Haven't had a thread on this for long so let's see if the 50/50 distribution is still true
/NatSoc/ vs /AnCap/
Other urls found in this thread:
Implying Hitler was wrong
>Physical removal
Pick one.
what? the whole purpose is that who's violated the NAP has no rights anymore
Tax imports to pay for common military defense. Figure the rest out for yourself fags
t. Ancap
Hoppean mongs have got to be the most annoying idiots on this board.
>Lmao killing anyone we don't agree with is still libertarian guys, individualism above all!
literally kys. Anybody who subscribes to this for longer than 2 months without becoming fascist is mentally incapable.
Any form of anarchy would never even theoretically work tho. You need a state and government to maintain the people from becoming radicals and to protect your anarchy society from just being annexed by an established state.
Typical plebeian comment by someone who cannot understand nuance and the difference between killing and physically removing.
You would allow any other retard to decide when your right to due process ends? Even after all these SJW types claim that hate speech is an act of violence?