With net neutrality soon to be gone in the US, where does this board go without the amerifats?

With net neutrality soon to be gone in the US, where does this board go without the amerifats?

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It would be alot less interesting.

It will die

??? it will be awesome

None of these obese right wing nerd virgins will be able to afford their new internet cable packages

It'll be better off. Hopefully they're around long enough for me to see their tears when Drumpf is arrested.

I guess I'll go back to hanging out with "friends" sine the internet is gone.

शुभ प्रभात

Plz, Jesus, let it happen.
Plz, Putin, let it happen.
Plz, Jesus, let it happen.
Plz, Putin, let it happen.

good morning to u too

Why don't you write back in Hindu?

why should i be forced to subsidize their netflix accounts?

I don't speak or understand Hindu. I copied and pasted that shit into Google Translate.

Oh. Did you come over here when you were young?

you are ignorant

Lol. White Canadian born and raised. Nous pouvons parler en francais si vous preferez.

Nevermind, I thought you were Obamaleaf.

Je suis Obama Leaf.

You didn't know I speak French?

Didn't they try passing this shit like two years ago? What makes you so sure it's gonna pass this time?

Republicans have control now. They do their corporate masters bidding

Nice Google translate. You already said you were from Toronto. You threw me off when you said "right wing nerd virgins" instead of RWR

Right wing retards have been getting triggered to shit lately by that term. You don't think I'm Obama Leaf? You want me to tweet this thread right now?

I am from and live in Toronto. Doesn't mean I didn't learn French as a kid.

Why would you learn from in India?

>Why would you learn from in India?

Lol. You sound Indian.

Is this all just projection?

Appointing based Ajit Pai to the FCC was the greatest accomplishment of the Obama Administration.

They tried during the obama administration, but trump said he wants to change the internet plans which is why the comcast etc are throwing in new plans.

Hate the faggot neutrality meme so much

Net """Neutrality""" has only been around since 2015.

Alright so I need to take a shit but when I shit in the morning, I shit diarrhea, and when I shit at night, I shit fine lumps. I should wait, but I'm having a hard time holding it. Wat do?

>Obamaleaf is now pretending to know french by using google translate

Fucking pottery


>shitpost at 4K/s


Kurds are red and everyone else is on the blue.

How does it stop you from going to websites? Just go the the fucking websites, nothing will fucking change. As usual.

>All Republicans

Why am I not suprised.

Je peux parler francais mon ami. Je ne dois pas utiliser google translate pour ca.

These right wing cucks always obey their corporate masters.

It could mean that they treat data differently, so that means your data is subject to different scrutation.

Net Nuetrality is just an excuse to give government power over the internet.

Some reddit fag that hates Trump and didnt bother calling out Holder and his buddies when they killed the co-founder by threatening a 30 year jail sentence. Now they suddenly want to speak up when its time to seize power over the internet, but when a guy wanted to give us MIT study materials for free no one said a word.



No. I know I'm not the only one who says you're Indian. I've seen at least four other threads where people called you a POO.

back to 2013 Sup Forums?

because that's how old """net neturality''''' is

So far, ISP's sell you a service based on bandwidth (maximum threshold). In case the line is too busy, everyone has the same priority, therefore everyone gets an equal "delay" so to speak. Data packages are sent an accepted on a round robin fashion with equal times for everyone.

But without net neutrality, ISP's can sell their service based both on bandwidth and PRIORITY. Which means if the line is too busy with high amounts of traffic, the plebs simply get fucked while the kikes with expensive premium packages maintain their high speeds.

So thankful for Obama appointing Ajit Pai to the FCC. He has given the internet back to the people.

Lol it's 1 guy splerging out because he's triggered by how badly I massacre u right wing retards in arguments everyday. Pretty sad desu

Sounds like a problem for plebs. I can see why r*ddit is so passionate about this.

DINDUISM is always the go-to right wing retard move

i've never seen a bigger bunch of DINDUS than these fucking right wingers

Net neutrality shills need to kill themselves

Why though?

