
How do you cope with the fact that we live in a timeline where pan-slavism died in the 19th century and a great slavic empire never existed and never will?

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Any workable Slavic Empire would need to integrate Balts, Hungary and Romania, there is no other way around it.

Thanks Hungary and others. Can actually work with genetically related Balts, Finns, Poles and Czechs

Thanks God it's dead. Slavs are worse than arabs.

I don't think that the southern slavic country would have to be connected to the eastern and western part. There are many countries throughout history which have worked even though parts of it were disconnected from the mainland. And with such a huge empire in proximity there wouldn't be much danger from other countries trying to put pressure on or even invade southern slavia.

pan slavia would be the most pathetic country the world has ever seen, and tell me, why the fuck would successful countries like poland or croatia want to share a nation with gutter rats like russians or serbs?

> t. american nigger
Fuck off. Poles are rat traitors. Russians are superhumans.

you guys are slightly better than american niggers, ill give you that much, but not by much

feels good man

Quiet jew

Show your flair, nigger.

There was pan Slavism in Tito's era.

He wanted Yugoslavia to unite with Bulgaria, but that went to shit when Brezhnev replaced Kruschev.

You are just being superretarded

>where pan-slavism died in the 19th century and a great slavic empire never existed and never will

Pan-Slavism sparked WW1 which in return destroyed any healthy sense of nationalism. We should never have any sorrow for it dying out

Why include Russia in slavic empire when half of them are mongols?


>genetically related Balts, Finns, Poles and Czechs

B-b-b-but we wuz Goths and shieetttt

>a great slavic empire never existed and never will?
Slavs made Westerners shit bricks even under some subhuman ideology like communism, imagine what such a union could do under efficient leadership

> t. american nogger
Fuck off subhumans.

> t. polish traitor
Fuck off.

Polish traitor? And whom/what did i betray?

You betrayed your Russian masters.
> 1600
> 1830
> 1860
> 1917
> 1991

That is not true. Don't know if you are baiting or not but the first world war was something many different nations were looking and working forward to from the mid 1800s. Germany with and after Bismarck, Britain and Turkey and yes, also Russia.

Didn't know about that. Bulgarians aren't Slavs though?

Idk, user. Maybe because neither of those countries have a GDP that's even close to Russia's? Because such a union could potentially be economically and defensively benefitial? Because it could end conflicts between those peoples? Maybe because there was a time where Slavs didn't hate each other and actually lived in peace as good neighbours before the jewish west infiltrated their systems and feeded the peoples lies?

Kek. Russian bantz are always shittiest.

Solely for the purpose of not drifting slavs apart I would never say Poles betrayed the slavic identity but Poles however are the most westernised slavs in many regards.

We know that feeling.

You sandniggers are still closer to a unified state than slavs are. I don't believe that it will ever exist as you hate each other even more than I hate you but there is still a small chance it could happen if your anger on others outweighs your self-hatred at any point in time.

Panslavism is Russian imperialistic tool and a retarded idea. If we fought so long for shitty reasons why would we stop?

Everything east of Kiev is ethnically Central Asian

>there is still a small chance it could happen if your anger on others outweighs your self-hatred at any point in time.
There is no hope. All non-sectarian, secular, panarabist leaders left were killed by NATO and the west. Now all we have are divided countries ruined by islamism and shia-sunni divide caused by the political feud between (((gulf countries))) and Iran. Even the palestinian cause is unable to unite the Arabs now.

We're fucked.

Slavs are and always were divided. I dont give a single fuck about being european/slavic/white/whatever. Im of Polish nationality and i wont trade it for anything. Poltards seem to expect us to side with Russian couse of some genetic similarity (lets forget for a while how they interbreed with asians) and forget what they did during WW2 and afterward. Please, learn once for all, most of us treat Russian with distrust at least and some hate them with passion.

And good riddance too. You heathens deserve all that and worse

You do realise Czechs and Slovaks also use latin alphabet? We never betrayed anyone, we choose unity with Czechs and Catholics.

All that served to cause is the destruction of developed, secular arab countries, the creation of ISIS and jihadist cells, an increase in terrorism, and a fuckhuge refugee wave that's drowning Europe.
Good fucking job, americunt.

Well, that's what they wanted. Maybe they didn't expect the extent it would reach but they did remove Gaddafi when he took some steps towards a unified arab world and when he wamted to establish a new currency for the arab world. Similar thing happened to Hussein when he wanted to lessen the power of the U.S. in his own country and it's trades.

