Shia lelboof

shia informing the constable of his rights as a taxpayer

shia in police cruiser jive talking resisting fascist pigdogs

shia pitching a fit and repeating himself in lockup

wtf did the government/pedowood do to this guy Sup Forums. is mkultra real?

Other urls found in this thread:

>and you put your own kind in the can for nothing - you put a WHITE man in the pit for what you fucking bitch

what did he mean by this?

I cant wait for him to go full tranny and turn the dilation up to 11. Feels like hes pulling a j-roc here and trying to pull cred for his latest im totally white rap album.

Imagine being a Jew. Imagine being a Jew born into a Jew family with direct ties to Jew media, and they use those Jew ties to get you on Jew TV when you're only a hideous gangly no talent Jew teenager. Now imagine making millions of dollars being on Jew TV shows on a Jew TV network. Imagine maturing into adulthood having never worked, having always been surrounded by this Jew bubbled, and as you get older your Jew buddies start putting you into major release movies, trying to make you a Jew action star. You enjoy a small amount of fame because of it, but you quickly fade from relevance.

Now the election comes up. You decide to hop on the bandwagon. You get so involved in the fight that you can't possibly back down. The only real attention that you've gotten in years aside from pathetic and infantile art projects is stemming from your half assed political opinions. Imagine you stake so much on this election that it becomes your entire persona.
Now imagine your candidate losing.
Now imagine you resort to the only thing you can do by yourself without outside Jew help. You start yet another shitty art project. Though this shitty art project is a political one. It has one message "he will not divide us." Simple. Imagine you think that you've struck real gold here. You think this will be remembered in history as the start of a unifying movement that will change the course of history.
Now imagine that day one your art project is already a mockery. Same with day two. And three. And four. Imagine being so distraught that you show up drunk to your own art exhibit and start harassing people in the crowd. Imagine being taken away by the police.

>pirate bitch

>the cuffs are to tight, why am i in custody?
New project slogan?

Now imagine your art project gets shut down. So you move it. Then it gets found, and spoiled again. And again. And again. And again.
Imagine that the only things in life that you've ever actually tried to do by yourself were destroyed with a completely trivial amount of effort. Imagine that all your Jew money and all your Jew contacts are worthless to you.

Imagine being so utterly broken that you spend a month of your life in a cabin getting blind drunk and crying every day and every night. Imagine having your entire media persona shattered by a group of Sup Forums posters who will immediately forget about it and move on to something else. Imagine your life amounting to nothing more than an ant hill to passersby.

Imagine being so aimless that you drunkenly ask someone for a cigarette then try to start a fight with them when they say no. Because despite your millions of dollars, you're too mentally disorganized to even buy smokes for yourself.

Imagine that and you know what its like to be Shia LaBeouf.

shia thinks he pays taxes so he can bum cigs form pigs?

>arresting me for what bitch
>arresting me for what bitch

>You're a pirate bitch.

Fucking lost it.

looks like his asshole is about to be divided

Lads I think we broke him.....

I always thought he was an actor comedian pretending to be a pretentious she diva for the lulz but he seem to be seriously deranged.

Don't do drugs, kids.

And this, ladies and gentlemen is why fiddling with kids is not okay m'kay

> the cuffs are too tight
> the cuffs are too tight
> the cuffs are too tight

Knowing Shia he did more than just ask for a fucking cigarette, he's obviously mentally ill. Bet he offered the black cop a blow job for a cigarette.

>you put your own kind in prison for what? Asking a black man for a cigarette?
wewlad. Sup Forums has redpilled shia.


pol intelligence have disabled the mind of this poor bastard, praise kek

I've been arrested and incarcerated several times and I am dead serious when I say that this is programmed behavior. Criminals will repeat this over and over again for anybody recording so they can attempt to use excessive force as leverage.

>Arresting me for what
>The cuffs are too tight why am I in custody
Oh god guys my sides are in orbit This episode came too early it applies to reality way more now

Georgia: In Georgia, public intoxication is a class B misdemeanor. Public intoxication is defined as a person who shall be and appear in an intoxicated condition in any public place or within the curtilage of any private residence not his own other than by invitation of the owner or lawful occupant, which condition is made manifest by boisterousness, by indecent condition or act, or by vulgar, profane, loud, or unbecoming language.[17]

Now we just need Shia to be Wojak.

