
So are we just going to forget the retarded hairspray speech? The most retarded speech any president of any country ever made.

What part of the 743D hokey pokey game is this speech part of?

Maybe Trump won because retards could relate to him since they were also as stupid as he is.

Speech link :

There is literally no defence for such stupidity.

He was right though. Liberals ruin everything

Are you proud that you support someone who is so scientifically illiterate?

Does that retard even understand that if his room was really vaccum sealed he would actually be dead?

Are you proud that you have a president that doesn't have to campaign to get votes? How scientifically literate is putin with his 140%?

Ha what a dodge.

So i take it you have no defence.

Are you going to answer questions with questions.

You have only three options here:
1)you can bitch out like you did right here and dodge the question
2)you can say you don't care that Trump is clearly retarded therefore admitting that by extension you are also retarded
3)you can run away back to your safe space

So what will it be?

Dodge? False premise = false conclusion. Basic logic, study it sometime.

So dodge it will be then.

You are as pathetic as your president.

Ad hominem fallacy. This is too easy.

What a bitch you are, can't even defend the comments made by the person you worship.

Truly pathetic.

More ad hominem. Hint: get a proper education by studying the Greeks.

It's not an ad hominem you retard, it's an insult.

What i said is all true, you still can't defend what he said so i called you a retard.

Do i really have to explain this to you?

He doesn't even know what ad hominem is.

At least he didn't say if a bunch of times.

It would be ad hominem if i said you were wrong because you are retarded. What i said was you are retarded because you can't answer.

Anyway, this is you still trying to dodge.

So you admit defeat then? You admit that your president is a cretin?

>Are you proud that you have a president that doesn't have to campaign to get votes? How scientifically literate is putin with his 140%?

Implying (((OP))) is not an anti-Putin shill.

OP is actually retarded


So nobody is going to defend this then?

is pol really getting triggered by insults?

He is right. Hair spray isn't as good as they used to make it.
Lasts maybe half an hour for me before it starts to become saggy.
And that's a dry day.

wow i didn't expect you people to be so easy.

They can't

Well, you got some control issues there buddy. Must be a cultural thing. Anyways, the fact you think everyone here likes Trump 100% just proves how narrow minded you must be.

you can't do shit on the defencive, all you know is attacking others. pathetic.

Loaded language fallacy.

Anyone defending Trump is a dumb fuck. You can agree with some of his policies, but still think he is a garbage human being and a garbage president.

Russia though is a dump compared to US regardless of what idiot president we have at any given time.

>you can't do shit on the defencive, all you know is attacking others. pathetic.


report op for being a proxy cuck

This so much!

Danth's law.


>its not ad hominem you retard
>its an insult

He's a great human.
Look what he did with the Wollman rink

Jesus, it went up?

Maybe nobody gives a shit about your retarded thread?

Then why are you posting?


great way to contradict yourself there buddy.

Quit nerve hopping like shrillary and get a life, loser.

Trump supporters this thread dodging the topic like

Fuck off back to your closet Dimitri. What year is it there now? About 1997ish?

Saged for trying too hard

People who are shitty overall are still allowed to have done good things...


he's a politician not a scientist you retard
and maybe that's a good thing since your "president" poisons his detractors with radioactive isotopes