The anti-semitism on this board is getting out of hand

If you see an anti-semite poster, challenge him, don't let the little shit get away with his "kike here", "kike there", bs. Jews are good people, hard working people, who are against uncontrolled immigration.

Other urls found in this thread:ür_Sexualwissenschaft


Take a hike

Greatest ally, please find the nearest oven.

shoo shoo shilly jew

We are not gotta let you get away with this, anti-semite.

I am sure this is illegal in Canada. I will call the authorities on you, if you continue.

You sound like a jew

post more

Realistically speaking, Kike is to Jew as Nigger is to Black. It's all about behavior and conduct. Fuck off with your narrative newfag and lurk moar.

Fuck off oven dodger

Good thread


>I am sure this is illegal in Canada. I will call the authorities on you, if you continue.
They don't give a shit.
It's only illegal if it concerns an arab.

checked, gas yourself oven dodger.

Challenge me.

>Jews are good people
The only people who have ever legitimately believed this are jews.



This. How can I help you?


I think there's a resurgence of anti-Africanism because at this point in time, Israel has not yet learned how to be multicultural, and Africans are going to be part of the throes of that transformation, which must take place. Israel is not going to be the monolithic society that it once was in the last century. Africans will be at the center of that. It's a huge transformation for Israel to make. They are now going into a multicultural mode and Africans will be resented because of their leading role, but without this transformation, Israel will not survive!

why should you have the special privilege to not be ridiculed kike?

What are you trying to say with this picture?

How many shekels are you getting for this PR shilling kike?

>muslims dindu nuffin
>jews did it
wake up

When will Israel stop these blatantly Racist policies? It's not 1950 anymore! Israel must take their fair share of migrants. Islamophobia is real.

>against uncontrolled immigration.
What is this meme? It's very controlled, it's happening the way it is because this is the way they want it.

>why should you have the special privilege to not be ridiculed kike?

Anti-semitism is bs. That is why.

Jews are anti-European, we're just defending ourselves

Challenge me..

>Jews are good people
That have been driven out of every country they've ever been in throughout all recorded history.
>Jews are hard working people
43% of the American 1% is Jewish. I see no hard work here, just Jews standing on the shoulders of anyone else.
>Jews are against uncontrolled immigration-
-in Israel. Look at it CNN biasing their reporting on refugees and immigrates, same with almost any other American MSM provider. And they're mostly Jewish owned.
You yourself can't even be proud enough of Israel to show it instead of the EU flag. They should have gassed your grandparents first.

based leaf


>uncontrolled immigration
But how is a controlled genocide so much better?

>43% of the American 1% is Jewish

Do you know where you are boy?...

I wonder where this antisemitism is possibly coming from?
Could it be a normal self defense reaction against a a hostile enemy that is actively wiping you out?

stop posting this pasta

Topkek, If you don't know why people dislike Jews, then look no further to this pic.

Fuck you.

The Semites are the Palestinians and the Syrians. They are being daily kiled by Ashkenazy, (Europeans descendant) Jews. Fight the trueantisemite, fight theJews today Sup Forums.



you haven't been here long.

it's far more tolerant now.

DON'T IGNORE THIS. These WILL change your life for the BETTER, but only if you want it.
Each video holds innumerable strength, and in totality; you will grow stronger than you seek.

The truth about immigration, by the numbers:


Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide

The plan to eliminate the white race:


Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:


Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:


Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:


Just-in-case you wondered who were the 'Marxist' aggressors, you will look to Zionist Jews. Perhaps you then know why Sup Forums has so much angst against JEWs. The Soviet Union fell, but they are STILL pushing this ideology, only this time; they are seeking for Israel to be the light among the world.
>Mix 105 IQ Whites with 80 IQ browns = ~92 IQ cattle race that's easily ruled over.

Thus will the promise of the Talmud be fulfilled, in which is said that when the Messiah comes, the Jews will have all the property of the whole world in their hands.
t. Chaim Hirshel Mordehai - (KARL MARX)

Also, see:

The facts about slavery in North America:


Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:


Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)


The Holocaust:




>Do you know where you are boy?
Sup Forums only morphed into an anti-semite board with the rise of Islamic fascism in the last years, Ahmed.



