Brit/pol/ - Grenfell edition

>"Defend Europe": "Far-right" activists launch mission to rescue, send back illegals from Libya

>Footage shows all that is left of Grenfell tower as police reveal they are using sieves to search for victim's remains

>Cozy relationship between Blair government and Gaddafi regime uncovered in secret files

>UK state visit by Spanish royals to begin

>"No benefits" from £60m offender tags

>Political upheaval will lead to UK economy slowing down, says Moody's

>Minister promises victims say in contaminated blood inquiry

>Hospitals refuse to take Charlie Gard as relations between his parents and Great Ormond Street plummet

Other urls found in this thread:

You lads tried this?

Their new paprika crinkle cut crisps are pretty good, a bit like ruffles but a tad firmer.

Stop not being freemen.

Twatter fawning over fat Thornberry

Can't wait until that shit website dies

First for colonialism


oh dear

Sexually? or as in "Yass queen slay"

>When it came to personal morality, he [Callaghan] was even more traditional. ‘In the [Policy] Unit we produced a paper for his first Easter holiday reading about the restoration of responsible values in our society,’ wrote Donoughue later. ‘He telephoned me from his farm to say how much he liked it and asked me to join in the writing of his future speeches to incorporate this dimension. Sometimes these “values” emerged as a touchingly old-fashioned prudery. He once cautioned Tom McNally and me not to tell bawdy stories in front of [his wife] Audrey … and he told me that he had been totally unaware of homosexuality until well into adult life …’

>The prime minister, Donoughue recorded, hummed hymns to himself as he walked stooping down the corridors to crucial meetings.
There's something faintly heartbreaking about the idea this isn't ever likely to come about again. A sort of mix of remembering one's own grandparents doing similar, and appreciating that the sort of society that forms such unconscious behaviours is now long gone and can't really be brought back artificially. (I mean, reading between the lines you can sort of see it was a bit antiquated even by the late 70s.)


what is this webm?

From the second link down, about grenfell

The second one obviously

They literally sold our blood


>Tim Farron has the guts to turn up to work
Surprised thqh

>It's a question about accommodating more refugees

North east? Is that Scotland? Obviously geographically, but North east was always used in relation to Newcastle, Sunderland, Tyne and wear, etc.

Will someone make a Northern Irish 12th of July version of this?

North east up here usually means aberdeen/moray area.

Even though Caithness would technically be the north east.

Just the mongs in my area probably. They call anything remotely northern past the border "highlands" as opposed to the actual highlands

Lads I'm bi but shagging fellas is degenerate. What should I do?

We usually call it, borders, then southern uplands, then the central belt/central lowlands, then fife/stirlng/argyll, then caringorns then highlands/islands.

find a rope and a tree

Fortunately traditionalism seems to be making somewhat of a little bit of a comeback I think, I know it isn't really widespread a the moment but the internet, since it is not (((controlled))) seems to be making people more right wing, and more younger people use the internet than older people. I don't think the shift to the right in some young people is just down to them wanting to be rebellious (since "progressivism" is the establishment position now), I think think it is more to do with humans instinctively seeking order and a sense of identity, both things which are constantly mocked in traditional media but which people can find out about more online. I'm not saying that within 8 years we will have a new Hitler youth type organisation, but the fact is that the Overton window is shifting to the right, whether or not it will be in time to save us is a different question though.

Bowden talks about it at from 13 minutes 54 seconds onwards.

>You know remember PMQ's is supposed to be half an hour

Only shag ladies, at a stretch shag tomboyish ones.

That was a great PMQs. Shame the rest of you were busy talking about more political topics such as crisps and bisexuality.

Interesting piece on the telegraph online about the tower cladding, lads. Christopher Booker. If anyone can access the whole thing that would make a good link. Basically lays the blame on the EU

Don't find butch girls attractive at all desu. I like shagging cute hairless things and getting shagged by manly things.

