Daily reminder that there are thousands of stay at home daughters out there just waiting for a man to marry them

Daily reminder that there are thousands of stay at home daughters out there just waiting for a man to marry them


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I don't know why but I'm not even interested in women anymore

Not gay either, idk


How are you going to start a family then?

tell me where to sign up


Are stay at home daughters pure and loyal?? How does one find a stay at home daughter??

No, you're definitely straying over into gay territory now. Fag.

and pray tell, where would they be?
How does one get in touch with such potential mates

That's cause a lot of women in popular culture are starring in horseshit like "The Bold Type", you faggot.

i know there are, too bad they are completely sheltered and cannot be approached


This is partially true, but only in some very traditional enclaves. The average Church-going girl is only slightly less whorish than normie ones.

Thanks to both neocatholic and protestant denominations promoting liberal values to the point where not only FORNICATION is no longer proclaimed as sinful, both also in many cases SODOMY itself!

I like what these girls are doing, but they make it seem like they're part of a bigger group doing this, but every video it's just the two of them.
Would be cool if they could get a bunch of girls to join them and put more videos on the channel.

>This is partially true, but only in some very traditional enclaves.
Go to any mega church and you wont have to search hard to find girls just like this
They also like to blog

Idk man I want to have children but imagining myself marrying a girl just depresses me. Must be from all the women threads on Sup Forums and /r9k/ or the fact that my only friend in life left me and I wont be able to find anyone like her. I just imagine females as childish and arrogant.

It is a movement that has been triggering liberals for years


>direct link to The Young Turks youtube
Change domain to hooktube, it's like archive.is for youtube


>Change domain to hooktube
Do you still give them shekels if u running and Adblock?

Stay at home daughters likely increase your odds of having a successful marriage but you'll still be in the same secular world infested with feminist brainwashing, no fault divorce and biased family courts. If something goes wrong, even just her getting bored, you'll get just as fucked as if you married a carousel riding roastie.

Views and interaction, which makes the algorithm promote them to more people.

The bourgeois shitsite known as 'Vulture' labeled it the "best thing to hit television in '17" ', this coming from the site that praised Alec Baldwin reprising his cancerous role as "Trump", saying he 'couldn't let the people down'.

Moral of the post?

Well if they weren't at home, they might meet somebody

Their parents should be arranging courtship dates for them since it really isn't appropriate in their context to chase after men.

>be me
>go to uni
>bunch of conservative chicks like this in the christian circles
>all think they are gonna land a 10/10 hunk millionaire
>all pretty shitty people
>many don't actually give a fuck about uni, just finding a man

Probably because they are shallow, miserable people that really aren't any fun to be around.

>females are childish and arrogant

You need to visit one of uncle Adolfs Low T centers.
And get a stimpack STAT!!

>matching only 47% with a redpilled woman

you must be degenerate

>All of the attractive ones are in serious relationships
>Everything that's left is still single for a reason
Feels bad, man

>unironically being tradcuck

I'd rather have a fat atheist wife who's a national socialist and works than a good looking christcuck leech that just does the laundry once a week. I hate women like this. I expect my wife to work until we have children, and I expect my children to work by the time they're 14. I don't need a maid, I need a partner. Picture VERY much related.

Fuck the Pope. He's a worthless nigger lover.

Yep. They're shallow, self serving cunts.

I absolutely was when I signed up for an account back in college. After graduation I started seeing the error of my ways. Eventually SJWs and BLM protests opened my eyes to the world I used to be part of. I haven't bothered to update my profile questions on that site because I'm not all that convinced that it's a good way of meeting traditional women. The woman in the profile I posted is an exception that doesn't appear to be very common.

This is only really a problem for women

>The typical U.S. Congregation draws an adult crowd that’s 61% female, 39% male. This gender gap shows up in all age categories.

>Midweek activities often draw 70 to 80 percent female participants.

>Christian universities are becoming convents. The typical Christian college in the U.S. enrolls almost 2 women for every 1 man.


>The typical Christian college in the U.S. enrolls almost 2 women for every 1 man.

Isn't that true for most secular colleges too?

there is a big difference between being interested in women and being interested in what women think, like, or feel.

its not as big


Mechanization and convenience items have greatly reduced the burden of being a homemaker so women who stay at home have it much easier than their grandmothers did. The solution isn't to throw her into the worldly workplace, it's to increase her homebound responsibilities. Buy some land and start a homestead. She'll have plenty to do until you start having children together, which should be a priority anyway.

Stay at home girl + basement dweller average Sup Forums dude. Just think of the possibilities!!! I bet it'll be like trying to have panda reproduce in captivity.

1939: "I think everyone should be a Nazi" croaked the Fuhrer.
1950: "I think everyone should be a communist"
stated the General Secretary.
2017: "I think everyone should be a feminist" said the ruinous morons of society.

seems like every robots dream, yet I don't quite find it appealing, would hate for my daughters not to go to college, get a career and end up relying solely on their husbands, you never know who the fuck she is going to marry.

its time to leave 3d behind and ascend

They're all Mexican here

go away pedo faggoty

Pol is a collective hivemind of failed individuals who come together over something basic as skin color. They are losers, and from this resentment escalates racism and other garbage ideologies. I look forward to war, as an upper class citizen, to purge America of whiney losers, both black and white, whom of which have no respect for the work and cultivation that defines the individual.

