Global warming isn't re-

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Posting fake news. Hahahaha


It's not fake though.

You forgot to finish your sentence,

Global warming isn't real. There.

Explain the iceberg then.

It's frozen water. Mystery solved.

A giant iceberg separating from the antarctic means full on global warming?

Man...that's crazy.

Isn't it called 'climate change' now?

So suddenly no global warming?
I thought it was global warming but not man-made?
Seriously nuking your mong-tier country when???

I bet you blame every hurricane, and even the lack of hurricanes, on global warming or climate change, too.

What's beyond the ice wall? Why do we have a treaty with all the nations to protect some penguins?

Its called climate change and its natural

>ice does something that ice does
>"and what better way to express my emotions about this event and perhaps even solve it than to yell at anonymous strangers on the internet"

Quality replies to a quality thread.

Dude. You made my day.

the global average surface temperature data which alarmists base their conclusions on is not a valid representation of reality

It's real but not men made
And it's actually good for the planet and the human race

Of course it's real! Pony up your portion of the 15 trillion NOW!!

There has been no global warming since 1998.
Literally fake science.

>Why does ice melting mean bad things?

The sun, heats the earth with light. The oceans, absorb heat, because deep water is the darkest thing on the Earth's surface. The Ice, reflects the most light on the Earth's surface. The less Ice, the less reflection. The more water, the more heat absorbed.


wtf i believe in global warming now

im doubling my payments of carbon tax ... but who gets it?

Chances of it crashing into Buenos Aires or Cape Town?

I'll just leave this here

The funny thing is that the more "oceans on the rocks" appear, the worst the weather is gonna be in America.

Expect a Catrina x 100 after the summer, guys.

Significant CO2 forcing isn't real, acceleration isn't real, warming during the last century (with significant pauses) was real.

>Significant CO2 forcing isn't real
that may well be the case but someone must have forgotten to tell this to planet Earth

top kek m8

icebergs break all the time you dumb faggot. Bigger ones than this even.

NASA satellite images have shown Icecaps growing over the past decade.

So do you have anything to disprove it?

ty for the chuckle

God I would pay some serious shekels to be in that plane.

(((adjusted data)))

Most deniers don't deny that it's real.

They either deny that it's man made, or they deny that the people asking for the power to solve it will use that power to fix the problem rather than to enrich themselves.

Take three transparent, air tight boxes. Fill one with oxygen, fill another with nitrogen, fill the last with carbon dioxide. Leave them out in the sun all day. Measure the temperature of each.

Then tell me what you think about putting more CO2 into the atmosphere.

every source gives the same result as

Well, except for trump but as we all know he's an idiot.

>big black cock dot com

>ice sits on top of an active volcano

Sweet baby jesus, stop the goddamn presses.

>or they deny that the people asking for the power to solve it will use that power to fix the problem rather than to enrich themselves.

I know republicans have a great track record of doing that but where i'm from our politicians are honest.

Well, the Earth is recovering from an ice age; obviously it's going to get warmer, until, it starts to get cold again and we enter another ice age.

As for plants; they'd be a lot happier with more co2 in the atmosphere.
It's power mad commie politicians like Al Gore who we have to worry about.

a study came out recently that debunks exactly what you claim.

update your talking points, shill

IDK where this meme came from, the earth is still warming, it being called 'climate change' is just indicative of the extreme weather patterns being shifted globally and things like undercurrents of the ocean changing which may can have an effect on coastal temperatures and therefore climate.

Higher CO2 levels = higher temperature as CO2 absorbs more radiation. Burning off fossil fuels = taking CO2 out of the lithosphere and then released into the atmosphere.

So yes, it is still global warming. The thing that's in contention by most people who seem to want to do nothing about it is at what rate it's warming/if humans really really can do anything about it yada yada. The Koch brothers surely haven't influenced public opionion in that regard I'M SURE

that's just completely false
the "recovery" already happened several thousand years ago. It's simply misstating the case to try to put this into the context of normal glacia-interglacial periodicity.

And that's not how the climate works anyway. It doesn't get warm because it was cold earlier.

your talking points are outdated and false.

Flying that plane around doesn't help CO2 levels causing the green house effect, china doesnt help either as they are the #1 emitter

Lets complain to the Chinese instead of tax paying americans

>Koch brother's
2012 called, they want their meme back.

We've been waiting for those frequent super hurricanes for over a decade now.