Shut up racist, accept your African diversity. We know the truth! BLACK PEOPLE ARE THE ORIGINAL TRIBES!

your time is up kikes

I challenge all of you grrr


This is consistent.

When the Jews stop the "Divide & Conquer" with pitting Arabs VS Whites, then Jews will not get the attention they so deserve.

While I know good ones why are so many obsessed with destroying western culture

How old do you think Sup Forums is?


>He doesn't know Sup Forums was created by m00t to contain anti-Semites from /new/
Literal newfag

>tfw jews will be exterminated in your lifetime

Your jew tricks won't work here, it's an ASHKENAZIM JEW admitting the truth


hi newfriend

this is now a merchant thread

some might be but as a collective of people they have a proven track record of fucking over everyone else and the same patterns are seen again now

Challenge me.

go away jewish nigger



Jews are the scourge of mankind



Kill all the kikes


I don't completely believe in the Jewish conspiracy, but there's enough supporting evidence to make it plausible. Why is it that the richest people are Jews? Why is it that the Jews own several media and news outlets? Why is it that the US supports Israel without question? Why is it that Jews are over represented in media? The fact that I ask these questions will brand me as an anti-semite even though I'm simply asking questions, only makes it even more plausible.

Jews love the gas chamber and niggers love hanging from a tree.

the biggest welfare state in the fucking world.

Oh and pic?
what jews do to people that speak the truth


The number of Muhammads on this thread is frightening. How come Islamists are so strong on Sup Forums?

Fuck off you /r/the_donald retard, all blacks are niggers and all jews are kikes


This jew says he is helping Christians though so im sure not all of them are bad. But the ones who are a demonic tier evil and must be wipes off the earth. Just look at the state of the institutions they are in control of in the west.
Media - litteral mind control destroying all that is decent and good in our society.
Financial institutions - Keeping us in perpetua debt and enslaving entire nations
Politicians/lobbying groups - Fucking war leading to thousands of deaths and destruction of countries leading to incredibly devastating migration that could forever change demographics of once proud nations.
Some jews are not in on this shit. But just look at the shit the ones who are in on it are causing.

Europeans also have a track record of fucking over everyone else.


Oh look, JIDF and Mossad set up a fake Wikipedia page for one of their Mossad agents.

>JIDF detected

Go away, Schlomo

Don't bump shill threads fags. They are succeeding in diluting the board with low quality bait threads.

Everyone knows kikes should burn.






I'd gladly hand them over to Muhammad and allow them to rape and behead those dirty kike nosed Jews.


>Jews are good people

thats where youre wrong.
>Magnus Hirschfeld coined the term transsexualism, identifying the clinical category which his colleague Harry Benjamin would later develop in the United Statesür_Sexualwissenschaft

Jacob Henry Schiff was an Jewish-American banker, businessman, and philanthropist. Among .... In addition to his famous loan to Japan, Schiff financed loans to many other nations, including those that would come to comprise the ... Schiff was also known for funding Trotsky's journey to Russia to overthrow the Tsarist rule.

just a couple of examples.

I don't completely believe in the white conspiracy, but there's enough supporting evidence to make it plausible. Why is it that the richest people are white? Why is it that the whites own several media and news outlets? Why is it that the US supports Europe without question? Why is it that whites are over represented in media? The fact that I ask these questions will brand me as an anti-white even though I'm simply asking questions, only makes it even more plausible.

not with that flag you're not.

scram, heeb.

This is bait for anti Semite posts. I do think anti semitism is retarded on here. The Jews do not have an organized conspiracy. That's fucking retarded. Some Jews are just lefty kike garbage.

This. Fucking redditors need to get ovened as well

>Jews are good people, hard working people, who are against uncontrolled immigration.

Hehe, good one.

I like you Australia.


What is this fucking sense of pride and accomplishment you kikes having an attractive military? its the military not a modeling agency you confused fuck. They are supposed to be effective warriors. Are you bragging that the enemy will have something to rape on their way to taking over your country?
