>White women who date black men are characterized as violent, outrageous, slutty, and obnoxious
>Black women who date white men are characterized as nice, sweet, quiet, civiliazed
Explain this shit
>White women who date black men are characterized as violent, outrageous, slutty, and obnoxious
>Black women who date white men are characterized as nice, sweet, quiet, civiliazed
Explain this shit
Other urls found in this thread:
Are you dating up or are you dating down?
Because black women that go after white men were usually strictly raised and brought up in the Church. Their culture has also not become rotten like white western culture has. They still have souls. Most whites in the west have lost theirs.
>nice, sweet, quiet, civilized
White people traits.
>violent, outrageous, slutty, and obnoxious
Black people traits.
"When in Rome do as the Romans do" When you want to date someone outside of your race you act like them to attract them.
Not a hard concept.
Not all black women are hoodrats. Some of them actually want to have nice things like a stable, healthy family and own a home. White guys get the pick of the litter when it comes to black women.
if you wanna fuck a nigger your retarded
>Explain this shit
USA is racist piece of shit country.
Explain it yourself
>your retarded
Average blacks are trash.
>White women who date black men are characterized as violent, outrageous, slutty, and obnoxious
False. My quarter Jewish girlfriend (Russian Jews are mainly Polish Ashkenazis, usually just half, quarter, or one eight, the rest being ethnic European Russian for the most part. Rich Russian-Jews I'm partying with are really anti-diversity in Russia and hate those other shitskins. Yet often fuck with them. Literally have to deal with my girlfriend nigger sex servant weekly)
She got me into orgies with her Russian Jewish female friends. It's started from an invention to an orgy hosted mainly by them and Caribbean blacks they brought over. Initially I disliked it, but then the idea that a Jewish girl and my girlfriend at that gets fucked by a nig started to turn me on. Even sucked off that dindu couple of times while being high. It's actually quite fun. Most of those coalburning Russian Jewish girls are smart, attractive and even patriotic.
You have no idea what people do in their beds.