>muh affirmative action graph
how am i supposed to repect anything that comes out of leftist colleges, let along leftists colleges in california, when they literally weed out the more qualified and fill their campuses with morons

Did you even read what you just posted?
Do you need me to explain what a p-value is?

not even (((them))) can break the earth's natural cycle with money

both *literally* not an argument and irrelevant
you can pick any terrestrial temperature monitoring body, they all give essentially identical results

It's fucking nothing

I'm a denier I guess. I don't deny climate change because the climate is always changing. I am skeptical of the alarmist approach because of a few issues. First off the entire debate has become entirely too political rather than scientific which is what this whole ordeal is. The question isn't whether the climate is changing, but rather is it changing at a faster rate than previous warming and cooling cycles. Also are we to blame for that increase in rate. From a scientific standpoint the debate is far from over. I sit in the camp of well we simply don't know a few vital things to help us make this decisions. There just isn't enough data imo to support the alarmist approach. However I also think fossil fuel is stupid and that we should start using nuclear because it's the most efficient form of energy we are currently capable of using. unfortunately politicians have apparently never taken high school chemistry and thing it's muh dangers. There has only been two big incidents in nuclear energy. One was completely preventable the other was a freak accident. How the fuck did Fukushima pass safety regulation it's in a part of the world prone to fucking tsunamis you would think at least one of those dumbasses would have considered that.

yes, after (((adjustments)))

The ice sheet is on an unstoppable course. It will collide into Africa in 2 weeks. Everyone will die.

so I guess it's their fault for you not understanding why adjustments have to be made

The more ice you put on top the more mass is pushing down.

The creation of icebergs is because of growing ice amounts not due to a fraction of a degree of warming.

or flood the desert and turn it into an oasis

it is an argument when you are trying to push a graph thats supported only by retards who are controlled by Jews.

ya funny how as soon as they said they would be a almost constant event they basically totally disappeared...

>Flying that plane around doesn't help CO2 levels causing the green house effect, china doesnt help either as they are the #1 emitter
>Lets complain to the Chinese instead of tax paying americans

This is stupid whataboutism.

AGW is real. But we're not going to do anything in time to have an impact. Source? Liberals themselves and the IPCC projections, that are constantly being broken by a warming that's faster than what they've suggested.

Remember that they put out "act by" dates already that we blew past. Here's an update:

>We’ve already spent more than 50 percent of our “carbon budget” -- the amount of carbon emissions we can emit and still have a likely chance of limiting warming to 2oC. However, WGIII finds that by adopting aggressive measures that rapidly reduce emissions (see below), it is both technically and physically feasible to stay within our carbon budget
>The report underscores that this is the critical decade of climate action. Emissions through 2030 will determine how realistic it is for the world to shift to a low-emissions pathway.

The 2012 thing was a bust, the early 2000s meetings were a bust. But for some reason, with more people than ever, and more people screaming for societal advancement than ever, this time it'll work.

No it fucking won't. Nobody's prepared to make those sacrifices, not even the limousine liberals supporting this.

The sad fact is that while AGW is happening, nothing will be done in time. And that makes the rational response to put that money toward other things, such as infrastructure to cope with the consequences. We need sea walls, we need to move cities, we need to change agriculture. We need to spend a shit ton on solar and nuclear power.

But when you say that it's no longer the right wing that's the obstacle, it's the greens that are a roadblock. And that's why we're just fucked.


Gee I wonder.

Weather than can be leveraged for emotional appeal being used for emotional appeal?


>15 pictures of weather that will make you say fuck laws n shiet.

Let's post some historical, earth-time scale data, and then ask some fundamental questions.

Check in next summer, see that iceberg reattach itself to Antarctica by then.
The fucking giggles

I already asked you this a while ago:
do you have it for the newest version of the RSS TLT dataset?

fae as in "South will Rise again"

They did, and had planned to build an undersea wall to protect the plant, but it got held up in red tape limbo and never got made.

The ironic thing about all of this is that by not allowing nuclear plants to be made, it forces existing nuclear plants to run far beyond their planned life, with worse safety systems than we can make today.

This is always a fun one

I'd propose theories of past animal population growth coinciding with CO2 spikes which then caused a global environmental correction (ice age) as the poles melted and then stuff died off,

But there's simply not enough evidence of animal populations to correlate anything with confidence.

