Feminist commercial in 2017



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fuck jews


But I respect waymen

the thing that feeds itself

I love how they say shit like "stylish women know equal pay is not enough" because what they mean is "If you aren't with us, you are not attractive." Trying to trick women into believing this bullshit.

>fashion is self expression

Women would be a lot happier if they are totally enslaved and be bought and sold like cattle.

>Fashion is capitalism's favourite child

Jesus christ I hate this fucking shit so much, I honestly don't have the words to express my disdain with these people, It's peerpressure to the point of brainwash on people they know are the most susceptible to it.
It's like a real life version of those D.A.R.E commercials. "Only cool kids smoke weed man, don't you want to be one of the cool kids? all it takes to be one of those popular beloved cool kids is if you just smoke a little weed."

>women deserve more because we are shallower and more materialistic

>shows women being violent and having tantrums

This commercial is fucking redpilled.

>ad likely made by men (and a couple of women thrown in)
>sales likely went up because the target audience is easily influenced
Sounds pretty good.

Christian Turkey you are of genius and greatest ally

>reddit spacing

It's another way of saying "You're a racist if you don't wash a black man/woman's feet with your hair" or something like that. It's ridiculous.

>theres still not equal pay for equal work
Had to stop it right there. Why is this retarded claim still being propagated? Maybe in some retarded 3rd world shithole but I doubt feminists would actually tackle any real problems.

It's Judaism turned up to 11

It's funny because their whole argument here is that because they're shallow materialistic gold digging whores, they're entitled to more money and the ability be violent and destructive towards the people literally putting food on their table.

It's really revealing of the true nature of females, the one they shriek like harpies when you talk about but their own self-made media betrays even.

Because looking good means you are good in female logic. That's how petty and shallow their minds always are. It's literally about nothing more than outward appearance. Utility and ability and deeds mean nothing to them, while they complain that men only see them as sex objects.

>reddit spacing

kek its like women are out to prove their own stereotype is true

These Rothschild satanic child sacrificing ADRENOCHROME PRODUCING fuckers.



Fuck OP for trying to give views to these shitty people

>Women need to earn more because Bianco sell shitty overpriced shoes.
>Complain about pay, not about exorbitant markup on woman products
>women are materialistic and therefore have expensive lifestyles.

Did anyone else get hard when that lady took her shoes off?
I was hoping to see some foot femdom action.
Kinda disappointing.

Wtf, I love Islam now.

And it proves they have no self-awareness whatsoever and that's exactly why they can't be put in the positions of power they covet for the sake of it. They can't be responsible or self-aware, literally physically incapable if it seems.

>it proves

Is all of this somehow news to you, or did you really need any more proof?

>9k dislikes

I didn't even know that was possible

Fuck women, stop hiring them and paying them, and they will once again be our subservient sex slaves like nature intended.


this whole pay thing is a meme.

doesn't exist in most industries.

I only respect wahmen

No but I definitely had the passing thought of "Wow, those heels look great with those pantyhose".

Don't know what it is, chicks that dress professional get me fucking going.

I have to agree, that had some impact on my boner.

>how to get fired 101

>the expensive luxury items I but cost more than the ones men buy
>this is a social problem
The vanity of these bitches.

YouTube will fudge the numbers if they haven't already. That way it doesn't become a record and an embarrassing black mark on their sudden "pro-progress" agenda.

never saw that kind of open jewish pandering
>yes womyn need more...to buy our shoes *rubs hands*

You autistic fucks, mouse over OP's ID and see how many times they have responded.

pic related.

You nignogs got had. Feel dumb? you should.

what is there to say that hasn't been said a thousand times before?

Except this is literal politics. Not only that what could they possibly be sliding by THROWING THEIR AGENDA UNDER A BUS?

I'm not even watching this shit.
The fact that they're even opening the platform for someone throwing a toddler tantrum shouting "I WANT IT! I WANT IT!! I WANT IT!!!" is beyond absurd and even disgusting.
We throws babies in time out for acting like this, why are we rewarding these dumb entitled cunts?

No its not, its consumerism with a sprinkling of advertising.

There's one word worth a thousand: cunt


so thats the jew next step, convert the feminist bitches in physico bitches

>you need to pay me more because I'm an entitled whore who buys expensive and useless shit

women were a mistake

Idpol is the cancer killing the left

This is worth watching:


>There's not equal pay for equal work anywhere in the world
Why do retards keep fucking pushing this retarded meme? It's LITERALLY illegal to pay someone less based on their gender or race. The simple fact is you cannot expect kindergarten-high school teachers to make as much as fucking CEOS.
There is a wage gap, but that's because women work less important jobs, and less hours. The pay for the jobs is equal, if they have the same fucking job though

It's like a satire commercial from GTA

>muh shiny consumer goods
Fucking neck yourself

I see a lot of cunts getting ZERO pay.

Hi Jeff.

we had a new report about that a while ago in Germany
they bitched about the wage gap for a bit, then they mentioned that they also included honorary work in it

like, what the fuck.

