What is going on in here Sup Forums?

what is going on in here Sup Forums?
how come we never hear about them?
are they redpilled?

what the fuck are they up to?!

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nothing is goeing on here
dont come here we are full

Mountain Dwarf and gold and shiet.

They have both the highest ammount of migrants in all of europe and the highest ammount of gun owners. So its kinda 50/50

is that true? i had no idea.

how come we never hear of happenings there?

if you don't hear anything from a country it means that there is nothing wrong it

Yup, they are quite redpilled.
>waiting for norway bro

It's were all the Jews hoard all their gold.

I don';t know much about them, good or bad, but their flag is a big plus,

LOL I just know this country exist.

can i go on vacations tho? i would love to visit

>how come we never hear about them?¨
Because we dont want you here
>are they redpilled?
>what the fuck are they up to?!
Nothing, dont come to Switzerland

do you have a lot money?
if not fuck off

yes but they are prohibitively expensive, you need to stay in germany and take day trips to switzerland from there

Switzerland used to be redpilled but it is slowly becoming more and more bluepilled, the next generations are gonna be all leftists, we're dead bros.

On my way buddy, I know lots of Swiss here so I can come visit for a bit ffs


This is what's going on

so basically a country of ((((bankers)))) i see, makes sense.

only the current generation can prevent that!

>your future flag

Translate in engrish please?

A group is celebrating 100 years of communism.

The piles of golds will going the be redistribute for all the poor nigger and rapefugee, how progressive.

Romants... fuck them

They're already fucking full of arrogant bacalhau.
Awful how Switzerland has turned since it's overcrowded by your fellow compatriots.
By the way, you stink. If you go to Switzerland, please make effort to eat less garlic.

thats been happening the last 80 so years in europe and its pretty much still the plan

lol ahmed, nobody takes arab frogs or even normal frogs seriously. not anymore. nice try tho ;)

I hav $50,000 saved up will this satisfy the mountain Jew toll?

2017: first time in history 50% of newborns in Geneva are not Swiss origin.
Can't walk in Geneva without being overwhelmed by shitskins or portos, garbages everywhere, prostitutes and drug dealers.
Not a surprise they vote against UDC projects.

You fucking porto.
Don't spit on France, your country sucks. Unable to feed its people correctly. Lazy suckers anyway. Can't do anything excepting mopping the floors or emptying the bins.
You're full of degenerates.
Stay in your fucking zoo.
You stink.

There is something like swiss ethnicity?
Or just askhenazi?

>I hav $50,000 saved up will this satisfy the mountain Jew toll?
try 5mio
or 250k if you work a high value job

poor froggie, did some portuguese guy went too hard on your boypussy?

ill admit, we can be quite savage in bed

no because we already have enough poor and lazy shitshkins (or semi shitskins like you Juan) we dont want anjmore of you sucking up our money

No dear.
I'm serious. They're fucking full and beginning to lose their nerves.
You WON'T be welcome.
It was just an advice.
But you show how your shitty people behave abroad: arrogant and insulting, spitting on the country they live in.
You're shit.
Since decades, no other choice for portos: leave your fucking countries to get a decent job.
Time to wake up.
Take care anyway.

Damn the Portuguese are real parasites. Even here where I live I'd call them annoying parasitic scum.

see yes, we have imigrants
we have the right ones, the others know that their balls will be fumbled if they try to claim underage asylum. and many know that we'll put them in some lonely valley high up in the mountains or a cold war nuclear shelter.
sums it up
Romands == Russe
for a few weeks holliday, yes. to stay? mones does by you things here, but half a sallary doesn't
welcome to the French part
no, he used to live here, didn't perform or chimped out and was deported

Fuck off, we're full.

You should known Portubro since many Portuguse go there

>telling other countries to wake up
step up your troll game frenchie, you're not making any sense

their only good football players are albanians or yugoslavs

so a country full of portuguese people has no problems, no happenings, is redpilled and people are happy?

i guess portuguese immigrants are as bad as frogs complain them to be

>no, he used to live here, didn't perform or chimped out and was deported
Sorry guy. I remember Geneva/Romandie when it was still clean. I've never lived in Geneva.
Sad how it has turned anyway.

Semishitskins? Sucking up? more like injecting money.
That's it. I'm switching to Andorra.

i would never leave my country, emigration is for cowards.

Ok, I'm done with you.
Again, you spit on France. I admit France has to make some efforts, but at least we don't have to flee abroad to get decent jobs & meals since decades.
You're hated everywhere you settle.
Worst than Jews. At least Jews make money and profits. You're only parasites.
Fuck you.

The problem with Switzerland is that its not english speaking. For that reason alone, to make millions its hard for someone who only speaks english.

Its also living proof that direct democracy works

yeah, you are right. just look at the US and Canada. US american policy is to fuck up everyone else

Actually UK loves Portugal

wtf is your problem? enough of you!

Good, I hope you can convince your people to stay there and the others in my country to return.


good stay there
and take back carlos and the others

see personally i would never leave my own country. but your complaints seems unfunded.. just saying

can confirm that
the working here on low payed jobs like on construction and cleaning.
they are the biggest asslickers and crawlings deep in the bosses asses.
they look in summer like niggers because of the dark skin

Their Sup Forumsacks are Turk-tier.

thats the feeling im having from this thread tbqh..

