Are black metal fans the niggers of the white race?

Are black metal fans the niggers of the white race?

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t. nu-male

Kekistanis would cringe at this.

have you ever seen a nigger that is into black metal?
A black metal concert is basically as close to a white ethnostate as we are going to get

Liberals are the niggers of the white race.

Black metal is the white man's music.
Fuck off nigger

>have you ever seen a nigger that is into black metal?
One of the first and among the most influential black metal guitarists is a nigger

>A black metal concert is basically as close to a white ethnostate as we are going to get
Yeah, if we ignore the massive black metal scenes in South America and East Asia.


All I want is a goth girl but idk where to find them

concerts mostly

black metal is the last significant section of musical genres that a sense of European identity and white pride. weakness is glorified by communism and christianity.

No, that title goes to Juggalos

no, whites are the niggers of the white race.

Posting more Blasphemy because why the fuck not
27 years and still the pinnacle of black metla


Usually metal fans are really cool if you've ever actually met one. You'd think they'd be all roid-raging chad sociopaths, but every single one I've met is chill as fuck.

This. You beat me to it.

Every metal concert I go to is filled with teenagers and the few of age chicks there are always with someone already

No, that would be wiggers.

Black Metal is shit comared to heavy/thrash/death metal though

lol thats just shitty punk
absolutely degenerate

Haven't I seen this post before? Just gave me serious deja vu

Anyway try listening to the more accessible stuff like immortal instead of the atmospheric BM

well metal concerts are the wrong place to go...

Are you an autist who's never been out to a concert before? Metalheads are generally decent people worth sharing a beer with

No, juggalos are

I'm not white and a black kid from my school got me into listening Black Metal. I'm surprised you polfags don't listen to the genre, considering it preaches the message you folks are trying to throw out there.

Probably, I've posted in these black metal threads before

Funny thing about black metal is the best black metal band is actually a thrash metal band

Skeletonwitch has nothing to do with black metal, they're a death-thrash band at most.

Maybe in burgerland, but here in Finland metal concerts are full of bro-tier people and according to police, metal concerts are also safer compared to rap or any other kind of concerts/festivals here, since police is never needed there.


No, that would be rap fans

No i have no doubt metal concerts are full of passive nu males, i was replying to the guy complaining about why he can't find a qt goth girl

Metal is the most ethnically pure genre of music.

99% is white, the rest was killswitch before Jamie came back.

If nu-males are known for having massive orgies in those festivals, then i guess i'm one too. And yes you will find qt girls in there, unless things are different in united statesian

well that's just degenerate as well

Skeletonwitch is blackened thrash buddy.

I definitely like that first band you posted though. Going to have to look up some more of their shit

friendly reminder that black metal is only good when it's violent and chaotic. Paganshitters can fuck off, atmosphereshitters can fuck off, aryanshitters can fuck off, melodyshitters can fuck off.

>Skeletonwitch is blackened thrash buddy.
I haven't had a chance to use this image in over a year

>people actually know about skeletonwitch outside the city they started in


Every goth chick Ive ever known hated niggers. Every single one. And they'll let you know pretty quickly about it, too.

Dave Mustaine is /ourguy/.

No. Black metal is awesome.

Skeletonwitch is about the closest you can get to a middlepoint between thrash and black metal with a hint of death metal. At least until their new singer then they became trash metal.

>that pic
Dead is rolling over in his grave, he didn't kill himself for this shit.

Wagecuck normie /R9K/ faggot, black metal is the blood flowing through the brains of esoteric theistic nationalism, you disgust me.

They recorded a couple of albums in VA and there is a huge metal scene in the MD/DC/VA area.

There first 3 albums and EP are metal classics. It's a shame they kicked out chance then went to shit musically. I can literally listen to their first 3 albums without changing a song and I can only say that about a few bands/musicians

There is nothing worst than this


No, you're thinking of juggalos.

>Skeletonwitch is about the closest you can get to a middlepoint between thrash and black metal with a hint of death metal.
Blackened thrash is an actual, legitimate subgenre that's nearly 15 years older than Skeletonwitch, and Skeletonwitch has nothing to do with black thrash. Skeletonwitch is death-thrash.

