The owner of the AirBNB from the staircase raycism incident is a prominent member of the Green party

>the owner of the AirBNB from the staircase raycism incident is a prominent member of the Green party.


Other urls found in this thread:

Said incident in hilarious rewind format.

Whoever loses, we win

Wait, fuck me, here's what I meant to post.

Is he ok?

Dear sweet Jesus that webm..................

A couple aspirin and he'll be right as rain.

How is there not an emergency stop button within reach of any of the people who run up to the machine?

What's more, black South Africans complaining about racism...

Their own fucking government has racist laws against white people. Black South Africans have zero right to complain about racist treatment, unless they clearly denounce the practices of their government. They are also free to stay the fuck out of our white racist country. But they won't, because these were LGBT "activists", and they know damn well they can only be that in Europe, because they'd get their gay asses necklaced back home.

I have no idea whats going on here, story?

I dunno, it's gotta be some third world shithole. Everything I've ever worked with bigger than a printer had a big read emergency killswitch.

Because China

Nigger goes to hotel, nigger is suppose to leave by certain time, nigger refuses to leave, nigger chimps out, is forced out, "WHY YOU TAKEN MY SHIT, YOU CAN'T TOUCH ME"

Nigger gets thrown down a flight of steps by staff and dies.

I heard they were late to checkout and here you see them refusing to leave



Have another brutal .webm for my drunken faggotry in this thread.

Oh geeze are they going to be okay?

Greens are fucking shite largely, I used to work in the EU and almost all of them except for a few member states were pure cancer. Most of them were shilling about how they're totally for young people and shit but they were fucking ancient.

I dont care if the guy was the Sadiq Kahn, get the fuck out of the house.


Looks like he didn't really throw her down going by that video.

She seems to trip after he pushes her and then...flies?

These chinese work accidents are way more brutal than any isis torture vid

Perhaps she took an insurance dive?

what the hell happened there

I'm a South African. Should have thrown that snoobab down the stairs harder.

Are you motherfuckers blind? Look at the way his arm moves, he clearly tried to stop her.

Some dude caught raping a kid or something, African vigilante justice.

This one is some teachers protesting some some shit in India, they apparently got what they wanted after this colossal fuckup.

Niggers nigging, nothing new.

I run a floor sander for hardwood floors. You couldn't get your toe under it if you tried. Yet it has a big red stop button. Has to be China where there are 10 people waiting to take your place.

Nigger get the fuck out of here with any of that shit, the story's already been made pretty clear, what the youtube video if your dumb ass needs more to go on.

No I won't find it for you.

please post more gore my man

Alright, I don't think OP would mind me bumping his thread, I'll dump what I got.

Wtf is an airBNB any way? I get the bed and breakfast part. But air? Do they just provide inflatable mattresses?


She got a boo boo, did not die.


Yep I saw that too. I'm glad he missed. The anti nigger spirit is alive and well and kikes and niggers are gonna learn. That not only can history be repeated. It can also be refined and perfected.

That's a shame if true.

It was Brazil, don't know why tho.


I don't get why people just line up to die. You should try to bite the dudes ankles or something. Still would wind up dead, but at you're not complicit in the process.

BnB you can book at short notice from someone who has a spare room, maybe they'll have an inflatable mattress, maybe they won't.


Huh, I I thought I had more death videos.

Oh well, last one.

It is, there is a YouTube vid where some dude interviews her, has a black eye, that's it. Plus she is lesbo and got to get about muh color AND muh oppression. Her Gf was kinda cute tho.

Gravity is a bitch.

What's the story behind this?

the emergency stop is the thing hanging at the top at the start. he destroyed the emergency stop button by being slammed into it

Promises of torture probably? They prefer a quick death, instead of a slow agonizing one.

It is their culture. He is abiding by his mudshit culture.

This is what KIKES want in white nations.

Mossad Agent

(pic related)

>tfw to intelligent to not throw tourists down a flight of stairs

At that point you're just resigned to die. Anyway, if you fight back they may torture you a while versus a quick beheading.

He didn't throw her you nigger she fell. He tried to stop her.

Fuck, haven't seen that one before...


Holy shit, the eyes still trying to focus and shit

>Be late to pay out.
>Owner wants her out.
>Chimp out.
>Owner has to push her out of the building.
>Accidentally her down the stairs.
>Is the first person to go check if she is alive while the rest of her friends just record the whole incident.

That's a really good design

I wish we had drivers like this, when BLM blocks the freeways.

>your arm stiffens and curls inward when you push someone forward
wow you sure are smart
He held onto her arm as she stumbled then you can literally see her arm slip out of his fingers.
Fuck off back to twitter, shitskin. The day of the rope isn't starting yet.

Top kek, bitch looks like she's diving down a water slide

It gets better: the Green Party took measures against Airbnb in Amsterdam because it drives up housing prices and damages social cohesion.

Fuck I'm dying

Yes, that's right, he was just trying to save her from herself after she decided to throw herself down a flight of stairs becuase the ebil racists didn't let her overstay her paid hours by half a fucking day.

Is that the narrative they told you to push?

poor bastard.

He was holding her bag as he was pushing her out and she slips out of it by the looks of things.

he's good

Haha what the fuck is that manlet on the left side of the screen. Looks 4'5

Thats a brazilian prison. And the guy was some kinda kiddie diddler or crossed the guys in charge there.
Was on liveleak. Was during some riot and they used the chance for a nice white bbq.

What an idiot lol

Asian driver.

I also heard she was smoking weed in her room, causing the room to reek of it which might not entertain the next guests that much, hence infuriating the owner even more.

Makes more sense than

>member of green party
>invited niggers to stay with him even though he apparently hates them
>decides to push one down the stairs when surrounded by witnesses and on camera

Yeah that makes loads of sense. Not like you can actually see him try and grab her as she starts to fall. Not like he rushes down the stairs to check on her while her mates just stand in the door chimping out.

I bet she will NEVER film vertically again.

What was this? Location, motives?

noticed that after you pointed it out. Must have been quite the out of body experience.

He still hold her backpack in his arms. She was trying to run away he was holding her then she faceplanted down the stairs.

Criminally unchecked