Europeans aren't helping much by taking in so many people from developing countries. By doing that they allow the countries to develop even more. Allowing the population of the world to increase more and more with low intellect, high breeding people. Pretty soon the earth will reach a breaking point and there will be a large die off of the population.

In the end, it works out ok actually, I just worry about my children's children and the animals of course. The earth has a way of resetting itself until its burned to a crisp by the sun.

This whole
>if the other side believes something it must be wrong because they are always wrong and we are always right
always confused me. Global warming isnt a political issue, its a scientific one. Our feelings on the matter dont mater and all the data suggests the globe is warming both in air and water temperatures.

I dont understand why this is a partisan issue when it effects everyone

So in biology class i learned that plants need CO2 to live.
The more CO2, the better the crops.

>plants die and turn into C
>humans turn C into CO2
>CO2 feeds plants
>plants die and turn into C again

Someone needs to explain me why more CO2 is bad especially when the NASA says CO2 doesn't cause global warming.

in reverse order:
NASA most certainly does not say that the burning of fossil fuels cools the planet

increasing the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere is a bad idea because it has some more effects besides fertilizing plants.
Not only does it dissolve into the ocean, where it threatens the bottom of the food net by lowering the pH of the water.
As the principal control knob of temperature on Earth, it also has a very profound effect on driving the climate. As such, the concentration is, for example, extremely tightly coupled to ice sheet volume, which means that even minor changes in concentration can result in a sea level rise of several meters in the long-term.

Burning dirty fossil fuels like coal, disperses aerosols which reflect light and cause local cooling but this effect is very temporary compared to how long CO2 stays in the atmosphere. Clean burning fossil fuels, like methane gas, emits CO2 without the aerosol, so pick your poison.

As for feeding crops, the problem that is predicted with a warmer climate is that dry areas are getting dryer and areas prone to flooding are flooding more often. Neither of those scenarios are great for growing crops.

>CO is the principal knob of temperature


Because the lefts "science" is bad and it's an open secret

is that really all you can offer as a response?


Read more than the headlines, third sentence in the shitty tabloid you linked to "While the findings did not dispute the effects of carbon dioxide on global warming, they found aerosols - also given off by burning fossil fuels - actually cool the local environment, at least temporarily."

Keeping things simple for your simple mind,
Consider why some areas are dry and some areas are wet. Depending on geography and elevation, air currents carry moisture from one location, and dump it into another. Hot air has the capacity to hold more moisture, so as the planet warms, areas that generally lose moisture will lose more moisture, and areas where clouds form and dump their moisture will be more prone to flooding.

By doing your homework instead of expecting to be spoonfed by some botoxed alt-right climate change denier hopping the train.

Seriously I feel sorry for every functioning braincell left in your country, it must be really painful.

>massive iceberg floats away from Antarctica
>floats towards the equator
>melts and cools the air as it travels to warmer climates
>global warming balanced out by nature

We need more icebergs to break off. This is a sign of nature doing what it does — bringing balance to the world. Do not be alarmed, kids.

I see no curvature of the earth

you know the earth has been coming out of an iceage for 10000 years right? of fucking course the ice is melting. I would say KYS but you're brazilian and theres a good chance a nigger will do that for you

The climate changes??????

All while you claim 97% of scientists say the science is settled" fuckin' hilarious.

Did germany finish burning down yet? I know hitler started it 70 years ago...its a slow burner i guess

Ah man, jew gold of comedy.

The temperature anomaly is almost 1c. OH MY GOD!

Which humans caused all those global warmings that long ago?

that's the temperature change that has already occurred, but the persistent energy imbalance that is being observed at the top of the atmosphere clearly shows us that we have only experienced about half of the warming that will result with the gases already in the atmosphere

And that 1°C ALONE puts us squarely out of the temperature range of the entire Holocene and into the range of the Eemian, when sea levels were 6 to 9 meter higher.

Don't you think that it's a bit pathetic that you have nothing to bring to the table except your gut feeling?

This is bullshit. A mere 38 year sample? Gimme a break.


I'm not saying its not real, I am saying, however, that it wont make a difference if I stop driving a car, given the fact that China-
>Pulling the China-card.
I know, I know, I'm just saying China is doing what I'm doing a thousandfold, not even talking about all the other shit the entire world does.
Tldr: Its weird the smallest countries have to stop doing productive shit because of muh nature, when its the big boys stirring the pot.