Be an american

>be an american
>come to Greece
>chimp out like you do back home thinking you can get away with it
>beaten to death

Greek police has released the video of the beating of Bakari Henderson.

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lol he thought greeks were white and found out the hard way you

I don't know who this faggot is, but he looks like one of those obnoxious smug niggers. Guess he's not looking so smug right now.

he was a gud boy he din do nuffin

Remove negro

Kek, look at that see of numales with their little beta uprising. Why do your men dress like an 80s gay porn star? Is because their gay? Lift some weights Greece.

Can't see the point where he chimps out. In fact I can't pick him out at all in that crowd. But fuck him anyway, he looks like a monkey. Look at that hairline, lol. How do people grow hair on their fucking forehead? They don't, monkeys do.

it was the serbs who killed him 6/8 were serbs

they aren't white either

he went to a really nice high school.
This would be pretty out of character for the guy
what'd he do to chimp out?

Based eurotrash, keep it up you suspiciously tanned buttfuckers

9/10 of those manlets there are tourist.Plus the beating was done by Serbs and only 1 Greek

Anyway nobody deserves a beating like that.He was trying to flee

If you look close he get's hit and the white dude near the car goes to try to help him (assuming it's his friend) but get's hit and then you can see them stomping him.

The incident started inside the bar anyways. People get beat to death in bar fights in America pretty often so I'm not sure why the media is acting like this is shocking or weird. It easily could have happened here.

>15 minute video

Cut it out in a webm kostas

According to the second paragraph he was doin' nuffin' and on his way to church when some mean drunk Europeans threatened him with broken beer bottles.

But there's also this paragraph, so take your pick:

Editor's note: A previous version of this article said witnesses reportedly told police that Henderson and his friends wanted to take a photo with a waitress, which angered the bouncer. A friend of Henderson says local media reports that the attack was sparked by an attempt to take a photo with a waitress are untrue.

They are serbs, learn to read. It just happened in Greece.

>1 British tourist

Depends what he did, sometimes a good kicking to death can be justified, but knowing they were Serbs he probably just offered to light their cigarettes while he was guiding blind orphans to church and they started attacking him.

He relaxed around serbs, his fault. Around Serbs never relax.

i still def blame black lives matter somehow

Around Serbs keep your nervs

Wtf they only hit him like 3 times. Niggers do this twenty times a day to whites in the US. Why are niggers so fragile?

>I'm not sure why the media is acting like this is shocking or weird.
Cause it's a nigger, and they never do nuffin.

Seems like they were harassing some waitress. Probably not worthy of death, but I'm sure as shit not going to lose any sleep over it.

Only police knows what really happened.For some reason they ain't releasing the video from the club

There are many stories about what happened.Some says that he smashed a bottle to a security guard.others say he harrashed a girl,others say that he got hit by the security for nothing

But i feel sorry for that guy.He may attacked someone but he was drunk and he tried to flee.Just let him go

The Serb was a British citizen. I would put good money on the chimp saying something to him and assuming he wouldn't understand

He was a nigger misbehaving in your country. He deserved it. Never forget the Persian Wars, cuck.

I don't understand the vid, why suddenly everybody is fighting? What did he do?

serbs are fucking horrible, dangerous animals. they are almost as bad as the mudshit bosnians they are fighting. truly, if ever two groups did deserve each other...

These Rothschild satanic child sacrificing ADRENOCHROME PRODUCING fuckers.

→ →

looks like he got serbed??

Fuck, he couldn't take THAT ?
It lasted ten seconds !

>one brit, one greek and six serbs
sounds like a drug deal. serbs are outside of serbia to commit crime, the brit found a greek who knew how to get drugs and in the middle of the deal some nigger sits down and like he owns the place.

