Erdoğan: We must declare Jihad on Europe

He said that the Turks and Muslims in europe must rise up against europeans and take over their goverments. He added that Turkish military will help them if such thing happens. What do you think?
Source(only Turkish for now)

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Perro Coca


The second this happens is the second the Irish master race starts its own terrorist bombing campaign.

wh*Te subhumans will be destroyed once and for all

Well said. It's time to end white menace. I am glad that based Erdoğan agree with us.

nice b8

Kek, the madman. It's okay though, things probably weren't going to work out with NATO anyway.

How's the average roach taking this?

>He added that Turkish military will help them
You cucks would literally get btfo by Greece
good post

>You cucks would literally get btfo by Greece
Yes just like in 1453, or 1071 :DDD

He's right from the Islamic pov. It's the natural course of action given the nature of Islam and the castrated state of the European peoples.

This is needed to annihilate all the wh*tes

Nice one. You have been the sickman of Europe for centuries

Killing Turkroaches isn't war. It's pest control.

based r dog gun helping us start the cleansing

your time is finished white subhuman

>y-you are s-sickman
It was 100 years ago. now we would easily conquer Greece. Gr**k army is literally weaker than ISIS.

>said the National Bolshevik
Go masturbate over the Strasser brothers, faggot.


You still can't come into our country, faggot

Even his own people hate him, only the degenerate retards support this cunt. Too bad that's the majority of roaches.

white """""""""""""""""""""people""""""""""""""""""""" will die

You can't conquer shit

this guy is pretty cool.
he's dumber than a rock but i like how he trolls the westerners.
without him, turkistan would have been a member of the eu and there would have been a cockroach infestation.

Didn't Erdogan just purge the officer corp after the failed coup.

>You can't conquer shit
Really? Tell me more :DD

>You cucks would literally get btfo by Greece


you know turkey conquered cyprus in like a day right and greece surrendered immediately?

>he's dumber than a rock but i like how he trolls the westerners.

Nigga we are trolling HIM. He's a fucking idiot who desperately wanted to be part of the EU. Now he fucked it all up.

>he's dumber than a rock
coming from the white """""""person"""""""

Your roach is showing

>literally blackmails EU with 3 million refugees
>europeans has to suck his dick 7/24 and send money to him so he don't send refugees
>w-we t-trolling h-him

At least I'm not a roach.

how to piss off any turks or any erdogan hardliners

"Free Kurdistan"
"Remember Armenia 1915"


only cockroaches are the white """"""""""""people""""""""""""

shut up, aquafresh. he took a massive shit on you.

can we take back constantinople now?

Wh*te subhumans will get squashed by our muslim brothers

>tries to sneak minister into the Netherlands to stir up shit, illegally
>get BTFO
>sue the Netherlands
>get BTFO
>all Turkish officials banned from visiting
>now being banned in other countries too
>meanhile, Gülen in Murrica saying he'll spit in Erdogan's face

You, you totally won faggot

the news article is not about jihad

In terms of materiel alone, how do you intend to conquer a continent of 500 million people that are backed up by another continent load of 370 million people? Are Turks so amazing that they can defeat nearly a billion people hailing from the wealthiest and most technologically advanced nations on Earth?

Do you think it will still be Istanbul by 2030?

When roach replies Everytime

I forgot that brief period where it was called istanburger

How can one man, be so based?

I wish I could come with you.

Nice lies, faggot.

Those prostesters got their shit kicked in and your whore minister got her ass kicked out.

Pretty much a total failure on your part.



The only Turkish import I have ever seen was dried fruit.
>Based Erdoğan warned eurosubhumans that they can't walk safely anymore
>Terror attack happens immeadity after the speech

Always archive or screenshot

You are losing against kurds.

That was centuries ago.

Show your real flag you coward.

you're losing against niggers

I like how he pretends anyone gives a shit about him. How cute.

I am to proud to show the flag of my nation to white """""""""subhuman"""""""""

No they didn't, the Cyprus war went on for months and the Island is split into three to this day. The Turkish infestation was ruled illegitimate and both sides are still squaring off to this day.