So it is similar to what the west and especially the U.S.A. and Britain did to slavs: divide and rule.

Technically we could avoid all of this, it'd be enough if we just never let anyone in, but it's still shit that US flattened all secular rulers in Middle East just to get cheap oil.

I desire the destruction of all Arabs. I hate the kikes, but I do appreciate the damage they've done to the Saracen if nothing else.

What's common between a black haired, dark eyed, tanned skinned mongolized Islamic Russian in Kazan and a literally western, aryan, krypto German Czech in
Plzen? Same thing to a turkish looking Ortodox Serbian in Gevgelija and a swedish looking catholic Polish in Gdansk.

This kind of pan-slavic empire does not work. However If we "Eastern Europeans" declare a super state against the islamized west, It'll works in the near future I guess.

The same when I hear "Patria Grande" for South America.
I suspect that all fo these movements are Marxists thatn want to eliminate any kind of individualism, like Nations.

It could work as a union where no country meddles with others internal affairs, maybe. But whats next? Should we create one huge army for EE union or not? What about administration? Something similar to international parliment? Do we need leader country or go with democracy? What about economics?

Common foreign policy, military and finance systems. But firstly strong external border patrol against the niggers and moslems.

With incredible ease, desu.

This empire was USSR and countries of Warsaw block. Thanks god it is dead, these empires are nothing good for their citizens.

>super state
...Though honestly it's going to be a bad idea. It should be acknowledged that XXth century "EU", union for economy, would work, but modern EU wouldn't work (though something similar to commonwealth or US could potentially work).
United foreign and economic policy. Decision-making probably like commonwealth/US, but we ABSOLUTELY need a leader. Democracy can work on small scale, but the more diverse voters get, the worse democracy becomes. Not to mention not everybody should have voting rights.
Armies could become united only through getting accustomed to one another - we absolutely should not force it.

This argument gets trown in a lot and it is true that throughout centuries of course the slav genotype got harder to identify. There is still the basic understanding of a slavic identity in the different peoples, a language as a common denominator, the R1a haplogroup and historic connections. So saying that there is no slav identity is actually racist.

Slavs had democratic societies even in their recorded historic beginnings when they lived in tribes. Communism is actually the greatest enemy of pan-slawism after western imperialism.

>How do you cope with the fact that we live in a timeline where pan-slavism died in the 19th century and a great slavic empire never existed and never will?



Turks are not Ottomans.

Warum müssen Sie lügen Hans?

So romania and macedonia is proto-european, basically still related to thracians and romans right?

wtf i thought they were slavic

Macedonians are close to Bulgarians. And Romanians are mixed slavs, kumans (turks), Balkanic tribes and Hungarians. They have no common heritage with ancient Romans, Thracs etc.

>propose a shitty outdated idea
>nobody in question agrees
>somebody gives reasons why your idea won't work
>call him racist
gtfo back to tumblr, you massive faggot.

You bring up history as a link, but Slavs actually were fighting one another through the history. We aren't as united as other peoples. Not to mention that some have acquired national identity recently and go full-nigger because of no achievements...
Romania is... Weird. I'm not sure who their people are. They look like a mix of Slavs and roman colonisers.
AFAIK ancient Macedonia was closer to Greeks, but has been overrun by Slavs since then.

t. Ruskie

pan arabism is the greatest prank ever

Romanians are Nordic.

And Omar Hussein is Swede.

>Panslavists viewed western, catholic Slavs in disdain, they considered them enemies of slavism and were compared to Germans.
>Poland was called "Judas of Panslavism" due to strong opposition to rusification and uprisings against Russia.
>Panslavists' circles turned to Russia and against Austria and Turkey, where Serbs, Czechs and others were marginalised. However, Austria was quite lenient towards Poles and allowed them sizeable freedom in culture and politics, while Turkey have never recognised partitions of Poland.
Last one was probably because Turkey was against Russia, though. In essence panslavists didn't like us and we didn't like panslavists. We prefer V4 company.


>Pan Pan
Pan what? I think you are trying to say panini but stop in middle of sentence. Now what's that about?

Peloponnese is rightful slavic clay, greeks gtfo

>The Slavs did occupy most of the peninsula, as evidenced by the abundance of Slavic toponyms, but these toponyms accumulated over centuries rather than as a result of an initial "flood" of Slavic invasions; and many appeared to have been mediated by speakers of Greek, or in mixed Slavic-Greek compounds.


gib clay back




Go on.