Yeah, it's not enough because everyone knows a whore needs more.


>owns a late 00's Mercedes.


I'm a loss for words.

>Complaints about the expensive shit that they chose to buy.
>Idolizing infantile outbursts.

This literally makes me not want to hire women.

Kys. Feet are gross

What's so soul-draining about this isn't that every single stereotype is presented as being true, but that they don't even see a problem with that but instead think it's something admirable.

We need to reinstate women as a property class. Allowing them a standard of equal existence has left them disassociated and bitter. Women as a whole would be happier as a collective led by fathers and husbands chosen for them and leading them properly.

>buys expensive things
>complains about things being so expensive
>meanwhile they don't need to bankroll this behavior, men do

>at beginning say women aren't even mad
>at the end say 'every woman is expressing equal pay'

lazy and entitled


This ad is disgusting and no doubt plays on several weaknesses of women all at once including tendency towards violence.

Ads in the current year are full of women pumching, kicking and throwing objects at men.

this ad really is fueling negative stereotypes, either women are really that shallow and dumb to the core, or this ad is troll


Here's another example of the constant imagery of woman violence.


If you don't like Hooktube you can replace with "youtube" in the url

So they squeeze their tits for equal pay? Good to know.

Hook tube should be spread on Sup Forums like herpes is spread on Sup Forums.

what's is their endgame?


muh free market and muh private property created this bullshit, have fun, cucks ..I.,

Basically they need more money to buy expensive shoes and underwear??? Fuck off whores youre nothing but a living barbie doll

>Forcing a meme

I thought this was a satirical video how this got greenlit?

Welcome to b8 and slide threads.

Notice ow theyre all hot model tier women. No fat slobs beacsue they wont be able to argue muh underwear.

Stop with this fucking meme faggot

Feminism is a mindset based on consumerism. A feminist society has no need for men because their masculine properties are no longer important for the success of society. Men don't provide for women anymore than they have too and are just seen as taking up space. There is no place for men in a feminist society.

This commercial affirms what has been the plan all along. What a fucking suprise.

>mfw it's real

Remember, people created this and somebody at the top thought it was an ok thing to pass on tv.

It's from a company so that higher up might have also simply fallen for the "all attention is good attention" meme.

I wouldn't bet against your explanation being true though.

The day of the rope can't come soon enough

Women are no better than jews

>It's from a company so that higher up might have also simply fallen for the "all attention is good attention" meme.
Maybe. The video seems too self-centred and stupid, even for 1st world feminists. It could be satire but I doubt a footwear company would poke fun at feminism.

Anyone got a word for the female equivalent of "Chimping Out"?

This, I was starting to think that was a silly ad commercial for some kind of shoes or high heels

>my lifestyle needs more money than they lifestyle of others thus my boss needs to pay me more money than anyone else

Women who dress like that are the laziest in the office.

>when the first post is also the best post

Wage gap is a myth.

If women make less money, why are they spending more money than men?

Women are absolute parasitic subhuman animals.

Every single day


(Pls spread this hashtag a lil, i think it has viral quality )

>Trying to trick women into believing this bullshit.

To be fair, tricking women is the easiest fucking thing on earth, which is why our overlords pushed to give them the vote and get them into the workforce.

If someone jumping on top my car some is going on the ground

This video shows that:

>women don't know what they want and will never be happy
>Throwing tantrums and being violent when you aren't getting what you (think) you want is acceptable for women
>feminism is just a way to hawk expensive footwear
>women are brats (a more polite word for bitches)

I am well sick of women. Can someone help me take the gay pill?

They don't have men that know what they are doing. That's the only thing they want.

>Haircuts cost more
Because they choose to do so much more.
>Our outfits are so much more
Because you choose to buy overpriced name brand shit
>Our underwear is ridiculously more
Really now? 6pack of panties $5, 5 pack of boxers $18.
>Being equal isn't enough
Because you're narcissistic wenches that can't handle how much you have driven down your value in recent years. Do you do housework anymore? No, you insist on working forcing maids and house cleaners to be hired when both spouses are working for $200/mo. Do you raise your children anymore? No, you drop them off at daycare for $30k/yr. Do you stay faithful? No you fuck around with Tyrone leading to a divorce that overwhelmingly favors you, granting you alimony and child support.
At every single turn the man pays for your warm moist hole and still you insist that paying for you isn't enough, he now has to pay you more as well.
Replace every instance of a white guy in that video with a nigger and every woman with a white guy. Now it's racist as fuck and no one will touch it. But because it features (currently) not bleeding fuck holes it's perfectly fine.






>>Our underwear is ridiculously more
>Really now? 6pack of panties $5, 5 pack of boxers $18.

And boxers are fucking sexy, too.

I work with women who earn the same or more than me and I have 150k in savings and they are chronically broke.

When I tell them they can buy makeup and stuff at the dollar store they are horrified. "It's just not the same user". Meanwhile the colored tubes of liquid wax they spend hundreds on are shit out of the same chinese factory.

Cunting out