Hey Sup Forums

Hey Sup Forums

I really fucking hate Jews.

Other urls found in this thread:



I really hate Yanks.

gas 'em is what I say

me too

>yanks are born nation wreckers
>yanks are born from brits
>ergo, brits are born nation wreckers
You taught us well pop.

Join the club


Pol is a collective hivemind of failed individuals who come together over something basic as skin color. They are losers, and from this resentment escalates racism and other garbage ideologies. I look forward to war, as an upper class citizen, to purge America of whiney losers, both black and white, whom of which have no respect for the work and cultivation that defines the individual.

Me too :)

Maybe they'll make like the Mongols and die in a tornado, or be dropped from helicopters

Inb4 newfag saying "edgy"

So you're a Jew?

Jew Detected


t. smelly jew rat. Yeah, keep pissing off us humans.

Looks like many people here hate jews. Now what?

What's the point with these low-level copy pastas?

You'll be the first one to go you fool.
The last thing people of your class want is a real purge to happen, you have no way to win.

All those people you think "love" you, they despise you, and only smile and feign friendship because you pay them. Dont be suprised when the gardener cuts your throat!

This pasta is getting old fast.


this is my favorite pasta now

If you keep responding to this pasta they are going to keep spamming it all over here you stupid newfaggots. How does it feel to know you are literally THE problem on Sup Forums?

Sure, feel free to sue the President for something that isn't illegal, I'm sure this will go extremely well for you.

What is the thought process here?

What the hell is wrong with jews.
It's as if they are begging to be exterminated.

Wrong thread bro

We're taking down the Zog machine, jew by jew by jew

ready when you are

Here's the Complaint he Filed


Jews are the best, you should Marry a black person or convert for the sake of humanity

Checkem :^)

[spoiler]ive been browsing for years and this is a first[/spoiler]


>his Twitter account should be banned
>hurr can't block me!!

Pick none


please go back to lurking

no bully pls

Its a fucking stretch at best, it gets even more fucked up when you look into how he comes to that literally 77 step conslusion

I once had a quints and wasted it in the "I'm a trained sailor" pasta. Still gives me coniptions.

Sup Forums is run by Jews.

But it's a private social media account. It's not state-sponsored. If Trump blocking is not constitutional then every single person that has blocked another on social media has to face the same repercussions.

LOL Dons Twitter is his own biz....

Bant on your own twitter stupid fuck!

Is actually manipulated by Jews. But owned by a Taiwanese guy.
Most mods are Jews though.

You sound entitled my PASTA friend. You will be the first to go!

Sup Forums=

This is the real red pill

Me too, my friend. Me too.

>Sup Forums=
Fuck you, kike. Get back in the oven.

And when did they let the Jew boys start running the Sup Forums?

Im not sure if you're serious

I don't know what "Sup Forums" is but it looks greedy, not funny and full of manlets.

Nice photoshop there.

Because he is Taiwanese. Why would he care.

to bad less than 1% of the pop are descendants of og bongs.


It is fan fiction and the President doesn't have to share his own twitter with anyone else.

Shillary and her emails hidden yet Trump can't block an insufferable cunt that needs to go away. Like all of the left and commies in general. Learn what private property is KIKE.

well well well what have we here

95% of "discussion" on this board is bait threads, eceleb threads, "redpill me on [dumb shit]", low hanging fruit threads, blacked spam, conservative/alt-light threads, etc. Nothing ever gets accomplished.

>Jewish Prisoner Sues Hitler For Blocking Him From Auschwitz

It's even worse since we're all calling each other jews

This will go nowhere.

This opens up the potential for everyone to be eligible for being sued by ANYONE they block, for any reason.

It's not going to happen, and it's a fucking waste of everyone's time and money.

Twitter has a block function, and you're allowed to use it as you see fit. Since Twitter is a private company, suing for being blocked means jack shit.

I'm pretty amused by him doing this.

slowly becoming red-pilled on kikes


But a stupid KIKES feels know no bounds! 8)

Lets watch him crash and burn and get counter sued!


HuH? I said crash and burn and my last three digits are 707 like the plane....

Jews are kind of like a "practical joke creation." Like God decided "hey, wait till they get a load of this!" And then there were Jews, then everyone laughed.

Trump baited out this reaction by going and blocking loads of folks. He's been kiking the kikes his whole life, this was planned and when Trump wins the lawsuit it just adds more fuel to our fire

Trump wins 2020
[jp/s4s] alliance :^)

You're too young to drink. Where are your parents?


You better watch how you post around me, boy. I take great pride in my board, and I don't need shitheads like you fucking it up.

learn a little about your own country buddy, around 60% of americans of european descent have British ancestry.
you can google that shit if you want a source.

not to mention in any thread where a 'significant get' is got the discussion turns into retarded congratulations over some non-achievement and any hope of a reasonable or rational response is completely lost.