I'm at work so can't watch pmqs you cheeky cunt

>I'm at work so can't watch pmqs you cheeky cunt
What do you do?

Bottom bit was meant for

Structural engineering

This is his job

100 miles left in the tour de france.

>tfw Laura wont show her bare feet on tv

pray tell the scenario you're imagining in which she seamlessly reveals her tootsies on live TV
Theresa May cuts funding to nail salons?

Reminder most people support gay sex, child rape, abortion, drug use, HIV parties, genital mutilation of children, destruction of families and genocide of the native population.

the fuk?

I'm just hoping her shoe slips off her foot accidentally on purpose

UK version of Lay's

>most people

Loud people you mean.

Walkers make crisps and employ Gary Linekar as their secret police.

Nope, most people love all those things. Just ask around.

didnt mean to post in ded thread..

I just got fined for littering (throwing cigarette on the floor) by some nig cop with a foreign accent.

Not where I live mate. Most people here hate the queers.

haha not calling him a sub human nigger and walking off

They wear those cctv cams and I was wearing my work badge with my name on it

Are they still on about it?

Nah, don't typically eat crisp. But when I do, it'll always be a cheeky pack of Doritos.

They've been around for like 3 years.

Who else listening to comfy Tour de France commentary? Rightly if you don't make the new thread a Tour de France edition I will stand outside your house and watch you through the window

I only noticed senpai pls no bully

>be yank
>pay an extra 40 dollars a month to get Sup Forums


Why? Also I hope it get their numbers down

Private or council?
Any hope of appeal? Something like 60% are successful.

Have you had some of the cool flavours like wasabi and macaroni and I think its spicy bbq?

Isn't Yank internet notoriously bad, as well? I'm getting about 45 down at the moment, but the Yanks probably get like 2.

Why the fuck are foreigners allowed in the police force

They'll be in about it for years lad. It's a seminal moment in our fight against far-right cladding extremism.

Has anyone ever had Lime Doritos? They're actually pretty nice, really weird combination.

Why is this APE! taking the sky news breakfast slot?

where the fuck is Sarah-Jane Mee?

First for top tier crisps, pic very muchso related

Apparently its data capped to shit aswell. l

In some areas it's extremely superior, in others not so much. US is a big place.

I do know they only recently got chips on their cards.

My Granddad was telling me that he worked on these towers and it's Labour fault for changing the regs. In in the early 2000s. Due to the EU.

>Liberal Democrat Welsh Education minister forced to raise uni tuition fees

We're Multi Culti Goyi..... I mean m8

>Anonymongs in charge of crisp choice

>Not eating seabrooks canadian ham

>sky news
There's your problem. BBC may be left leaning but it has the most professional presentation and staff. Listen to LBC and read right leaning newspapers to balance your intake.


Those things have really pungent taste.

its the new Hillsborough
your going to still have enquires in 40 years time

I like Sam Naz. she looks kinda tiny

At least with Hillsborough there was actually Police collusion. Also, the people responsible for that also covered up a bunch of Islamic rapes.

Those things have way too much salt.

They look proper joey them mate

Faggot, I bet you don't even use mustard as a dipping sauce

I don't like dipping sauces in general. I just have Doritos on their own.


if you dont think these are best you have to go back to pakistan

No wonder I dislike yorkshire

Some parts are alright, like York itself and Scarborough.

Fuk niggers


>be scousers
>turn up with no tickets
>Rush into stadium without thinking
>blame police for inevitable crush

>using ANYTHING other than Colmans
Sort your life out yeah

Careful, you'll summon Eddie to tell us about how it wasn't the
's fault la


t. Officer R. Murdoch

York. No its over priced and I went up that castle on the hill thing and was terrified.
Scarborough, is good except everything is uphill. Maybe I just hate hills



Tripfag is correct

t.ban avoiding tripnigger

Scarborough's a nice place to go on holiday to.


Maybe you're

Told you

Just be a normal, straight person and ignore your degenerate urges, how is that difficult?