How do Jews make so much money?

How do Jews make so much money?

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Because they literally MAKE money.
They OWN money.

Little less conversation, little more action.

They are gifted in the ways of evil. That is why they are part of the synagogue of satan.


When you control the concept of "money" it's not hard to "make" it

Someone has to lay out the financial infrastructure, this shit doesn't fall from the sky.

Jews invented banking.

They are frugal and think of simple ways to be efficient that most nuckledraggers couldn't think to conceive.

Goyim are easy to trick.

because they work unlike Sup Forums

It's literally just because we value education as a society with an emphasis on education's ability to aid one in supporting themselves (read: making money)

Same reason asians are good at math and musical instruments. Their society heavily encourages and incentivizes those skills.

As far as I can tell the skills that protestant culture most value are sports prowess and alcohol tolerance.

The game is THEIRS guy,
They deal the cards

They're waaaaay smarter than white people

They make money in the same way a nigger "makes" Malt liquor

Stop being a BIGOT. forchan is not a person


"Because they are so smart and the chosen people. The holocaust happened because the Germans were jealous of their success."
t. every school teacher

I hate our education system.


4chin is a community of NEETs

Come at me you bafoon I'll drink you under the table!

Because Jews literally MANUFACTURE MONEY.

Americans, not Jews.

They roll the nickels?

I'm a Jew and I'm broke as fuck. Where can I get this money from?

I like your educational system.

The same reason anyone makes lots of money. Greed.

Usury, never heard of it?

They are veru frugal, also lots and lots of nepotism keeps high paying jobs out of goyim reach for ages

nepotism / preferential treatment of group members in lucrative fields. strong focus on being part of an in-group as an identity and willingness to assist others in that same group to one-up outsiders.

Jews generally live frugal lives which are focused exclusively on raising their children to be self-sufficient.

very high quality education, since they are extremely young.
absolute lack of scruples and empathy.

frugality isn't a complicated concept, it just means prioritizing delayed gratification over instant. It isn't some esoteric hidden knowledge.
Jews make money because usury is future theft and then they use their fictional plunder to manipulate servile retards like yourself into considering plucking the corpses of your children as smart, get fucked you idiot.

I never said 'all Jews'. Also, get a job you lazy bum.

Being frugal worked when there was no federal reserve, ie money had real value and supply was actually limited. These days it's better to use credit.

>t.white kang

Just as whites chimp out and cry about how blacks have a low IQ, in the same way, Jews have a higher IQ than whites. It's funny how whites use IQ as proof than blacks and arabs are subhuman yet claim IQ is "kikery" when it comes to showing east asians and ashkenazis are smarter than them.

Just as blacks claim that aint no nigguz own the businesses in dey community, whites chimp out and cry about how jews are at the top of the hierarchy. Why? In both cases, it's simply due to the higher average IQ of the people at the top. Why are there so many north east asians in fields like banking, medicine, anything involving math, any technical field? Simple, they have an extremely high IQ.

The UIS is a free market economy, everyone time an inferior race chimps out about how dey aint making no money and that kikes at at da top, always remember wthe inferior race could always try to outcompete them or create a new business.. it's a free market economy... but they don't, because they're subhuman and the superior races (north east asian, han chinese, askhenazis) will always defeat them.

What I'm trying to say is that jews make so much money in white countries, is because they have a higher IQ. Same as how whites chimp out at all the chinese americans at top universities, and then say "but but we need whites who do extracurriculars and not study all day hur dur"....

Face it, you can rationalize it all you want, but at the end of the day, it's because you're inferior. This is something white nationalists must accept. Hell even Jared Taylor correctly and honorably admits that north east asians have a higher IQ than whites. I greatly respect honest white nationalists like him.

One word: Interest

You can get it from this tunnel, let me help you with getting in.

I wish. The community was way better when it was all losers. Now it's all college students.

Stop being retarded.

Good goyim! Keep shilling for the kikes until it's too late!
You're a special kind of retard, he reffered to the top jews.

we become older and stay here user

To put it another way:

It's not a coincidence that the two ethnic groups most heavily associated with a parental focus on education and scholarship are also the two ethnic groups with the highest testing IQ's and largest per capita representation in STEM fields

Nepotism and lack of morality.

Because they are smart, and have no mercy. They have toppled economies and made economies. Read a book sometime.

Isn't that the same shit niggers say about white people even though they're generally just dumber?

Why does the one on the left have blood around his mouth?

>As far as I can tell the skills that protestant culture most value are sports prowess and alcohol tolerance.

He finished circumcision.

outside of things like klan rallies, white people is too nebulous a group to promote social cohesion.

society is so atomized nowadays that having a group watch your back provides a significant advantage in spheres of public influence.

a similar example would be mormons and their outsized representation in successful business:

You're a fucking joke, Jews make so much money. They disproportionately influence our international debt of many trillions of dollars, they don't create any wealth they just pass the buttplug onto their children like parasites, gobbling up all of the resources they can before their bloated evil chitin socks burst open.
There is no free market economy.

