How do Jews make so much money?
How do Jews make so much money?
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Because they literally MAKE money.
They OWN money.
Little less conversation, little more action.
They are gifted in the ways of evil. That is why they are part of the synagogue of satan.
When you control the concept of "money" it's not hard to "make" it
Someone has to lay out the financial infrastructure, this shit doesn't fall from the sky.
Jews invented banking.
They are frugal and think of simple ways to be efficient that most nuckledraggers couldn't think to conceive.
Goyim are easy to trick.
because they work unlike Sup Forums
It's literally just because we value education as a society with an emphasis on education's ability to aid one in supporting themselves (read: making money)
Same reason asians are good at math and musical instruments. Their society heavily encourages and incentivizes those skills.
As far as I can tell the skills that protestant culture most value are sports prowess and alcohol tolerance.