Why aren't you a Buddhist?

Why aren't you a Buddhist?

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I am

Buddhism isn't really a religion because it doesn't have deities. It's more of a philosophy.

So why arent you a Buddhist?

That would be cultural appropriation

Zen buddhism is best buddhism

Tibetan Buddhism is far more advanced in terms of philosophy

but as it is said

Zen is essential Buddhism
Tibetan is complete Buddhism

Because I am a kekist.

Cause I am already Hindu
Just because it doesn't fit the western definition of religion

Pol is a collective hivemind of failed individuals who come together over something basic as skin color. They are losers, and from this resentment escalates racism and other garbage ideologies. I look forward to war, as an upper class citizen, to purge America of whiney losers, both black and white, whom of which have no respect for the work and cultivation that defines the individual.

I don't really like the idea of reducing my existence to nothing to annihilate my soul preventing reincarnation. Chinese Buddhism is a bit better but seriously what the fuck is wrong with Indian Buddhists?

Because Jesus Christ saved me

> hasn't read mulamadhyamakakarika
>never read the Bodhisattva vows

mahayana added superfluous teachings to theravada.
vajrayana added false teachings to mahayana.

tibetan buddhism is a fringe group. out of 560 million buddhists worldvide, at most 15 million are tibetan buddhists, and I find that number highly suspicious. it's like the whole non-Christian world thought that some fringe group of mormonism is the quintessential christianity. the reason for this distortion is that the dalai lama is a pet of the leftist hippies and himself a leftist; he did not follow the left into its last dive into madness but is on record having said to admire the works of Marx and that some sort of socialism would be the ideal form of economic governance in a hypothetically free Tibet.

you're too closely conflating politics with religion, I realize they are integrally connected, but i consider that a false comparison considering the differences between the histories of christianity and buddhism as they progressed

vajrayana added no false teachings, only techniques to expedite the realization of Dharma, the stories and additions and interpretations a part of the diamond-lightning bolt community of insight that invites the consciousness to break through all bs, also allowing for the fundamental ability to overcome propogandized religiosity

Yeah and he is highly critical of communism too, afaik Tibetan Buddism is heavily influenced by tantric teaching of Hindusim

>realization of dharma
Dharma is the final Redpill I was unaware Tibetan Buddism believed in dharma

The existence of Jesus, but Buddhism is worth looking into.


I believe that sanatana dharma is at the root of all authentic religiosity, as an Essene (Messianic Jew), I'm totally on board with the Hindus and Buddhists and understand (near) universal compatibility of individual's spirituality and religious communities' communication and interpretation of Truth/God/Unification/Redpilledness to eternal reality

This is a copypasta being used by paid shills by the way.

I am giving a thought to Pure Land Buddhism, but there are some doubts I have about Buddhism in general that keeps me from becoming Buddhist.

A Buddhist man walks up to a hotdog vendor.

One with everything - he says

The Buddhist hands the vendor a $20 bill... and then nothing. The Buddhist is confused.

Change must come from within - says the vendor

dicks too big

pure land is actually pretty cool if it is used to understand the values held by the pure of mind and thought, sometime it gets subverted by fantasists and delusional utopianists but even just knowing that frees you from the potential trap

>...a fag

But do you understand dharma?

more a cucked beta religion than Christianity

Because even Buddhists aren't Buddhists.

hmm, I'm not sure if understand is the right word..

can I speak it? well I can reference it but not define
can I harness it? I can point my being into its magnificent flow into eternity
can I be of it? I really really want to every day

what can you tell me of Dharma??

Bunch of stupid hooey, that's why.

I haven't found the need to. I've lived for almost three decades without feeling the need for any philosophy to drive my life forward. I haven't felt any strong need to investigate Buddhism or any other such thing.
Provide to me a solid reason why I should live differently and I'll look into it. But otherwise, who gives a shit?



Because I dont believe in the easter bunny or the tooth fairy. Its bullshit.


Dharm is hindi means duty, dharma is your duty towards this universe you can overlook it but that is what you were born to do that is why a social structure is necessary m

>consumer baby dipshits whos concern is only to fulfill their vices and buy trinkets with their cash

I'm glad you people exist to be ruled over


>Why aren't you a Buddhist?

Because it's nihilism.

Stoic is for virtuous Alpha males


ok, totally fair, but first a couple questions

what do you think truth is and how does it correlate to the conscious mind?

is social order and habit the only reason for deciding how one ought to act, (pleasure-pain princple) or do you think that the human mind is capable of building systems of understanding that are capable of raising people up from suffering?

It's not as if it precludes you from following anything else.

Buddhism is more philosophy than anything else (unless you're going monastic style)

>buddhism is nihilism


Buddhism is awesome and inspiring but goes full retard with the whole reincarnation shit.

>posting Chinese buddha

Metaphysics and Religion are about the ultimate nature of reality and of us and about our destiny.