Fuck off, i'd rather integrate into germany or even finland then with you!


I'm talking to polish and czech girls on tinder

I'll bridge the gap between our countries

>Berlin is Turkey

Well constantinopel still has a lot of otomon ancestry.

Why did the french president Sarkozy wanted him down?

Btw he changed from pan-arabism to pan-africanism in the recent years.

Why would you want to include Sudan and somalia in your sandnigger empire ?

>Btw he changed from pan-arabism to pan-africanism in the recent years.
Because Arab countries all betrayed him at the time. He was the only surviving even remotely panarab guy. Maghreb Arab Union was blocked because Algeria continued funding polisario militias in western sahara to piss off Morocco... at least subsaharian Africans liked him and were okay with trade deals.

Anyway, one of the main reasons is that Sarkozy took more than €50m from Gaddafi during 2006-2007 for his campaign in exchange of trade deals between Libya and France, and he wanted that fact to remain hidden after he did fuck all during his term. More importantly, Gaddafi wanted to create a panafrican "gold dinar" currency backed by Libya's absolutely HUGE reserves of gold at the time, with Africa selling all of its mineral/natural resources in that currency, crashing the US dollar and potentially making all of these countries pretty rich.

Nothing wrong with North Sudan, which is Arab. Remember ba'athism is from a time when the two halves were still united and the north was in control.
I dunno what the fuck is up with Somalia and why it was included in panarabist ideals, though. They're muslims and SOME of them speak Arabic, but that's basically it.

Bait probably, but anyway:
>be the Tatar's dog
>exterminate all Slavs you find in your range, even closely related to you such as Novogordians
>exterminate your own people in millions
>occupy other Slavic countries
>betray Cossacks wanting Union with you
>organise mass starvation in Ukraine - millions of Slavs dead
>force other Slavs to fight and die for your country in numerous wars
>hurr durr Polsha traitor Rossya power

Ivan, you should seriously consider to stop drinking.



Berlin is Prussia.

That's the spirit! You're not a filthy albino, are you?


Something like this could be cool, but let's be honest, it will never work. Even if all the arabs somehow manage to unite and create something like the EU your arab union would still get fucked by the US. It would be way too powerful and the US would find a way to fuck it up. I'd like to see it happen though, i wonder what israel would do.

Why the fuck would anyone want shitty ruskie-dominated panslavic "empire" when we can have much better Intermarium instead?

>at least subsaharian Africans liked him and were okay with trade deals.
Even with Chadian–Libyan conflict ( Toyota War - wanting to put a client state) and his participation in Chad civil war, the blacks dudes still trusted Gaddafi?

MUH PAN SLAVISM is the reason we got in WW1. It went to shitter from there. NEver again.

Why would you include Moldavia and Ukraine ? These places are Africa-tier and from what i've seen Moldovans are worse than niggers.

Yep, Libya had highest HDI in Africa before the war (central/eastern european tier) and Chadian conflict was quite old by that point

Subsaharians didn't have retarded political alliances/tensions and power to maintain in the Arab World as well so there was no problem on that side as opposed to other Arab countries

>Berlin is Prussia.
Yes which is why this triggered me.

But Hungary isn't a slavic country.

V6 can't come fast enough, it should be a decent start.

Because they're rightful polish clay :^)

you would be in charge and you know it

tempting isn't it?

Stop including my country in your retarded lechocentric attempt to become a relevant power you fucking polish prostitute.

You're the biggest hypocrites and prostitutes in eastern Europe, you sold out your asses for western investments and then you gloat to other eastern Europeans about how western you are. KEK.

Slavic paradise:

Honestly the only common thing we have with Russians are slavik genes. Why would we ever want to have an union based on race principles? I know that most of western European Sup Forumses evaluate Poland on the basis of the last 70 years of our history but the truth is that historicaly, culturaly, even architecturally we have more ties with the European mainstream (West?) than with the alternative cultures from the east of Belarus.

yet we do not fit the West exactly

they are rational and cool-headed

and Slavs are too emotional, too gulible

but should we reject ourselves? who we are if we are not yourself?

> t. Polishness is abnormality

Well it is a good thing no one will ask you.

Why are Serbia and Montenegro excluded but Bosnia included in this?

Move the whites to America, ship the shitskins to Europe, then pic related.

If hungarians, estonians and fins can exist without having direct land contact between their language groups, so can the slavs.