Yeah that's based Ajit. Unironically thanks Obama for appointing him to the FCC back in 2012. You've done America a huge favor restoring liberty to the Internet.

>setting up a false premise, passing it off as fact, and then asking a question based upon the false premise so anyone responding is distracted by the question and thus will let you pass off something false as fact
Are we in a courtroom or something? This is a Jewish lawyer tactic to get stupid false shit onto the record. That isn't what Net Neutrality is, I don't accept your premise, now fuck off and stop baiting.

Supply and demand. It entirely depends on the market and location. If you are near some rich neighborhood you might be fucked. Who knows how much you have to pay for maintaining your current average. Rest assured you will lose money though.

Who are you talking too?

Who cares about net neutrality? It's just a meme anyway.

Trump will have more power this way.


It never went into effect there is absolutely zero change

Trump just made a vocal opponent of today's 'open internet' laws the next FCC boss

You shouldn't want Trump to have more power, the people must also have some sort of power.

>The language is called Hindi you uneducated fucks. Hindus are adherents of a religion

And here's the archive archive.is/xIfF4

Not an argument. I don't know why you are so buttblasted that an Obama appointee has done such a great thing for the American people.

Wasn't that the fuck promoting this shit?

>"Breaking news! Trump rolls back consumer protection laws!"
>"But what we wont tell you is that the laws he rolled back weren't even active to begin with"

Fake news is running wild.

They're malicious liars pushing for the very thing that we do not need if we want internet access and less censorship.
These ''people'' know they are lying.
There is no such thing as ISP packages that magically force people to pay more for internet. There is no such thing as internet providers killing your internet speeds to extort you for money. The only thing that people should be worried about is the government that we know loves censorship and extortion having more control over internet access.

It's not private businesses in North Korea that keep people from accessing the internet.
It's not private businesses in the UK threatening to ban sites and control the internet.

I can't tell if people are just too retarded to know what net neutrality actually is, or if they're just feigning ignorance to bait or virtue signal.

can't you just bypass this bullshit with a VPN?

OP. What he said is false and the question posed upon a false premise is retarded and this is a jewish lawyer tactic to frame the discussion how they want. Not the actual issue at hand, but framed to tell you how to think and defend stupid false bullshit so they can "win" the argument.

It's also not the government raiding homes and arresting people for tweets and Facebook posts like the UK, France, Germany, etc.

>There is no such thing as ISP packages that magically force people to pay more for internet.

That's the thing; there could be if that bill had passed.

The important thing is to try and educate people.

Net neutrality wasn't a thing before 2013. Were your parents paying good more back then?

Where were you when 2012 Obama appointee Ajit Pai saved the Internet and resturned it back to the people?

What was that about Obama's legacy being erased, Drumpfcucks?

Net neutrality was intend to keep the Internet the same way it had been.

Just a reminder that Article 2 specifies that common carriers are subject to the regulatory body and little else. All this net neutrality propaganda is so full of shit and has nothing to do with the actual issue at hand.

>americans vote on politcians that says they are going to do
>said politcians then do it
>americans go "what the fuck? how do we stop this?"

must be some shit in your drinking water. there's no other explanation to why you're all so fucking stupid. okay maybe not all of you

These people are liars and/or ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''trolls'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
There is no point in trying to argue with them. Net neutrality shills need to hang from the rope. These pieces of shit will stop at nothing to shut down Sup Forums while they're fapping to North Korea, their communist paradise.

Yeah but Google said it's important

>dinduing this hard

Trump-appointed FCC chairman announces his intention to kill net neutrality

People voted for Trump to shut that net neutrality shit down. The people who pretend to be ''us fellow go- I mean white people'' never supported Trump and would have loved to have Hillary fuck us in the ass with net neutrality.

Net neutrality is way worse than TPP, and I can guarantee that all these shills love TPP too.