Why so, what's so unbelievable about reincarnation

>I was unaware Tibetan Buddism believed in dharma
unfortunately it is somewhat difficult to separate modern syncretisms from bona fide historical branches but let's settle by the definition that a branch of buddhism is something that existed in the year 1800 (because aum shinrikyo, for instance has buddhist elements but it's more of a mishmash. with that definition I don't know of any buddhist sect that ever dropped a single article of teaching. they just silently introduce new and usually contradictory ones, and while some are wont to drop texts (zen and nyingmapa come to mind first and foremost), theravada, for example, does not even do that; you turn the page and it contradicts what was said on the previous page.

so once dharma is a teaching, it stays a teaching.

if you try to tell me Avalokiteshvara is an inauthentic interpretation of God, then you have missed the enduring nature of Dharma and human grappling with ultimate truth

It's just a shitty animist version of heaven. Maybe it would be a good idea if it was unique to Hinduism/Buddhism but its not, literally every animist and most "pagan" religions have it too.

>Why so, what's so unbelievable about reincarnation
Because Pajeet, the mind dies with the body, it doesn't float away into a (conveniently) higher cast's new born babby.

Ok so your argument is muh pagan, good one sven
Is dharma Against the lore of Buddism?
It's called atman

how is it that you dudes are so blissfully unaware of the values instilled in the existential mind who incorporates the varying perspectives of Heavenism, eternalism, reincarnationism, eternal return,

come on you senseless niggers, they all offer psycho-spiritual and by extension socio-political stability to civilization that thereby offer revelation and realization to their citizenry

Buddhism is not a fucking religion guys. everything in Buddhism is Hinduism, Buddha was the reincarnation of Vishnu, a Hindu god. follow Hinduism, the actual religion, and you will be following Buddhism. Buddha's enlightenment was that of Hinduism, he may have denounced everything but the enlightenment he was searching for was one of a hindus.

>It's called atman
Call it what you like, when you die it's gone.

It's worse than nihilism. Buddhism is pure pessimistic poison that says life is shit and will only ever be shit.

Here's a Buddhist sermon
>life is Sup Forums
>user you must overcome and
>become normie
>leave tendies
>get job
>and leave your hikikomori ways behind

Fuck that noise. Nihilism is at least a choice. You can choose to let a poo in loo tell you everything is terrible or you can make your own meaning.

I am too (Theravada specifically). I'm not a Sup Forums type though - I mostly come here to gawk at what people post.

I'd rather have reality than delusion that's why.

ok. It's bullshit because there's no evidence for it.

ye values that basically keeps billions in poverty because "hey next life you might be me lol... maybe lol"

What makes you so sure, are you aware we don't even know how memory is stored in our brain we could all be feeding from a quantum antenna for all we know, keep you mind open and try psychedelics

>make your own meaning
That would be existentialism.

>Why so, what's so unbelievable about reincarnation
everything, for a start.
I'm theravadin, so factor in the sectarian filter: the Lord Buddha very explicitly denies the existence of anything that could reincarnate. there are two separate terms, one (bhava) meaning "coming into existence", the other is usually some derivative of jati, birth. bhava seems to mean the arising of a new "instance" of consciousness of the individual in every moment (and its immediate dissolution) and maya, illusion seems to denote the illusion of these consciousnesses that they are related to each other, continuations of each other, just because they can access memories and substitute themselves into the subject slot of those memories.
when it comes to any sort of rebirth after death, the old masters become really wishy-washy. good luck getting a straight answer. my feeling from reading the suttanta is that rebirth after death is something they'd rather not discuss but are forced to by the cultural context cf. everyone having an opinion about it already.

>quantum antenna
Get lost Deepak Chopra.

Evidence of reincarnation? Well I know a friend who could remember living in a place he had never visited, we recently dug into and found our whatever he had described was 100 percent true even his death

Dharma is Sanskrit for Duty. A existence without meaning is useless to you and everyone, and so everyone has cultivated Dharma. It is what you make of your Dharma that causes Karma.

In a way, I already am. Since Buddhism is basically Hinduism anyway.

The Three Refuges we take are the Buddha, the Dharma (Dhamma in Pali), and the Sangha. So yes, dharma is a key part of Buddhism. But, we don't mean the same thing by that word that Hindus do - for us, the dharma is the doctrine that the Buddha taught.

jap zen buddhism is where its at, just accepting things as they are and doing your personal best in the meantime

Well Hinduism believes in it even the old masters in Hinduism believe it too and breaking the cycle of life and death in our prime aim

It's gay and more retarded than Christianity

I'm not a cuckold who le lets go of my le worldly concerns so my feudal lords can piss all over me

Well Buddism is Hinduism for Plebs and I pretty much said the same thing about dharma

It's more of terrance Mckenna

bongo, I agree with you, when one dies they die, gone, absolutely not coming back, but that being said, the human consciousness is hooked into some crazy, nearly unbelievable process of existing, and when trying to incorporate the ancient and long held wisdom of past spiritualist that incorporated individual being into the Eternal Majesty of Being, this is where we can come to amazing revelations and deep spiritual understanding

they need to spiritual evolve, and forcing Darwinian nihilism on a population that is clearly no way socially anti-bodied for it is going to make things significantly worse, at least it keeps the honorable and honest, and these traits will lead to greater spiritual outpouring from reality, that's just how living in truth works

Buddhists are Satan worshipers in disguise and they should be either converted to true religion Christianity or be PURGED!

