Why are americans so fat and ugly?
Why are americans so fat and ugly?
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its obamas fault
liberals with their fat acceptance to be precise
>easy life
>a culture that protects the weak
>body positivity
Proximity to Canada
GMO and poor diet for starters.
why are canadians so brown and smelly?
Shit, I traveled all over Europe and Canada and their not far behind when it comes to being fat.
dream on, you guys are the lardiest, hand down
Meat Eaters*
Unrestricted capitalism, see the Heart Attack Grill.
The little people need to be told what to do, those of low IQ cannot handle true freedom.
They need some limits and goals, sense of honor and duty, and identity outside the individual.
the proliferance of cheap processed corn has influenced our cultural dietary habits such that we eat more carbohydrates, more meat, and less fiber, than humans usually eat in a stable system.
this wouldnt account for the obesity on its own. but with the advent of the cheap automobile, cities began to be planned around the ability to drive. very few americans (relative to other countries) have the ability to walk to work or the market. it would take too long.
this reliance on the car has decreased our overall exercise level, and the diet mentioned above only becomes a health disaster when coupled with lack of exercise.
individuals still have the power to break free and be heatlhy, but the prevalence of unhealthy behaviors has an unavoidable effect of making it appear socially acceptable, and over time this has led to acceptance of our ugly, fat state
as far as ugliness goes, being fat is always ugly, but also, having a shit diet and drinking too much alcohol leads to skin problems, which is a big part of ugliness
as far as genetic facial aesthetics go, i think white americans are actually decently well off, you can see our healthy members of society (young male athletes, young fit women) display this
Freedom to not give a shit and literally die from retardation. Freedom and wealth has consequences unfortunately.
War Plan Red Redux, soooooooon.
KYS, leaf-nigger
unchecked consumerism.
Shut up and praise pepe.
For the same reason people in other countries are fat and ugly.
>probably lazy