Are you all fucking retarded?

I've seen a lot of you bootlicking faggots supporting the end of Net Neutrality

Do you mouthbreathing niggers realize that ending net neutrality means:

>the end of independent journalism that goes against the narrative
>the end of """despicable""" sites (such as guess what, Sup Forums)
>giving kikes a lot more money
>restricting the access to competition (across all spheres, from shopping to social media to news sites to software)

I am a minarchist myself and I still feel like throwing up when I see jew-ass-licking libertarians supporting this thing.

Also, go fuck yourselves kukistanis and magapedezz XDD, you totally fucked this board, I hope you all get hemorhoids

CTR pls go
Anything that makes liberals made is fine by me

>Are you all fucking retarded?

For example,

>Sup Forums dies
>we are free


go back to plebbit you sack of shit



Shadilay, brother!


Le kekistani army meme?

Sage this bait.

Who cares? This will piss of the lefties and that's all I care about.

No one finds it strange that major ISPs and huge bandwidth users like Amazon and Netflix suddenly care about poor little you having "fair" internet?

How did you reach this level of faggotry? Did you have to practice or does it just come naturally to you.

Liberals probably like breathing, why don't you stop doing that then?

>the autism finally breaks free
Yeah, shutting down Sup Forums will be a big mistake

Damn op is a wise oldfag we should listen to him

I support Net Neutrality.


suck my balls faggot, you are the one who sides with the t_d redditors

Concrete fucking logic there guys

So it doesn't matter if this thing will assblast the whole internet and will affect you as well, it's ok because it pisses off "lefties".

well, guess what you dumb niggers, it pisses off "lefties" because it pisses off the majority of people, and the majority of people are normies. Normies don't care about political ideologies, they are lefties because they are brainwashed retards.

It seems you are their polar opposite

Yeah, that is kinda' funny. Why don't you give me a 1 and a half hour documentary on it?

but seriously you have intrigued myself please give me information.

>So it doesn't matter if this thing will assblast the whole internet and will affect you as well
stop falling for leftist propaganda

I want the old Sup Forums back... The Ron Sup Forums, it's happening Sup Forums. All these Drumpftards and Reddit MAGA knobheads should leave with the neo-nazi larpers.

no seriously someone please inform me on this i need to know

Trump Sup Forums is better. We have real power here.

Liberals don't like breathing because the air contains carcinogenic compounds as a result of unregulated capitalism which is why I will snort that freedom smog 24/7 and put on my smug face.

I want old Sup Forums back
the free Sup Forums
the Sup Forums Sup Forums
the el oh el you are a huge faggot tree Sup Forums

That would be ~terrible~

Relax, germanfriend and stop falling for lefts propaganda. We support net neutrality.

The end of net neutrality threatens internet services. Both the service providers (them) and the user (you) would be affected

This is what the Libtards wanted.

No, these big groups who are always cucks and anti-free speech just suddenly now started caring about free expression. Nothing nefarious there. Net neutrality really is a big deal. You know it is. You saw the 2 minute long youtube video and the animations were real good. Make sure to continue to support companies like mozilla, who believe in free expression so much they fired their CEO for giving to a political cause they didn't like 5 years ago. They just want what's best for you.

I'm supposed to trust a commie? Fuck that.

AT&T sued the FCC for imposing regulations on them. Now AT&T suddenly wants to keep FCC regulations in place. Who do those regulations really benefit, especially when AT&T is notorious for some of the most niggerish practices as an ISP?

No they didn't? Libs have been talking about it since Barack was in office (cuz he threatened more than Trump had ever)

Or the companies that use fucktons of bandwidth for streaming, cloud services, and website hosting would rather see those costs shifted to consumers instead of paying for it themselves.

the internet is already fucked this will just accelerate it's death

besides I need to post less anyways

I could give a fuck about net neutrality. ISP monopolies are the real issue. Break them up and you essentially solve the problem.

Like they did with mabell and now ATT reformed it's monopoly and about to merge with time warner. You libturds are such huge idiots.