Zen is pseudointellectual buzzword without any meaning behind it.

>the human consciousness is hooked into some crazy, nearly unbelievable process of existing, and when trying to incorporate the ancient and long held wisdom of past spiritualist that incorporated individual being into the Eternal Majesty of Being, this is where we can come to amazing revelations and deep spiritual understanding
word salad

Is it gay if I get this?

No thanks, all abrahmic religions are creepy as fuck and all seem okay with fucking little kids.

yes, I know. hinduism is clear on the subject, jainism almost as clear. I'm just saying that the theravada canon, on the other hand, is not. there are all sorts of 'what reincarnation is not' flashy quotes plus handwaving around how the flame you get when you light a candle from another candle is neither the same nor different from the flame of the original candle and whether you are the same person now as the child you were, that kind of stuff. then there are the jataka tales which talk about vulgar transmigration of souls. or the Lord Buddha allegedly acknowledging the existence of the gandharva. on the other hand, when he is told that brahmins believe in the Brahman because of tradition, he compares them to a chain of blind people walking, each with a hand on the shoulder of the one in front of him, the first one does not see anything, the middle ones do not see anything, the last one does not see anything.

It's embarrassing, really. I kept chastising Christians for cherry-picking their scripture, and now I am doing exactly the same.

They're pretty intertwined and there's a good bit of overlap between the two. Nietzsche was a nihilist, but it's iffy to call him an existentialist. You also have people like Camus who demanded to be called an absurdist and refused to be grouped with the existentialists. Theistic existentialists like Kierkegaard, Buber, and Dostoyevsky wouldn't be considered nihilists. Labels are a bitch sometimes.

No, just pretentious.

And gay too.


I think religion is for weak minded faggots but if I was forced to chose one ...

Buddhism may be the one I'd pick.

I am not a Buddhist because I destroy heathens like them

true, sorry, a little drunk

but I guarantee, one day you'll get some zesty Italian on those words and chow down heartily

I'll try again, no promises bongo

the human consciousness is hooked into some crazy, nearly unbelievable process of existing

if one chooses to incorporate the ancient wisdom of the spiritual masters of the past, (who reference a supreme Being/ eternal Truth)
this is where we can come to amazing revelations and deep spiritual understanding, regardless of the imagery and language that is used to express it.


Cauze organized religion iz for puzzies

Well Buddism belives in the Brahman too, but yes it's quite clear that Hinduism and Buddism are both competing religion rather separate ways to achieve the same aim but we have better mythology

Fuck south asians and fuck their culture

He makes sense fuck you

Because I'm white and not pathetic.

ty brother, full respect to Hindus that have inclusivity of understanding, fucking based ancient culture, also some of your chicks are so fucking hot, send me one asap

if that is how you fully identify your self in a world of complex understandings, then you are indeed pathetic, I hope you are at least Christian because otherwise you are fully lost

I salute the Fully Enlightened One, the best of orators, who
taught the doctrine of dependent origination, according
to which there is neither cessation nor origination, neither
annihilation nor the eternal, neither singularity nor plurality, neither the coming nor the going [of any dharma, for
the purpose of nirvāṇa characterized by] the auspicious cessation of hypostatization.

because im not a retard

They are said to be conditions when something arises
dependent on them.
When something has not arisen, why then are they not

Partly because it's foreign but partly also because I don't trust any of what's sold to us. Its a highly commercialised religion making good use of New Age types for an easy income.

respectfully, you kind of have your interpretation of how they are represented in the West backwards

the new age types are the ones commercializing it, if you are at all willing to engage with the original contributors then you will not be deceived

The point is it's very difficult to find them and trust them given how extensively corrupted it's become in the West and, by extension (thanks globalism), the East.

I just have a deep distrust of it. Even if what I was hearing was genuine I'd probably associate parts with New Age bullshit and be turned off. Its a shame but that's where I'm at..

Most religions have a similar problem but Buddhism seems to have it the worst. Its like martial arts, because it's foreign and mysterious to people it's a breeding ground for charlatans and sophistry.

totally agree

please, if you have a chance check out


even though I am an Abrahamic Messianic Jew, Avalokiteshvara is a genuine path for realizing the source and pinnacle of faith and realization

I don't want any of your money, I want you as *true* you


bcoz i r nazi!!!!!!!!!!!

Because I reached the logical conclusion of Zen and am now a Taoist.