Trump =/= Messiah I'm starting to get a little nervous. People are taking this God Emperor thing a little too far. The cabinet is worshipping Trump like Jesus now.

What does Christian Sup Forums think about this?

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Trump is the greatest thing to happen to American politics since the revolution, fuck off DNC shill

Yeah, that's pretty fucking creepy

Yeah, you're right. This sort of behavior is completely normal. Do NOT question the going's on inside this MODERN white house presidency. If they want to worship the president let them do so! There should be no separation of religion and government, right?

He's the antichrist. Literally. Trump supporters can't see that they are actually enthralled. It's pure evil.

Laying on hands to pray for someone is pretty common in American Churches.

He is the living embodiment of the soul of a king. People used to believe that kings were divinely chosen, perhaps they were right all along because now we have Donald J. Trump.

This is normal in evangelical circles. One time I passed out from an accident and my neighbor started praying in tongues

Actually it's mirroring what people would do following Jesus around. Just touching him would cure you of your ails. That is what they're doing. This is deeply unsettling behavior and makes me wonder what is going on internally at the white house. Does Trump have a throng of followers falling at his feet? Does he order it?

Absolutely! America was founded as a Christian theocracy and it should stay that way. Fuck Clinton, Bush, and Obama for trying to make "separation of church and state" bullshit happen.

> wooooooh nobody gives a shit.webm

he did this a little after announcing his candidacy. just to appease the christfag supporters he'll invite some pastors in and form a prayer circle where they pray over him, snap some pictures and then burn his $25,000 afterwards

We are living in the Handmaiden's Tale, folks.

burn his $25,000 suit afterwards*

Jesus was a brown faggot.

Trump is a orange faggot.

Obama is also a brown faggot.


He is the savior. God has sent his son once more.

>hurr I'll say something bad about obama and trump so it won't look like I'm shilling!!!!1!!!
Keep crying over your Hillary loss DNC cocksucker.

He better and he shouldn't have to.
I pray to Trump every night.

This is praying for him, stupid fuck.

>religion is magic hurrrrrrr


He is the joke President.

I think laying hands on him and praying is a little different than worshiping, they're still praying to God.

(((idol))) worship looks kind of like this

It's praying for a blessing, to protect him from his enemies and from being tempted to do evil. I'm not that religious and I know this shit.

He asked for Prayers and they're laying hands on him.
If anyone believed him holy they'd ask for him to lay on hands on them.

Yeah, can you Christians explain why so many of you guys (save the Mormons) voted for Trump when hes so unchristian? Dude has been married four times, and is CURRENTLY under legal fire for sexual harassment. Yeah he gave lip service to the Bible, but how do you circle that square when he's a notorious pussy grabber? Honest question.

They're praying for him you fucking idiot

I don't think they expect the statue to start moving and granting them wishes, user.

>America was founded as a Christian theocracy

>Kike puppet is greatest thing to happen

>Founded by Freemasons and funded by a Jew (Haym Solomon)
>Christian theocracy

America is a Christian nation. He has been given a mandate by God. God bless America, God bless Trump.

What's more unsettling to you, Rs laying on hands of the president or Ds diddling kiddos at pizza parties?

Sort yourself out.

Judeo-freemasonic nation*

Trump has been ordained by God to lead this nation
God bless our president

He was MUCH more religious that Lyin' Ted and Little Marco, that's for sure.

No, its just fellowship. Are you even a Christian?

Your absolutely right, but I want to see how far this goes. I didn't even vote for Trump.

Obama was the antichrist. Trump is the second coming.

Atheist Sup Forums reporting in
Drumpf is a kike puppet and therefore a racetraitor who should hang on the DOTR

Trump shows repentance. He was elected by divine intervention

never heard of a prayer circle?

Because voting for a career criminal who sold out the USA to Russia, has people killed so they can't testify, and most likely is satans right hand man is the obvious choice ammirite?

Not going to lie, former Trump supporter here, its been hilarious watching him crash and burn, but we can't let him get hus hands on God's guidance and wisdom.

>Divine intervention
Israeli interference in the election is not "divine intervention".

i laughed

>notorious pussy grabber
Oh ffs are we back on this again? I feel like we have restarted the whole circuit.

Lol how did they do that?

One has proof

>b-but muh chosen people
t. average cuckservative

Trump supporters are worthless cattle, I wish I could thin out the heard.

Go easy on him. He's been brainwashed to hate Christianity. They've even told him what reasons he should have to do so. Probably a redditor, too.

behavior? they are praying for him...I don't thinkl you have to pray for the God of the Universe...

Try it pussy

If only.


I love Christianity. I don't like our government being led by somebody who might very well be collecting a circle of worshippers. If you even know the slightest bit of the bible you could see how that MIGHT be a problem.