Did you sister get fucked by Pedro or João?

see maybe you would prefer muslims? ask merkel for a few

Fuck up by shitskin?
Leftist always stand with muslim and niggers.

they're converting their mountains into islam

this was some son of a bitch (((((artist))))
he lives since 20 years somewhere in asia and was onely here to make this piece of shit

LOL you got kek'd


sorry bro, you should gas the degenerates

wow thats come high level cuck shit if you ask me

>Planning ww3

yes exactly
the single most neutral coutry on the face of this planet is planing ww3
you got it Sargon

I'm gonna be honest here. This country is getting milked off its shekels, while its culture and environment is getting destroyed in the process. It's like a former 10/10 decent girl getting fucked by 100 guys over a few years, then she ends up completely used up and nobody wants her anymore. That's the honest way to describe this country. We do have shitskins on top of the niggers and other subhumans we already had before they came over and we're getting more every day. The majority, yes the fucking majority, pisses away our tax money for packs of beer and cigarettes. Also, every 2nd person doesn't even speak swiss german because they're some foreign piece of shit who came here from another 1st world country to make a quick buck because their greed knows no bounds. I mean can you imagine this, you live in fucking Germany and you still want to come here because you want to make even more money. That's why I utterly despise these fucks who are here. They seriously deserve to be beaten up and literally get kicked out. Stupid greedy german imbeciles.

Don't feel too bad. That's happening to every country, you have it a lot better than most other places.

Well, salaries in Germany are half of what they are in CH and with a minimum 40% income tax they stand to earn a lot more.

t. Swede who is learning german

we would be a great country if we could get rid of all the lefties and Afrikan and middle eastern nogs

So is cost of living. Then again, if we put that into perspective, life in Germany is for the average citizen better than average in western countries let alone the whole fucking world. My point still stands that these fucks are greedy bastards, like you. You better learn swiss german as well.

They vote Le Pen there, that's why the French Algerian is triggered.
Seriously, OP
>what is going on in here Sup Forums?
>are they redpilled?
Comply to the rules of this board and go fuck yourself.

Nothing. It's literally 3 guys and a cow, just like in the adverts.

Its hard. Chömme zahle, or however you spell it, i say when i want to pay.

Can you help me learn?


youtube MelonPan

The Swiss will be the last to fall.

That guy is a national treasure

get some swiss friends, talk onely swiss german with them and you will be able to speak it in no time

>that quote
no shit, but only when there are no niggers

>based gun laws
>democracy based on INTELIGENT and EDUCATED population

While they have imigrants, they keep them controled. Two mudslime kids got thrown out of swiss since they didnt want to shake hand with female teacher.

"hurr durr its against our relgion"

Got my Swiss work permit a few months ago.
Genuinely interested in integrating and maybe becoming a Swiss citizen if the place is as great as it appears.

This. Switzerland is just delayed in the degeneracy process because women got the right to vote later here than elsewhere.

Women right to vote inevitably leads to socialism, thats the ultimate red pill

12 years waiting periode
what will you working?

>They vote Le Pen there, that's why the French Algerian is triggered.

Ok man, I'm not a hairy shitskin as average Portuguese is.
My family is French/German/Swiss blood since centuries.
I'm triggered because all portos ITT behave as Portuguese immigrants.
You're arrogant parasites.
You have no dignity.
Portuguese come from a fucked country, then allow themselves to criticize the country they fled in. Swisses are naive bitches who deserve to be milked as hell, French are Algerians, and so on.
Even your closest neighbor hates you.
What the hell an arrogant porto comes here asking if Switzerland is redpilled? Fuck, can't he check his own shithole first?
As numerous said: stay in Portugal and tell other portos roaches to come back in.

Grüetzi. Financial tech.
Luckily I can apply for permanent residence after 5 years as a leaf.

>Fuck, can't he check his own shithole first?
seriously im just going to ignore you, because you're not even a good troll, what a waste of bytes

lmao how salty

>Fuck, can't he check his own shithole first?
he is right you know?

Also I want to start learning Swiss German now, but I have heard shit like "there are no spelling rules" etc., and learning resources seem limited.
Is it worth spending time learning, or should I just learn High German? Or perhaps I should just stick with English instead of High German?

good luck
why dont you want to live in kanada anymore?

I'm looking for an user from Swiss who posted here a few months ago.

He trained German Shepards for the Police.

Is that user reading this? I have a quetion for you.


These Rothschild satanic child sacrificing ADRENOCHROME PRODUCING fuckers EXPOSED

>0.1% Muslims
>1.3% niggers and declining
>one of the oldest countries in Europe
>awesome lineage and history
>warm weather
>awesome beaches
>85% Catholics
>people are actually nice towards each others
>very tech savvy country, with lots and lots of IT jobs
>and just overall a very beautiful country

so whats so shithole about it again?

im not poor, doesn't affect me or my family and friends..

learn High German for official use and Mails and Swiss-german for inoficial chatter and contact with the Swiss population
best case they dont even know you arent Swiss
not meaking at least an effort to try to lears Swiss-german will you make look arogant

I can name one.

Imo, federal govt is completely rogue against my province, and Whites in general.
Thus little financial opportunity without moving to a (((major city))) where nobody looks like me.

Plus Swiss taxes are much better, even with the withholding tax for foreigners.

Don't get me wrong, Canada is especially beautiful (like CH), but I think we are headed down a dark road unless there are major changes.
I'd rather raise a family in the alps and come back to visit.

dude weed man is a reason to go but just overthrow and hang him

Worst country in Europe. Please don't come. Portugal is a great Nation. Please send some pasteis de belem.