Do they not teach you hierarchy of the animal, fungi, etc.? You mess with the food chain at the peril of everything in a given ecosystem. Last time someone tried that, it killed millions of Chinks.
Yeah but they were killing a shitton of different animals, not just mosquitoes. I'm sure whatever eats mosquitoes can eat flies too lol
Nicholas Lewis
fuck no, mosquitos are one of the only things keeping the nigger population in check. There's already an unsustainable population explosion going on in Africa. Mosquitos should be given a medal for helping to curb this; meanwhile western countries are artificially propping up Africa by dumping billions in foreign aid there. If anything, we should engineer a new breed of deadly mosquitos and unleash it on Africa.
Nicholas Wood
>it killed millions of Chinks.
That doesn't really sound like a bad thing.
Brody Gonzalez
Not how that works. Mosquito populations are substantial dinner for things like frogs, various fish, bacteria, birds, and so many other animals.
Maybe, maybe not. The issue is what if we got rid of mosquitoes here? They have survived for a long time for good reason. How would we get rid of them, more chemicals? And do we really want to load up pesticide companies with public cash? Not a damn chance. Intentionally ridding a population isn't a wise choice, especially when many other beneficial species prey on them.
James Hughes
Mosquitos are how small animals even exist.
>Humans kill fuckall everything cause we're the best >Mosquitos convert humans into food without killing us cause they're the pest >Bugs and animals eat mosquitos to feed the rest
Asher Campbell
What about cockroaches? I sure don't mind them gone. But I can imagine something else eating them. Sounds gross though.
Owen White
We tried to do something about Turks, but the way they breed is very unpredictable.
Elijah Watson
What is the one animal you could wipe out completely instantaneously that would have the least impact on the rest of the world? Barring something that's on the door of extinction already.