How do I become a top Jew?


Nice LARP, faggot.

is this a meme or they really bite the foreskin out from newborns?

I've been called a lot of shit on this board, but I don't think anyone's ever called me a fake jew before.

Get fucked, goy, I did my readings.

They don't believe in an afterlife, therefore they live for the here and now.

Asian monkey you are not even close to jews

You are lower than whites

I'm creating an infographic about Jewish influene in Sweden at the moment.

It is absolutely disgusting.

There are only 20,000 Jews in Sweden (0.02%) of the population, yet they own almost all the newspapers, the largest publishing house, the second largest TV show, have journalists and editors on every paper, and much much more. It has really opened my eyes to the Jewish Question.

Counter intuitively it was in some part due to restrictions (or discrimination) imposed on Ashkenazi Jews by Europeans that led to it. Very often they were not allowed to farm or compete with locals where they settled. These limited circumstances forced them to rely on trade and make use of the scattered Jewish communities (Ashkenazi and Sephardic) - you didn't have Scots and Finns scattered throughout Europe. Remember, the Jews had links extending to India and even China, both of which had the goods the west wanted, and many Jews were found in the trade centres of the Middle East, through much most of the trade passed. Using these networks, which requires a lot of trust, Jews were able to extend credit to each other and even raise massive sums needed by monarchs to wage war and build; certainly these are skills useful in banking. Catholicism wasn't very business friendly and certainly took a dim view on money lending by its own followers. Yet, people wanted goods and rulers needs funds, and the Jews were able to fill these gaps and seams in the market.

Had all the Jews remained stuck in the promised land they likely would have just been another small ethnostate. Being scattered to the wind forced them to adapt to survive, especially having to contend with the hardships. You can see this repeated with the Fujian Chinese who scattered throughout SE Asia, became traders, and dominate many of the states' economies to this day.

The Sephardic Jews had a somewhat easier go of it. As long as they paid the jizya and ritually humiliated themselves paying it they were mostly left alone by the mohammedans.

I suspect living through these humiliations gave them resilience too. You don't read much of Jews dueling and raising armies to over slights and insults.

The bible only says that satan worshippers pretend to be jews. It does not say that all jews worship satan, that would be statistically unlikely.

I think kikes make more money because their morality is completely distinct from our own. Because they truly do not think of us as being human, they can make cold blooded decisions that wouldn't even make sense to the rest of us.

I think we can learn something from that. Not cruelty, that would be unnatural for us. But to recognize that the world really is more complex than we can process naturally, and that our instincts and emotions are merely guidelines. They're merely starting points, they aren't a complete understanding of the world.

nepotism and faggoty. They have no morals and excel in degeneracy. Anyone can make money when they already have money and work as a team, it isnt rocket science. Also when you are not shunned by your community for making misery off others suffering it is easy to make money fucking people over and be an all around POS

Notice how quickly they stop bumping the slide thread once someone says something that might start a real conversation, or lead to someone asking an important question about the world

Imagine someone that cares about you, and wants you to grow as a person. A jew is the opposite of that.

They're not disinterested in you, they despise you, and are aggressively looking for a convenient way to murder and eat you.

C'mon now, user. Someone who hates jews as much as you do should know that long pig isn't kosher. Humans neither have cloven feet nor do they chew the cud.

This. Excellent post.

Your IQ is lower than room temperature

Three K's a day keeps the niggers away.

If you're 100% European descent aka white and you hate filthy niggers, dirty spics, kikes, arabs, furfags, gayfags, commiefags and all other scum on the earth as much as we do, you should join the Moon Central Discord Server. Introduce yourself in #introductions and answer our questions to get unkiked! - invite/ - YvZen6k (Remove the - )

1, 2, 3, 4 I declare a race war!

Sieg Heil!!!

Jews didn't "invent banking", which dates to ancient times in concept and to Renaissance Italy in its modern institutional form.

They didn't even invent fractional reserve banking, which allows banks to literally create money (and thereby their assets) out of nothing.

What they have done is monopolize ownership of the current international banking and reserve system.

They own the banks. They control the central banks.

they run the fed they just print their own money, also your taxes pay for Israel since the US gives them billions for no reason :D

>How do Jews make so much money?
ownership is the key to wealth.

LMAO, like Jews are the ones in power..

Lets just say that their status and wealth is "given"....and being "framed" has two meanings :p

they traditionally let some guy suck the blood from the babies penis. its known as metzitzah b'peh, or "oral suction circumcisions".

they have problems with babies getting herpes from the jews who suck them off, and up until recently they didn't even need parental permission to do the sucky sucky

Dishonesty combined with loving money with all their heart.

Jews aren't rich silly got. You know how many of them are on welfare?

I believe they understand the value of relationships, it is ingrained in their culture, strong family ties among other things compared to what the modern west has become, the apathetic, arrogant, individualism