Antifa declare war on The Aryan Brotherhood

Who are you putting your money on Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:

and how do we make sure the AB are aware of this declaration of war?



Nice try leaf
I put my money on my walther



The ones who actively stockpile ammo/guns, the ones who have military background, the ones who have money because they work. The ones who have a vested interest in the future.

Not the ones who are following there "newly" acquired dream taught them by Ms. Professor Shlomo Goldstein.


I'd put my money on litteral quadriplegic retards If they were to fight against the antifa.



Yo where'd you get that clip art? I want to use it for my school project.

Kek. I bet this guy wishes he was dead right now



Antifa Prison gangs vs Aryan Brotherhood Prison gangs. This be a turf war. Antifa is probably feeling the Financial squeeze and is moving into drugs for supplemental funding.

Don't let them control the underground

>Aryan Brotherhood

Bunch of meth dealing hillbillies who larp as nazis because it's an immediately recognisable, edgy expression of whiteness.

Sounds like a worthy foe for antifa, 2 groups of dipshits who have no idea what their respective groups even actually represent


hope she necks herself

Just use the mossad tactics and turn the arabs against each other.

>Bunch of meth dealing hillbillies

>responsible for 18% of all murders despite being only 0,1% of all inmates

lol antifa is getting murdered



I have never seen someone from the ANTIFA with muscles.

Post the reddit screencap where they condemn people lifting and looking like the guy on the left because being fit is a "fascist aesthetic"

Mischievous edgy teens challenging White Power, top kek

Yeah they'll obviously fuck antifa up if this is real, I was just laughing at antifa taking the ayran brotherhood seriously as "fascists" as if they are an actual political movement as opposed to a simple prison gang whose sole purpose is to make money

>US antifa
>larping faggots, rich kids and attention whores
>Aryan Brotherhood
>one of the most dangerous criminal gangs
I hope they really start a war, will be a short one.



>alienate everyone you know in the name of your faggy cult
>make one mistake, cult turns on you and you're in prison for the rest of your life with no allies
>everybody in the world hates you, the only person who doesn't spit on you when you walk by is your attorney, and he's only putting up with your shit because your dad put down a $50k retainer on him

desu I'd an hero if my life sucked as bad as Eric Clanton's life currently does



This is almost too sad to be funny