This is black thrash

Lol. Clowns. Hilarious.

I miss good ol days

>aryan blood
t. Anglo

First demo: 1989
First album: 1990
How the fuck is he one of the first black metal guitarists?
It begins with Bathory, you dumb nigger lover.

>in flames
>black metal

Landser is the best RAC band

All American metal is a political alignment and a cooperation. Those aspects are the deepest statements you can make as an American.

(North) European metal is a manifest and pride of our ancestry and culture.

So I obviously cannot speak for both camps at once, but for European metal:

>We have no (sand) niggers
>We have a high IQ

Those are just facts.

>one of the first
>one of the
>one of
Bathory is hardly black metal compared to the late 80s and early 90s standards, though. Blasphemy essentially cemented black metal as its own subgenre separated from thrash, while Bathory essentially played lo-fi thrash metal with pseudo-shrieking. German band Sodom, and Japanese band GISM were playing much more blackened stuff before Bathory started releasing shit.

>pointing out a nigger was one of the first true black metal guitarists and not just a lo-fi thrash guitarist makes you a nigger lover now

To some degree. Even Varg admitted it. Most of hatred for Christianity isn't caused by its egalitarian ideas, but because it is opposed to hedonism and atavism aka "true nature of human"

I would agree that the very best of black metal is formulated in the northern countries. Mainly Norway and Finland, at least in my opinion.

Do you know anything about black metal at all? Unless trolling, do research before asking stupid questions.
Black metal is white man's music.

Black Metal is on the same level like rap or hip-hop.


Punks is hippies

He's like the only nigger in black metal though, and I doubt he even has any black friends...

Musicians playing instruments is the same as some nigger ooga-booga'ing slang (usually reserved for a 3-year-old) in rhyme over a drum machine?
Have you any musical knowledge whatsoever?


no that would be russians

Black Metal is fucking rad

Fuck off

Excuse me, I forgot that there are people who think Black Metal is complex and that you have to be talented.


Fuck yeah. Metal thread.

Nah, it's the trailer trash

Show us your tremolo picking if you think its easy

Real metal died at the end of the 80s. Thrash Metal was the last good metal. Maybe the first wave of black metal was mediocre/okayish.

Later. First I have to make a new Star Wars movie, because I have criticized the newest.

>YFW the only one in this picture who doesn't look like a complete faggot is the nig nog.

that's a weird way to spell venom

Thrash metal is trash metal
Only ppl who listen to that shit now are beaners

Of course not, Wiggers are the Niggers of the white race.

Step aside. Superior Music coming through

Fuck I hate that Hardcore went mainstream in the early 00's. Every faggot at warped tour thought they were so tough because they listened to generic shit like Throwdown or some shit.

So just about all good Black Metal musicians?

There would be no Black Metal without Sodom, Kreator, Slayer, Destruction, etc. mah boi.

>Black metal is the game I play
>'cause no one show me the right way
>I am a bloody Antichrist, only believe in bad
>Spit at the church, Evil I get


Sodom, GISM, and Hellhammer were releasing early proto-types of black metal before those bands were even releasing music, though.

Black metal was originally a punk-influenced offshoot of speed metal, not thrash metal, inspired by the grittier speed metal of Venom and Motorhead as a counterculture to the happier uplifting speed metal/early power metal like Riot.

Yeah you're right. I can't deny the thrash roots of BM, but I just find the shit to be kinda corney

I'm a bigger Death Metal fan anyway. DM will never die or go mainstream, it stays the same and gets better at the same time

you're the leaf i always debate this with in every one of these threads, right?

you must suffer from severe autism to not consider under the sign a black metal album. same goes for the in the sign of evil

hell i'd even consider haunting the chapel and hell awaits black metal albums. sure to piss someone off

Thanks for the enlightenment. These are pretty good.

t.jelly mudskin who'll never be white

>We have a high IQ

I bet over 50% of native danes could not pass the danish citizenship test.

Vikings built Rome and the pyramids!

No, but they should be gassed anyways. They're ugly and annoying
Real music coming through

What's the story behind this? Child died after mother sow rolled over?

trve black metal coming through