Dropping some related links, since some anons seem clueless and this shit should be spread more:

Meme flags, opinion disregarded

There are so many massive corporations trying to push people toward lobbying for net neutrality makes me wonder what their motive is. They wouldn't be doing this obnoxious shit out of altruism.

Good. It seems I've transcended your normalfag bullshit.

Are you retarded by any chance? Net neutrality is actually fighting against the new bill to throttle the internet and control it like a step away from North Korean totalitarian regime.

Net neutrality is the idea that ISP cannot just choose how much of their conenction goes where and charge more or outright block most of the bandwidth when connecting to particular sites. Currenty FCC tries to take net neutrality down as it's potentially a huge source of revenue.

Why, user, do you have too much money and would rather have special plan that gives you nothing except having to pay more so you can connect to nazi chinese cartoon boards?

Check the links I dropped at


>For Immediate ReleaseOctober 31, 2011
President Obama Announces Another Key Administration Post

>WASHINGTON, DC – Today, President Barack Obama announced his intent to nominate the following individual to a key Administration post:

>Ajit Varadaraj Pai- Commissioner, Federal Communications Commission
I believe you are the one dinduing. Based Obama had amazing judgement in appointees. Everyone knows that.

Why are people pushing for this so hard?

Where were they when Obama did this shit just months before his presidency ended?

>pushing Reddit shit

Obama is so proud of you, even today, years later. I can see the tear falling down his cheek right now.

>where does this board go without the amerifats
Much more white

Corporations currently push people to lobby against it, that's why the new bill is supposedly called "internet freedom act" or some such, except it's meant to allow companies to decide which services and websites they allow how much bandwidth for. It's those corporations which created this bill.

Fuck, today Sup Forums seems more retarded than usual. Next you'll tell me to fight against second amendment because second amendment is about taking our guns away?

More bullshit. Kill yourself, kike. You reddit faggots are the most gullible idiots imaginable. Why can't you go back to rebbit and peddle jewish lies there? Why does it have to be here?
The only reason I would ever support net neutrality is if I wanted to see your reddit retard reaction when you get fucked in the ass.

That's cute. Now show the list of the Dems that voted for it. It might not be as big as this list, but they still voted for it.

Reddit shit? Last I've checked reddit didn't have monopoly on basic truth on what is net neutrality and what is the new bill. Creators of the bill themselves allow one to check what their bill is about and definitions of net neutrality exists all around the net for you to check out.

Also, Obama? Please. Do you even know how Kakistani meme came to be? Lurk moar, newfag.


Obama appointed him to a GOP slot on the FCC panel. Trump appointed him to be FCC Chairman. You're the one who is dinduing.

Obama was very strongly in favor of net neutrality. That's widely known. That's why u corporate shills hated him so much.

Republican Ajit Pai named new FCC chairman

That's why you GOP shills are such degenerates. You dindu your own corporate cuck policies. Why not at least be honest that you're a corporate shill?

That's a list of everyone who voted for it. Democrats voted against it. Now do you see how the GOP cucks you tards?

Net neutrality is what we have now. If we won't, and get that new regulation everyone will be fucked in the ass, you included. You are retarded or a shill for ISPs.

Or maybe you'd like to be fucked in the ass? Masochist tendencies? You'd love to lick some le happy merchant's shoes for those $0.02 deposited to your account, eh?

>r-reddit shit?
Yes, Reddit shit. They (you) are the ones who pushed that garbage as gospel. Never here on Sup Forums was it some obviously great goal that needed to met, quite the opposite. Of all the topics that shows the invasion force of illegal aliens from Reddit is clear, this is the one.

Net Neutrality
President Obama's Plan for a Free and Open Internet

GOP corporate shills btfo.

I love how the GOP are such degenerates, they have to dindu their own fucking policies so hard.

Thanks based Obama for recommending Ajit Pai. As dumb as Drumpf is, at least he trusted Obama's judgement on this appointee.