How do we deal with the )))stormfag((( problem?

How do we deal with the )))stormfag((( problem?
I want Europe to have a future, I don't want it to be flooded with niggers.
But every time we start this discussion some )))faggots((( start bringing up "da joos" and larping as nazis.
How do we make )))them((( read a book?

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What books do you propose?

stormfront pol is the real pol. fuck off JIDF


these rednecks you hate have a better life than you will ever have. They go practice shooting with their guns or drive an offroad in an open field, staying fit and healthy by eating their local rabbits and birds.
While you munch on your chips and noodles while being strapped up to a gamer chair with a triple layered diaper on your flabby bruised ass

So many I don't even know where to start.
Some philosophy for sure, just to develop critical thinking skills. Ideally start with the Greeks, but even if you skip that and go to someone like Hume it wouldn't hurt.
In addition to that, history, because it's always redpilled to know that. If you're too lazy to read there are even some online courses, like
And then just general social sciences, politics, sociology, economy, psychology. You need that to avoid being manipulated. Pic related is a good and easy read, for example.

The jews are niggers though. Good or bad, they are not European natives and have to go back


only man i worship is god

>new faggots actually believe this