Lmao any random male from the balkans has more testosterone in them than 5 effeminate ameritards combined

I'm really pissed if he was killed for 'harassing' a fucking waitress. They're fucking money grubbing whores!! Why the fuck would anyone give two fucks about a slutty waitres? I'm sorry you goys, but that nog didn't deserve such a death if it was over harassing a fucking worthless waitress.

They probably didn't intend to kill him, just teach him a lesson.
I mean bar fights aren't that rare, shit happens.

Nobody knows for sure, just speculation so far.

His dance moves were much better than his fighting

>attacks someone

Just let him go, he is trying to leave

Does that go for all crime or just assault? Do your prisons have a rule that if you escape you are now free?

>but cant outrun the whitey
Natural selection. Running is supposed to be the only thing they're good at.

The Serbs I've met are violent, aggressive people that seek out fights. I'm assuming that's just how it is over there. I got in a fight with one, and it really didn't make any sense why the fight started. He just didn't like me because of where I'm from. Makes sense this happened, Serbs have a chip on their shoulder for lots of reasons.

I'm gonna safely assume that you rarely go out and have problems understanding social situations.

That being said, did you really think that he harassed somebody and the immediate reaction of the people around him was to chase him outside and kill him? Have you considered the possibility that this never happens, and if he really harassed, the people next to him told him to stop, he got all uppity on them and then the problem escalated to this.

>worthless waiter
What are you? Be honest with yourself.

He deserved to get caught by the police.Not beaten to death for a bar fight

>He just didn't like me because of where I'm from.
i'm assuming you're from britain, no? i saw serbs beating british tourists daily on those vacations

I kept staring at the guy on the right thinking it was him. Is there another black guy in frame or are greeks dark?

Your moving the goal post. That wasn't your initial assertion

You said let him go after he assaults people because he is fleeing

When in Rome

You're probably British or Scandinavian

brass knuckles m8

he's an autist probably.

we all know how smug niggers behave, I wouldn't be surprised if he was the one who started acting like he owned the place.

There is a difference between restrain someone and beat him to death.

Here a photo of him.His beating was brutal af

oh yeah, so the other drunk people who are pissed at him can serve as the judge, trial, AND THE JURY!? no way that's such an efficient way to handle crime user, why doesn't every country just handle their shit like that

if you check the video closely, he went to attack the mob and got fucked, they were not even after him.

Please point out where I said that?

You are a burger so I shouldn't hold you to any expectation of logic or reading comprehension

What did you do?

I'm from the US, but this Serbian guy in particular that I worked with didn't like that I'm from the South and he made fun of me for it. This was in Commiefornia. he was an extremely arrogant person, glad I got to punch him in the face and make him bleed.

Are random street brawls a common thing in Serbia? Is it more common to get jumped there than elsewhere?

>Are random street brawls a common thing in Serbia? Is it more common to get jumped there than elsewhere?

You're actually FAR more safer here than in USA, or in Western Europe. Homogeneous population means safety

I personally haven't seen 3 figths in the last 10 years and i live in Belgrade

It was workplace violence, long story short a power struggle.

For all I know you are as well, so perhaps you're at a level that you can understand me.
I was merely following your logic, if you advocate that those guys should have followed him, which is something only the cops should have done, you're advocating vigilantism.
I was just picking up where you left off my man

>I personally haven't seen 3 figths in the last 10 years and i live in Belgrade
you probably don't go out in the night that often...

You obviously lack experience with European, especially Greek, waitresses.

As a Dane who has spent significant time in Greece, they're good people senpai.

turk-slav hybrids. But they are on our side I suppose m8.

>believing in a meme

>be an BLACKamerican
>come to Greece
>chimp out like you do back home thinking you can get away with it cause you are a nigger
>beaten to death
Thank you based grease

(removes sunglasses)

looks like he got serbed??

Well, when you say 'long story short' we have no details so not a single one of us can give you insight into why things got physical. Did you do something wrong and are hiding it?

IK Sup Forums likes it memes but outside a few shitty neigbourhoods, eastern europe is safer than west or north america.