Triggering pedo Lucuferians

It's not. You're a problem.

Your "god emperor" is rumored to be a pedophile who fucked a little boy and friends with Jeffry Epstein. You fucjing useless idiot.

I think you should start with yourself untermensch.

Awe! How cute....

Look at you.... all freaked out by Jesus


Go back theough his twitter feed, it is prophetic

Trump isn't Jesus dummy.

Triggered by prayer.


It's called the lay hands on prayer you atheist piece of shit.

So he's a racist, Nazi, Russian collaborator increasing tensions with Russia, islamaphobe that is bad for making deals with Islam
And was put into power by Jews? Deluxe

it's g*d's intervention

I was watching old GW Bush videos last night. It was remarkable that sometimes he would quote a Bible verse. I completely forgot about things like that, because I havent seen it for so long

a couple days ago we did this at an infant baptism.
We weren't worshipping the baby, It's about giving strenght and support. It's also about invoking the holy spirit or smth. I stood in the back doing the hitler salute, I hope it worked too.

Have you never been to church??? This is why the country is so fucked up because you don't see this photo and think oh how nice they're praying for trump
I've prayed for many people this way in church

You really performing such extreme mental gymnastics that you're convinced that people worshipping a man that isn't God/Jesus isn't an issue?

That seems very suspicious.

What's the source of this pic?

They're praying for him. Your logic is like saying

>OMG secret service follows him around willing to shoot anybody that they think is a threat
>how can he have people willing to commit violence surrounding him!!!

Liberal faggots are desperate at this point. Its not working.

It's because he's evil. Keep talking about Christianity it drives them insane.

Remember when it was a crazy conspiracy that some people deep within our government worship Satan?

It's not so strange now.... they are outing themselves.

Pure evil

Kek audibly. Good one wallon bro

Praying to him for him. I'm convinced now. Trump is ordering people to pray to him.

why do they burn his 25 000$ suit?


You really performing such extreme mental gymnastics that you're convinced that people putting hands on a man to pray for him are worshiping him like God?

I hope he really is the antichrist and the end times are upon us. I can't wait to get raptured and finally lose my virginity.

I would agree with you if "God Emperor" wasn't a thing. But alas...

Im a seer from /x/ and I'll spoil that part for you


u r welcome

We should have never fucking voted for this cuckservative celebrity.



You no longer have control.

Do you like to protec satanistic pedophiles?
Iam sure it gives you a "boner".

they're just praying imbecile

i'm actually surprised the Hysterical Left hasn't used this one yet

it's praying "for" him. are you a literal retard? evangelical christians always do this. it's called "laying of hands." i've had it done to me. almost anyone who's spent any significant amount of time in an evangelical protestant church in the USA will, at some point, have had a group of people put their hands on you and pray *to God*...*FOR you*

do you understand now? i'll explain it once more:
they pray - TO - God (jesus or whatever)
FOR - you (the person they're putting their hands on)

one last time:
>FOR YOU (trump in this case)

do you understand yet?

>inb4 i was just pretending to be retarded hurrr durrrr you believed me who's the retard now????!?


>Remember when it was a crazy conspiracy that some people deep within our government worship Satan?

only the thickest numb skulls in america really never caught on that satanists run your government and military.

I mean, it's right there on your fucking currency bro, black on white under your nose

they're preparing a really big finale too

Well no shit, only male virgins will get raptured.
>These are they which were not defiled with women; for they are virgins. These are they which follow the Lamb whithersoever he goeth. These were redeemed from among men, being the firstfruits unto God and to the Lamb. And in their mouth was found no guile: for they are without fault before the throne of God.
Revelation 14:4-5 KJV

Down south it happens a lot in the foursquare/allkinds welcome sort of churches I hear. My bro that I trust entirely has incredible testimony of being healed miraculously by it. It's the same as normal prayer plus the community siding with you. My prayers today will be that our president is surrounded by good christians in his cabinet.





I disagree. The God Emperor is ordering his cabinet to pray to him and touch him. Trump is turning himself into a shining idol of orange gold for his followers to fall at their feet at and ask for forgiveness.

The modern white house is lost.

>implying god emperor is anything other than tongue in cheek
>not recognizing when actual christians are praying for divine protection for someone
>"but alas"
go back to r/atheism and take this stupid thread with you

How does this even equate to worshiping him?
You're obviously not a Christian. They're praying (to Jesus) for Trump, and laying hands on him which is incredibly common.

No it isn't. You're a concern troll.


President Trump said that God is his guide. The American motto is "In God We Trust". He opens meetings with prayers often and says he prays for wisdom. Some humans think there is something wrong with that? That is why society is doomed.

For He brings the purity of jobs to your world!

>merely pretending

lot of christfag fucking weirdos itt