tweets you stupid idiot

Yup, the dixie flag with the nigger talk is a give away desu


the best thing that happens is if the Supreme Court decides Twitter is a public forum and therefore subject to 1st amendment protections. opening the floodgate of the internet frogs.

lel cumia needs to ride this shit

>Blumpfth BTFO!
IF Don moved formats, twitter would Die.

Lawl they can get fucked.

Realistically speaking, Twitter and Facebook should be declared monopolies, the internet is still the wild west though.

this. a million times. please make it happen.
it will be glorious to see the normies meltdown when the PC twatter dikes are removed, and anyone can twit back at them

Its not stopping them from speaking. He doesn't have to give them his platform. He doesn't have to let people make speeches from the white house lawn does he?

They can get fucked.

>>trump blocks people for voicing out their opinions
yeah, faggots posting condescending crap on his feed are "voicing their opinions"

>Twitter and Facebook should be declared monopolies
Google should be declared a monopoly.

Twitter is a private company that requires its users to create and register accounts which have a ToS that must be accepted before registering. Blocking users is part of its platform. Forcing the President to unblock critics also forces Twitter to change its rules.

This is no different than saying the President must meet with every person who hates him and wants to file a grievance. The White House is under no obligation to respond to abusive letters or emails.

The six corporations that control all media should be declared monopolies.

what if spam cumskin ?

The way they run YouTube at a loss is the basic definition of a monopoly, it would be virtually impossible to start a competitor to YouTube.

Google is merely a subsidiary of Alphabet.

>CNN being so fake they'll get themselves banned for harrassing lmao

its kinda amazing how few people outside of active investors know of that company.

>implying anyone left leaning ever gets banned.

Confederate my ass, more like a maple nigger. Day of the rake will not be soon enough.

I know that, it's just easier to refer to Alphabet as "Google". Plus, Alphabet has subsidiaries that are in no way monopolistic.

Lots of companies run things at a loss.

Agreed. Give Time Warner the AT&T treatment first.

No one ever went broke over-estimating the stupidity of the average citizen.

It's kind of an interesting question in theory. Imagine if he blocked legitimate questions regarding his policy. However, I suspect that in reality, he is blocking idiotic comments.

Google literally isn't a monopooly tho.
etc etc

what would happen if the suit succeed? would anyone that blocked anyone on twitter be liable for 1st amendment violation?

>Alphabet has subsidiaries that are in no way monopolistic.
its almost like thats helpful to ward off the sec

do any of those lib posts have the word nigger in them i wonder?
no theyre all properly constructed and used to voice out a legitimate opinion
fuck off

>Lots of companies run things at a loss.

>kid goes full an hero
>cnn has to do a public apology
hmmm who could be behind this

Something something ethnic kekistani religion, something something god emperor

Hes shown his dick to Melania at least once, and a few other people. Is he barring the rest of the world from seeing it? He is a politician now so his dick is politics related. Should we demand to see his dick?

Is this real? If so, that gaggle of retards no idea what the first amendment is.

>Should we demand to see his dick
Yes definitely yes, because if it's tiny many keks will be had and if it's yuuuuge many niggers will be btfo

>Lots of companies run things at a loss.
They do, when they're big enough to make it up on something else.

Usually done to control market share against competition

i don't really care about it being a monopoly as long as it's considered a public utility. that pretty much stops them from jewing jewishly.

I so hope this gets through, just imagine the possibilities of what we can do in our autistic crusades once the precedent gets set.

This. If Trump can't block people then nobody can.

>Leftists throw shit fit about trump blocking people on twitter.
>They "win" the case and now nobody can block anyones political views, or just can't block anyone
>leftists can no longer censor twitter and it becomes right wing



Completely incorrect.
Blocking someone doesn't prevent them from posting. In fact, the claimants continued to exercise their right to free speech well after Trump had blocked them and they continue to do so.

You have no idea how big Google actually is. Well, to be fair neither do I, since they don't like to tell anyone how big they are to begin with. But they're big. Google is less about the search engine itself, and more about the infrastructure behind the search engine. Google doesn't like to tell us anything about their infrastructure.

Good point.

It's an account own by a private entity, Twitter. He can do as he pleases. These people are thirsty. Fucking Summer.