Imagine living in a white-majority European country and some retarded American nigger comes to your country and starts trouble.

They did the brave thing. Maybe not the right thing but the brave thing.

What exactly happened that caused his death?

I know he was beat up, but what happened?


Internal bleeding

this sounds like the most plausible thing actually

he already gave some detailed here senpai


gj based greece we would love to do that here when they act up but they are considered a protected species

they arent uncommon, nightclub brawls, but more common are fight between hooligans of rival clubs, you get beaten to a pulp for wearing rival team's clothing. Or they set up a fight. Actually 11th if june was a fight including 100 people and someone got shot

It's also safer than Western Europe.

well considering the current situation there, yes

I'm not going to get a Negro from the US the benefit of doubt. He might not have deserved death, but I'm sure he started shit.

hooligans are always the worst scum in every nation out there, i mean that's why the are not called differently, so yeah

>There are many stories about what happened.
Pretty obvious the black guy was targeted for a beat-down by the group. A lone white guy instigated a fight with the black guy, then his friends swarmed the black guy like sand niggers.

The barman said that the thing started when the americans were being loud and disruptive to the other patrons of the bar when a group of serb tourists and the barman told them to stop chimping out or get the fuck out this nigger broke a bear bottle on the serbs table injuring one of them and insulting a serb girl that was with them.

They got thrown the fuck out of there by the barman and brit security guy, the serbs followed and bada bing, bada boom.


They chased him, pushed him, he fell and hit his head on a curb. The end.

He wuz a gud boi he dindin du nuffin.

Jesus Christus nigs are so ugly

what a Serbout!


lmao yea pretty bad way to go. Getting your shit kicked in by 8 guys dressed up like a bunch of Jersey Shore fags.



Maybe I expressed myself clumsily. When I said 'west' right after 'eastern europe' I meant the western europe.

Well you are on our side vs nigs and mudslimes yeah. Saying that I got Serb m8s.

you obviously read only the highlighted part, do you?
anyways, pic related

>Chats shit
Gets Banged

I called him a faggot before the fight started, but to be fair it was completely obvious he was going to get violent, and it was the proper thing to do at the time, based on his extreme faggotry. He was using aggressive body language, threatening me because I wouldn't snitch on a coworker who was breaking the rules. He spat in my face after I called him a faggot. The fight started soon after that.

I was a supervisor, he was my boss, and he systematically fired everyone when he became the boss. They were basically firing everyone to bring in new employees at half the cost per hour, to keep their contract with the client. I was the last one left getting paid more than everyone else. My company brought him in to clean house. He couldn't figure out how to fire with fake made up bullshit because I did a good job, so he set me up in a fight to get me removed.

Him and a Mexican dude basically made a false flag. They jumped me in a parking garage, I got cornered, they started making threats, he shoved me, managed to fight them both off somehow and escape. After the fight the Mexican guy claimed they were going to lie to the police that I used a weapon to make the guy bleed, to get me felony charges, and he literally said "Mexican guys like me rape little white boys like you in prison."

I was honestly nice to the guy most of the time, laughed at his jokes, thought he was a cool dude on occasion for saying redpilled stuff, but he seemed to never want to get along with me from day one, despite me trying to be friendly. maybe that could be what it is, he didn't like that I was so nice? I don't fucking know.

pic unrelated

i meant on the first statement

>Only a few months after graduating from college, Bakari Henderson, a 22-year-old aspiring business entrepreneur, was planning to launch an environmentally and cost-friendly clothing line.

>mostly serbian men

species being the key word

Baka Reee clothing line

>But Friday his trip took a dark turn, leaving his family asking whether a simple incident — setting beers on a table — really did lead to his death.

I can only read that in a fake concern voice.

>From LA Times:

"He attended the University of Arizona on a full academic scholarship and earned a bachelor’s degree in business finance and entrepreneurship."

Gentle giant was using affirmative action for a free ride.