Brazil Superpower - Asia bitch

Will Brazil be a superpower by 2030? A lot of economists predict Brazil as a top 10 superpower in the future. Do you think it will happen

Here is a video of a superior genetic Brazilian destroying a Japanese woman. Are Brazilians the future?

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That bitch is more manly than me. GOD DAMN!


Would bang.


Not gonna lie, former monkey here here. This is fucking hilarious watching Western Civilization crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let the Brazilians get the melanin codes.

Brazilian Genetics are superhuman. Look at the weak gook in comparison

>A lot of economists predict
Of couse economists would predict that, as the only thing they take into account is cold financial stats

Brazilian super humans will rule the world.


Isn't Brazil India-tier? I remember many reports of dangerously low health standards and dangerous crime during the Olympics. What happened to that?

they will swarm the world with their BRAAPPPS

memes aside brazil is what you americans will become, so just prepare yourself

Brasil is filled with niggers.

Is that a tran?


hello my friend

This dude is needing chemo STAT... That is like STAGE 4 breast cancer, Bro.

slide thread as fuck


brazil can't into superpower.
not en8ugh military.

I don't think so. I'm honestly looking to get the fuck out of here.

YAY! 8)