>who the fuck she is going to marry.
Hopefully you if you are her father

why are you projecting?

Willing to bet after the first awkward encounter nature would take over... at least for the basement dwellers who didn't poison their bodies with xenoestrogens.

Not if I kill myself first.



how the fuck are these two types of people going to meet? even if one side was outgoing and had their shit together, it'd still seem like a long shot.

even when both sides are outgoing its hard enough.

>34 years old
>no children but wants some

Time is running out for this woman. She probably fucked a lot of Chads when she was young and sexy. Now she wants a real man to care for her and her future kids.

Well said, this is more or less how I feel. I don't really know why I still come here.

>an upper class american
so, what does that mean? you have a shinier trailer? kek

Honestly this.
All I feel is hatred for leftist now.

Too bad about the face on that left one

Thanks bro. Copy and paste this post into random threads. Spread it. Thank you

don't let r9k screw you over like this. Men and women suck if they don't respect you.

DO they smell bad?

>That image
God dammit did that really fucking happen

Why dont you make a youtube channel about it.

No. It means i worked hard for wealth, and i hate the fact that people judge me on perception along.

Get on board. Repost this.

Get your thyroid checked.

Hang on to your rage, user. It will needed when the happening comes - when the decline accelerates. We'll need all able-bodied men. Your life is not meaningless. You must simply be patient. Til then, read as much as you can, watch as much as you can. And stay safe. We will find each other during the storm.

Upper class generally implies you dont work for your wealth dipshit

us is basically third world with the mexicans adn interbreeding. no purghe can save. really sad loved the cowboys :(


i feel sorry for her...34,

No one cares about your hard work or your wealth, faggot.

>Talking shit about the US..

jesus, you sound like a democrat.

Because it is a time suck. And it is faster to jusy spread via text and pol.

I could do it - i just do not want to show my face.

I am just sick and tired about living through other people perceptions of me. They do not truely know who you, or me, or another man is, they only see appearances. And that is what i am sick and tired of. I worked hard. I know other people worked hard.

But, after all that work, we are reduced to pigment? Make into a group, when that has little to do with our individual success? I am sick and tired of this race baiting garbage. I am me, and me alone.
I know I am not the only one.

>us is basically third world with the mexicans adn interbreeding.
You do know white americans are gonna outlast most western european countries right?

I think that arrangement would work if you're living in a farm or something. In city, not so much.

I have multiple times

>work and cultivation that defines the individual.

sounds like you follow the ideals of a white society.

And what about your work in life? Do you want to be reduced to a mere image? Think twice before you speak, friend.

That's your issue. R9K is venomous to your brain, beyond measure. It is a hotspot of depressed ducks who has no drive, and hate the world for their problems

All humans smell bad

democrats wanted to protexct the white man and republicans destroyed the whites with the civil war and reagans amnesty. learn your histroy thanks.
im not western europe, im central europe in austria very safe

Me thinks you're on the wrong board, brah

>In city, not so much.
Why not?

she waited too long

what allowed you to be productive?

Unlike you, I dont give a shit either way.

the same fucking thread every fucking get a job fag shell

I'm not into that kinda thing.

Yep, fuckin Code Geass

Not really. If you go out, your smell disappears into the environment. If you're a stay at home daughter, your smell gets trapped inside the house.

You are not into approving who your daughter marries?

Because I am white. I do not look white, and this is my point on appearances.

Stop caring about looks. This is white societies downfall. It is hedonistic and superficial to the core.

Life is about the individual. It is wise to listen to what I say about individual life dominating the group. The group always leads to lower IQ and a disdain for the intellectual.

Please, this is not your average poster. Just listen.

Exactly my first thought.

lets face the truth it was EASY AS FUCK for them in the old days. EASY AS FUCK.

You should. This is your life, and there is no second one.

>im white
>i do not look white
now i see why you try to act superior to us, you would be rejected by us kek

>American flag
>says "uni"

Fix your teeth Charles and get /fit/ you silly bong

Myself. Self determination.

You know whats fucked? the biggest racist at my old high school (I'm starting my 1st year at college) was a black girl who sat behind me at french class. She said that all white people didn't understand other cultures, and the french teacher (a big globalist liberal who pushed her political ideology instead of teaching french) defended her, and so the girl-who likes deciding what is offensive in society based on her subjective viewpoint- started the school's DIVERSITY club..... I...there are no words. So another time I was at the front of the class when we were talking about america, and i said, "I think i speak for all of us when i say i love america-" and the black girl interrupts me and says "you don't speak for me" flabbergasted, I said " americans enjoy freedoms other people would kill for in other parts of the world, you can't just turn your back on the nation that grants you the freedoms of-" and this is where the teacher chimes in and goes full globalist- "i think what he means" she wheezed, is that we should not think of ourselves as MERE Americans, and as Human beings, as citizens of the world."
Let me be 100% clear, Globalism is new age communism with a different label, which is a lose lose for the 99.99% of the population, and diversity is just new age closeted racism against white people.

Just because some humans smell worse than others doesn't mean all humans don't smell bad. Humans are gross. But I stay in the house all of the time, and shower daily so I don't smell as bad. Although I remember reading somewhere once that women shower less than men.

It's difficult for someone like her, especially in an extremely low population density area, to meet others who are like minded. I posted her partially as a cautionary tale of what can happen to stay at home daughters if the family doesn't make an explicit effort to find her a compatible man.