ITT: Most shameful moments in your nation's history

Prime Minister of Cambodia during the fall of Cambodia:

>I thank you very sincerely for your letter and for your offer to transport me towards freedom. I cannot, alas, leave in such a cowardly fashion. As for you and in particular for your great country, I never believed for a moment that you would have this sentiment of abandoning a people which has chosen liberty. You have refused us your protection and we can do nothing about it. You leave us and it is my wish that you and your country will find happiness under the sky. But mark it well that, if I shall die here on the spot and in my country that I love, it is too bad because we are all born and must die one day. I have only committed the mistake of believing in you, the Americans. Please accept, Excellency, my dear friend, my faithful and friendly sentiments.

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Pff shit, we saved thousands of Vietnamese. If we'd have never gone into Vietnam it would've been exactly the same shit anyway.

This is gay as fuck. Most shameful moment in our history was electing Obama based on skin color.


shameful like nothing else.

most shameful moment in our history was probably when wilson signed the fed into existence

not a huge commotion, but its not every day that a president literally signs into law an illegal institution and gives it free reign to do whatever it wants

Where to begin.

Probably when Santana lost the northern third of the nation under the idea that the burvers would let him go if he did so.

Fourth of July when America stabbed Britain in the back just before Britain had to stand alone against the armies of the Emperor of Europe and fight for the freedom of the world against (the usual) overwhelming odds.
Well done. Now your Freemason masters haven't sold you out to the Jews have they?
I mean you had to riot and shoot your guns, that's the only way to free yourself from Britain. Just look at the Canadian revolution, the Australian revolution and even the Indian revolution under their general Gandi. Brits don't understand anything else and definitely used all their force to quell your revolution. What a massive 'victory' it is you celebrate every year.
Never mind though. You have Hollywood and CNN so you can believe exactly whatever pleases the most daft amoungst you.

Ford was a spineless cuck unwilling to do what had to be done. So was Johnson and JFK. If Nixon won the election in '61 Vietnam would be a republic.

Liberum Veto

>Many historians hold that the liberum veto was a major cause of the deterioration of the Commonwealth political system, particularly in the 18th century, when foreign powers bribed Sejm members to paralyze its proceedings, and the Commonwealth's eventual destruction in the partitions of Poland and foreign occupation, dominance and manipulation of Poland for the next 200 years or so. Piotr Stefan Wandycz wrote that the "liberum veto had become the sinister symbol of old Polish anarchy". In the period of 1573–1763, about 150 sejms were held, about a third failing to pass any legislation, mostly because of the liberum veto. The expression Polish parliament in many European languages originated from the apparent paralysis.

when this cunt and his cronies took over power

The Trail of Tears. The Supreme Court upheld the seven civilized tribes rights to their land (cause you know, we'd signed treaties and shit) and Andrew Jackson, a psycho with no understanding of economics, and a flaming racist, decides 'fuck that', refuses to do anything when a bunch of plantation owners steal the land, dislocating the tribes off to canvas, most of them dying in the process.

Had this not happened race relations would have been much better in the US. Doing this destroyed any legitimacy to any treaty with the Indians, and destroyed any incentive for them to westernize. The great Irony for me being that Jackson violated the rule of law in his disregard for 'savages' when rule of law is one of the great foundational principles of western society.

Emperor of Europe?
Napoleon was 7 years old in 1776...

The day they decided Sweden would be transformed into a multikultural nation.

Where to start.

WW2 was a tragic mistake. Conflating Chamberlain with cowardice isn't entirely fair either considering he lost so many friends in WW1, he didn't want to see another war.

Churchill is also over rated.

>The retornados (from the Portuguese verb "Retornar", to return) are a Portuguese population who fled their overseas colonies during the decolonization process which was managed by the revolutionary National Salvation Junta, in the following months after the Carnation Revolution. After the military coup of 25 April 1974 Portugal faced political turmoil and the colonial army, often highly politicised by the Salazar Regime and the Independence Wars returned home, taking with them much of the European populations of Portuguese Angola, Portuguese Mozambique and to a lesser extent from Portuguese Guinea and Portuguese Timor.

>Most shameful moment in our history was electing Obama based on skin color.

you probably voted against him based on skin colour

>just before
Your revolution and the French one had to be linked. Wonder (((who))) was behind all that? It's a toss up between the Jews and Satan.
France really was run by kings though, unlike Britain in which Parliament was the ultimate authority.


We don't need to worry about race relations with the Natives. Instead of having to live amongst them, having our daughters marry their sons and wasting land on savage subhumans we now possess that land and they're more or less extinct.

To add to this, Andrew Jackson was the greatest president in US history. Period. Polk maybe second.

Fuck off prairie nigger lover.

>Status: shitter shattered

>just before
30 years


Not dealing with all native peoples of Canada the same way the beothuk were dealt with.


fucking this

and retarded noblesse traitors

If you want to consider them "our country," pretty much anything the CIA has ever done takes the fucking cake. They're really more of a bunch of rouge thugs mascaraing as the government, though.

>Barrack Obama is literally the most shameful thing that the United States has ever done
Are you my grandma?

> Most shameful moments in your nation's history
total slaughter of commies in 1965-1968
Santa Cruz Incident, East Timor, 1991


such a shame. Portugal is a tiny, but glorious country, you did very well, but commies must ruin everything.

>Britain ever fighting against the odds
>Some country is threatening you?
>Make a coalition with the rest of Europe and gang up on them