Why does this cock sucker speak like a nigger?
USA has big problems man too many of you think this nigger speak is cool....

Because he's a liberal, liberals think if they act like niggers niggers will respect them

Every state and the federal criminal code has identified crimes that are less serious than felonies—these are called misdemeanors. Typically, they can result in a sentence of a year or less in the county jail, as opposed to state prison. In many states, misdemeanors are further broken down into classes, corresponding to the seriousness of the crime. For example, shoplifting might be a class B misdemeanor in a particular state, carrying a possible sentence of up to six months in jail and a fine of $2,000. The purpose of grouping misdemeanors is to make it easy to learn the sentence for any given crime—in each statute defining an offense, the lawmakers also gave the crime a class designation.
Other states use “levels” instead of “classes.” And yet others use unique descriptive words or phrases, such as “misdemeanor” and “gross misdemeanor.” The result is the same—for any given crime, once you know the class or level, you refer to the statute defining each class to learn the sentence.
Some states, however, do not classify their misdemeanor crimes. Instead, for each offense, the punishment is written right into the statute that defines the crime. These states assign penalties on a crime-by-crime basis.

>when you use a hollywood millionaire's dumb virtue signalling art project as a meme catalyst, but you drink so deep from the well of shitposting that you destroy his psyche in the process, leaving him a mere husk of his former self, fueled by alcohol, consumed by madness, and projecting impotent rage upon the world in a way that's infinitely more authentic than any performance he's ever done
Caesar found Rome a city of bricks and left it a city of marble.
Sup Forums found Shia an artist and left him an art project.


how did he know?

nah, his expression is priceless as it is. he looks like a legit hobo.

I saw Shia Lebeouf at a grocery store in Savannah last week. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn't want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.

He said, "Oh, like you’re doing now?"

I was taken aback, and all I could say was "Huh?" but he kept cutting me off and going "huh? huh? huh?" and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying.

The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like "Sir, you need to pay for those first." At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.

When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually "to prevent any electrical infetterence," and then turned around and winked at me. I don't even think that's a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.

Ya that sounds like him, he's a self absorbed celeb on a downward spiral, if you come across this poor person just ignore him as if he were a common person, in 5 years Sup Forums posters will be the only people who remember him and only as a funny meme person we destroyed. he's pretty much e famous at this point and that's it, his recent movies since fury have all be flops. I'll never go see another movie with him in it again. Can't believe I used to respect the guy a little for how far he'd come as a child actor

cops with full sleeve tats like those are part of the jewish mafia. let that sink in a bit.

This is like a fucking Shakespeare play

Sounds crazy, but then again so is Shia. Anyways, guys I think it's time we ended this.... if you know what I mean.

>I was trying to be nice to you, you stupid fucking bitch!!

What did he mean?

Shia is the only celeb that makes this copy-paste seem real

So much cringe.

Honestly the behavior described in that post is straight out of the HWNDU stream, it's pretty hard not to believe that user

I'm on mobile can't watch these videos atm. Can anybody tell my why the fuckfacit was arrested?

Let's end this whole thing, Britney Spears South Park style.


What happens when his wife leaves him, does he end it?

It is confirmed already. Only the technology of Tesla and the wisdom of Donald´s dad plus his own sheer will to power and determination is the only hope the West has. And damn it´s a strong horse to bet on.

its weird how many child actors end up bat shit fucking crazy.

He french fried when he should have pizzad.

If you french fry when you're supposed to pizza you're gonna have a bad time.


drunk guy talk shit
WTF is wrong with you Sup Forums
why cant you just leave shia alone?
What has he ever done to you?

Have you ever seriously checked out his art?
Why all the hate?

cant we all just get along?

Full version of your image.

I think it is obvious. Public Intoxication,


>You put your own kind in the pit for what?
>You put a WHITE man in the pit for what?

