I hate rich people so fucking much. They live in luxury while the rest of their volk suffer...

I hate rich people so fucking much. They live in luxury while the rest of their volk suffer. They see all poor people as scum before even knowing them. They're shallow, petty, pathetic, and over all useless. They hire cheap labor shitskins, instead of Whites at a higher rate, so they can maintain their wealthy parasitic lifestyle. Rich Jews who they serve hate them anyway, because they are goyim, see them as scum for betraying their own race and think they're stupid for doing so anyway, and they are. No one likes a richie, not on the bottom, not on the top.

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Get a job?

fuck off to leftypol with your class division shit

Many people who hate the rich want to be rich themselves, otherwise no one would play the lottery

It's only when others achieve this goal that their weak, envious natures are revealed

Eat the hyper-rich, befriend and get employed by the reasonably-rich.
No man should have Soros or Rothschild money.

You're the reason everyone hates Germans on this board, fuck off back to leftypol

The problems isnt wealth.
The problem is kikes, kikes, kikes, followed by kikes, then kikes, and then kikes, and then niggers you stupid faggot
P.S. Since you're so fucking stupid you probably don't know, the richest 1/1000 people in America are almost all Jews

How about I enslave all the 1/64th+ mongrels as should have been in the first place rich faggot


Rich people wont side with us, they'll lose their fucking money.

strasser was right, they seem to have this idea that they can get away with anything because hitler went easy on them

Just imagine they can piss away 150k for a night at the bar while you bust your ass for 25k

Why try?
Kys user

lol i'd like to see you heave yourself out of your cheap, rusty car, point at someone and say "you're my SLAAAAVE NOW!"

They earned it.

Unless your wealth is accumulated through usury I have no problem with people being rich. If you earned something you deserve to have it and moreover pass it down to the next generation of your family, other wise wealth generation would be pointless and the primary agent of personal and thus civilisational progress is gone, and communisms only answer to this is intimidation and fear.

Jews will always jew, usury should be outlawed, its callous minipulation of the lifeblood of civilisation. Channelling blood out of the body of society and into the jewish blood bank.

i'd even settle for a robespierre

So be rich then if lounging around in luxury being exploitative is all it takes.
Just gain some brouzouf you double nigger.

Beneficent aristocracies can have Soros and Rothschild money. Rothschilds owns an interest debt on every unit of currency in circulation on the planet, all but 2 or 3 currencies on the planet are based on the dollar. Rothschilds are trillionaires. Hitler established the SS to be the new global elite, it is them who would have retained all of the world's wealth as the Jews do today. Only those of pure Aryan blood could ever join the SS. When you have as much money as George Soros wealth is a lesser importance to you, your agenda is. When you have Rothschild money, agenda and souls are all thay matter to you.

There are still poor Jews, wealthy Jews consider them more master than a wealthy goy. Bloodline matters, not money. Blood is thicker than water but Whites are fucking stupid and throw their own kind under the bus if they are poor.

Their ancestors earned it through advantageous capitalist means.

>Bloodline matters, not money
convenient that something you're born with, don't have to work for or maintain, and enacts nothing in the world is what you've decided is important, as opposed to something which you actually have to work and compete for.

Appearntly you're not familiar with what a royal house is. You are stupid, every conquering people throughout history would establish themselves and their descendants as the ruling elite of the region or empire they ruled, regardless of merit. Akkadians, Egyptians, Israelites, Persians, Greeks, Romans, Germanics, Turks, Mongols, Chinese, Japanese, Aztecs, Mayans, Incas, the list goes on. The elite who rule now believe they come from a special bloodline that deserves to rule regardless of merit so they do, and do they do so by putting their tribe before wealth.

During the German Empire (2nd Reich) and the Weimar Republic, many Jews would still live in their filthy ghettos despite having an abundance of wealth enough to afford nice luxury homes, because the ghettos was where their racial kin was.

At that point we should riot. It almost makes me sympathize with the left, because it gives them a good arugument.

Found Brazil

Generation after generation of ancestors worked for it and to maintain it you have to wife a good White woman


The thing with rich people is that they may as well not exist. You aren't going to have a good life if you worry about things outside of your country. These kinds of people have always existed and they always will. Sort yourself out and worry about how you can improve your own damn self instead of being an envious socialist piece of crap.

The rich are tolerable when they contribute, but the past few generations are useless. They are just peasants with money. Where are their great artists or composers? They don't have any bc they are living as frivolously as the dumbest guttersnipe. The poor no longer respect or have any reason to look up to them. These are dark days.

>They see all poor people as scum before even knowing them.

Just like what youre doing with rich people.

This is basically the same as donating 150k to the club owners. It's not really that bad. The cost of the stuff they bought is a fraction of it.

It would be much worse if they for example bought 150k of normal cars, and just plain set them on fire for lulz. A complete waste of resources and human labor.

Eat shit richie


You sound like a richie scum.

Kill yourself