Really makes you think


My grandfather almost starved to death during the great depression.

NIGGER (as I call them) were never able to extract them propertly, same for you aztec slave.

You should see what china's up to over there at the moment - those hands should be yellow!

Wow.... powerful....

Blacks owe the Irish money for when they raided the Irish coast for slaves a few hundred years ago. That was our only interaction with them.

They owe us reparations!

Yes and?

>tumbnail image
Choose one

I hate fucking shitskins so much

Why did they make them so ugly

>To dumb to figure out they were sitting on top of riches


maybe if those shitskins weren't too stupid to develop their land themselves, they wouldn't be in this mess

blacks raided ireland?

North Africans but they wuz kangz.

Yeah. Makes me think, why the fuck aren't they extracting their own resources and keeping the vast majority of the profits?

Oh yeah, because they are a niggers. I forgot.

The choice really comes down to this

Are you going to teach and share your knowledge until the pupil becomes the master


Stay the master and let them find their own way

what's the difference between china and colonial period? consent

Imagine being so bad at getting things out of the ground that you take that deal

Well...same reason Ireland isnt exploring its continental shelf for oil and gas I assume. Lack of expertise, technology and money.
So lets say you invest in all these things or just buy the equipment and go out searching and find nothing? You could be creating a failed state.
So you allow others to search with their money, their equipment and their expertise in return for taxing their profits.

Really makes me think that only terrible ((("cartoon artists"))) with no future and no actual skill would be tricked into making such garbage


well desu that is pretty much what happened


>Too dumb & lazy to exploit your own natural wealth

> The nigger then proceeds to eat the coin because it's monetary system is still based on trading goats and gold/diamonds has no value in their culture

Fuck off
You are part of the problem México is so poor now


And fuck every other first worlder stealing from us like Canadian Mining Companies

the difference? time.
bet in 50 years africa will have the same stance towards china as they have towards european colonialism now

Good. About time they realize that literally nobody likes them.

Want a taco ese?

Some president said of some Chinese colonial country said they want white people back instead of Chinese. Can't remember who.

What do we even get from Africa outside of diamonds?

>Mestizo trash
The only reason you're not shrinking your mother's head is because of BIG SPANISH COCK

the niggers couldnt harvest the ressources they had themselves so fuck it, steal it

wow I hate trump now

t. short fat and poor Mexican

You do realize that your government and people could stop other countries from taking your resources? If that really is what you think is happening it's still on your country.

Hey fair enough, but you don't then get to complain that you're being stolen from.

I think he was from Zambia?

>implying blacks will still exist in Africa in 50 years

Indeed. They have such riches right under their feet, but they're too stupid to ever look there. God damn they're stupid. Why do we keep these things alive?

Niggers are too stupid to exploit their own resources so whites have to do it for them and furthermore niggers don't want to help their own so they rely on whitey?

Gold, oil, spices, and other minerals.



The reality is that it is actually China who's doing that.


Why should shitskins be rich?

Depends on how much tax you charge and how much they bribe the chief.
We made a deal with some company that lets them write off their expenses against any tax they pay us. They may end up selling oil and gas and we never make a cent on it.
Its a gamble.

Dont worry. We didnt give them rights to everything or even most of it. The idea is that they make some money and others come looking for oil and gas. Now I think it will never happen though. Everything is about renewables that are produced in Europe using german and French electric motors. Send the money to France and Germany for their turbines instead of buying oil and gas from Africa and the middle east.

Global warming might exist but its not the reason for anything that is being done.

If mining African riches is so easy why did niggers never do it?

This. Without anyone coming in and start getting those resources, they won't even have one meager coin. They would have nothing and wouldn't even be able to breed like they do now.


kangs tho faggot

Story time:
White developement aid workers give the tribal negroes seed when the usual draught kills of their cattle so they don´t starve because plants are much more energy and water efficient than meat ever could be.
What does the negroe do with this aid? Does he plant it, till the fields then reap the harvest? No, he feeds the seed to his cattle, they survive a little longer but still eventually die off. Because cattle is the status for the negroe and being a farmer is beneath him.

The negroe is essentially beyond help, period.
The only way to really bring them into the modern world would be a decades-long virtual slavery where white man would have to educate basically several generations of negroes while simlutaneously wiping out all the current cultural and societal traditions. Effectively a new recolonization, but longer, more thorough, better. Sadly, that is just not possible nowadays.