Music to my ears

This jew actors with no talent wining millions in Hollywood


> not knowing your flavors of pasta

gonna need the discord link for those hwndu servers that were around if they're still sperging out about shia

We MKUltra now!

The MK Ultra mind control is wearing off.....

In a way I actually feel bad for Shia......Hollywood is run by Pedos and Satanic worshipers....


>.Hollywood is run by Pedos and Satanic worshipers
They're called Jews.

he's clearly being persecuted by Hollywood (((elites))). It happens to every conservative in hollywood these days. Tim Allen talked about it right before they canceled his show that was the second best rated show on that channel.

even compares it to 1930's germany.

thats some old copypasta

> [Remove]
this :D

These fucking retards were probably imagining the whole scenario in their heads going "yup, totally sounds like Shia"

Would've been funny if all those cops were Sup Forumsacks
>turned off body cams
>tell LeBTFO
>"you can never out run Sup Forums you FAGGOT"

Wouldn't be the first time.

He's got a point, he's right.
If you think he's not then.. something is wrong with you

Man he had to be soooo fucking faced. He was like Stevo from Jackass lit

I'm surprised he didn't get tazed

>Attempting to get people on /pol to imagine what it would be like to be an irrelevant loser?

he should've
cops had the perfect opportunity when he was yelling why am i in custody

>when the hive mind is on the same wavelength, but alternate frequencies

Hope he gets replaced by another Wahlberg.

what the fuck is with him talking like a thug.
What I do illegal? What I do illegal?

I know the KEK shit is played out but I really think this dude must've gotten some kind of ancient Egyptian curse during HWNDU

He's really good at repeating the same thing over and over, its almost like he practiced it or something.

What if I told you: You and the rest of these Sup Forumstards were the ones who are mind fucked. Totally "bluepilled", a product of the mk ultra experiments that was probably put into effect on a mass scale since the time of your birth

That you've become completely indoctrinated and don't even realize it. That the crazy loon Lebouf is so sane that he's viewed as insane


>the cuffs are too tight why am I in custody
>the cuffs are too tight why am I in custody
>the cuffs are too tight why am I in custody

seems like shia is attracted to repetition of words


>without outside Jew help

found the jew.

thats him acting like a thug. thats how black people act when they get angry. shia being an actor decided to use this persona because it seemed right. but the rest of what he is saying is true as fuck. cops are starting to fuck over white people just as much as anyone else. We all knew it was coming sooner or later. You cant let cops get away with that shit for so long. now they know they can do it to anyone they want without any problems.

Kek, I instantly thought of this first time I saw it

Someone's gonna regret that threat.

Own kind? Was that racist?

stupid nigger


What did he mean by this?

>I'm in the national guard bitch

Is he really?


lol. Why is he speaking in ebonics?

Kek. I read that in Morpheus's voice.



Is this the new;




he said that after telling about his millionaire laywers

so "Im from it" means I'm coming from a wealthy background dont fuck with me"

nope, the fist one is typical niggers talk the secound one is typical libertarian talk

>kekistan flaggot

I want to hit you so badly you faggot


He's a spoiled cunt who turned SJW wanting to do good but quickly became a joke, a nuisance and a fucking annoyance amongst everyone.
The dude niggerized himself.

Honestly, there are literally too many fucking memes in these videos to even remotely keep up.

I'm thinking




That last one would have made headlines here for years tbqh, we're kinda weird when it comes to this. It's an unwritten law called jamtelåven. We like to gas richies that pull this crap

The cuffs are too tight. x∞

I guess he misses chanting his HWNDU.

I'm from it is in reference to him being from the streets. The other thing is he would most likely have been let go if he didnt act up. But those can I have a conversation with you things can go either way really so who knows. I'm sure what happened is he saw a cop smoking and he really wanted a cigarette and made the fatal mistake of believing cops are your friends.

imho there is 99% chance these are symbolic arests (yes go google this term - it goes deep into sociology books) and this kike is conducting some psyop
nothing worth your time

Can't tell if genuinely new or just larping cause of the flag.

"You have a kid? Hope so, hope so, so he can know where the fuck no so is go"

He turned into fucking Shia Suess