Can he be trusted? Hes a nigger after all

Can he be trusted? Hes a nigger after all..

He can be trusted a hell of a lot more than literally anyone who has ever posted on Sup Forums, thats for goddamn sure.


He's a meme, welcome to Sup Forums.

His only scientific accomplishment is being black. He's never actually done anything.

Where are all these faggots coming from?

Trusted on what, retard?
The vast majority of things he says is just some pretty basic stuff you learn in school, or at least used to learn before kikes took over.
He is basically a Bill Nye before Bill Nye went insane.

There are things which he is pretty good on, like all the basic physics stuff. There are things he understands alright and his input is valid, like his explanations on the possibility of us being in a simulated universe.
The things he gets completely wrong and has no understanding on is things like biology. He keeps completely misinterpreting genetics as he is talking about how monkeys are only a few percentage different from humans and how it blows his mind because what if we meet aliens and they are ''a few percent different from us in the other direction''. It's complete fucking nonsense and it doesn't seem like he understands genetics at all, but he keeps talking about it.
He also believes in climate change, which he doesn't understand either.
I don't think he is a liar or pushes some sort of an agenda. He is just an astrophysicist who got famous as a circus attraction because people are surprised that a nigger can have an IQ over 100, and they haven't found out that he is probably 60% black and 40% white.

he's pretty smart about general science shit i guess. I doubt he'd ever go full nigger mode because he's like half autistics
if you ever watch his live interviews he goes full autism a few times

You can trust anyone you want to - but no one can be trusted.

he's a breddy gud source of political Science

Didn't he claim there are more stars than atoms?

In Rogan's show he stated that he is totally against any kind of debate and debating wich made me confused, he said the long debates are not useful and if its not clear in like 4 minutes its pointless to debate. Imo in debate truth always reveals itself in various ways, always. But he had interesting inquiry in physics and quantum physics. lal

I would agree. Just look at presidential debates. Statistics show that they don't charge anyone's minds but confirm their biases. Debates between people with similar views might be useful but opposing views oddly tend not to result in anything useful.

Yes, this is from People Magazine 1998

yeah that's kinda what liberals don't seem to get. they would rather "debate" you with their "facts" to try to prove they're right.
and when you finally just walk away they claim they "won" or whatever.

He said batman should be blind like daredevil cuz bats are blind when in reality bats are NOT blind


no he can't be

what a nigger xD

>He is just an astrophysicist who got famous as a circus attraction because people are surprised that a nigger can have an IQ over 100
He's actually fairly light-skinned for a nigger. He's gonna be at least half-breed, so he just lucked out with getting the right set of genes...

Wait what? I've heard him say "There are more stars in the galaxy than grains of sand on all the beaches of Earth" in documentaries, but not this. Surely you're just joking, right?

In Opposing views its the same, the longer the debate the more identity, agenda and truth is revealed. If oponent chooses to more differ itself relating to debating another, it clearly shows alot of identity, agenda and truth.