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Oh how I wish a nigger would

Wow, you got me, pussy.

Remove the commies from your ranks first

Yeah, that was a reaaaaal fair fight.

> Turkish military will help them

Turkey, why do you have a memory of a fish, or should I better say, a cockroach?

>w-we d-don't c-care about him!!!
>insult him every day in televisions and social media
What did euroshit mean by this? perhaps they want another truck of Peace.

A fucking leaf.

*gets humiliated by 6.000 mountain people with outdated soviet weapons*

Roaches intensifies

I don't care anymore. My people are scumbags and retards, 75% of women my agegroup and below are leftist morons and I am sick of this ride. Do it quick turkbros. I will fight still to get a chance for a seat at the table of heroes with the great army.

I know you were bait. The turk that makes these retarded threads is just a baiter as well.

>some small duchy from the anatolia manages to BTFO eastern roman empire and entire balkans
>"i-it wasn't a f-fair fight!!"
Just watch this gif and cry more

I really don't hear about Cuckdogan unless some Turk brings him up. It's interesting to note that, while despised by this board, Trudeau gathers more interest than your manlet sultan.

isn't it obvious? this whole thread is bait
all this proves is Sup Forums is stupid

[These are the problems Europe is going to face going forward:](Talked about them in various KB threads/comments: bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/)

1) Islamic Takeover/Caliphate(outbreeding & taking land by force) & Terror Groups/Networks

2) EU Army & EU "Fortress" Territories.

3) Western Europe vs Eastern Europe

4) Civil Wars(Nationalists vs Leftists)

5) African Migrants vs Islamic Refugees

6) UN Involvement.

What a well informed and thought provoking post.

You could even say that you got the old gray matter to ruminate

now in process of removing your flag from my wall and replacing it with greece's one sec

When the time comes we'll be raping your turkish whores in Europe.. don't worry little roach, dont you worry.

The Turk and his friends always make these retarded threads, might as well get in.

I don't understand this and all the terror actions: Don't muslims now they win the time game? Seriously, just wait 2-3 generations and you're the majority. Why risk throwing a wrench into your plan by angering europeans and face possible repercussions?

Is my theory correct that you fear the corrupting influence of the west on your own children?

>When the time comes we'll be raping your turkish whores in Euro-
*gets beaten up by Mehmet and cries back to Sup Forums*

if literally any european power decided to wipe you off the map you would be fucked turkroach

good god in heaven you are the worst posters

With what army will you help them? Please tell me. The only war you fought was vs poor kurdish already fitting is is. You have 0 military experience neither a strong projection power.
What will you do when our nuclear submarines destroy constantinople?

Join Turkey with me. Your great army with that table will accept you even if you fight for Turks.



When will it be legal to shoot turks and kurds?
I wanna get some blood action on the streets ffs.

I heard that one of you Turks "accidentally" posted your own photo here.

Why are there no other sources ?

notice the lack of response
someone's sobbing in a corner
once the NATO kicks them it, it's done

What a ridiculous gif. Not only did you not own anybody the balkan states you claim. Egypt and North Africa were owned. Y France and Britain respectfully from 1800 onward. Additionally the seljuks that stole eastern empire land came from the east, not a small province near the hellespoint.

No, user. When I die then for the soil in which my ancestors' bones rest. I could not look my grandpa in the eyes over there if I did otherwise.

Agree. And nato is already pissed of by turkey.
The only reason they re not kicked out is to avoid Russia going full retard mode on the black Sea area.

>100 years ago

keks aside, this dude is on point
a pack of canadian trans men dickslapping people with dragon dildos would conquer athens in like 15'

Is this why Turkish ships keep bringing tons of guns illegally to the west? You actually have a motive for doing this? Who would have known...

>What do you think?

I think Erdogan thinks he has your rope by the balls because Roachistan is a pipeline corridor that transports petroleum from the ME and Caspian regions. at any time, he can just declare some fuel spigot needs maintenance and put those cucks in a bind.

now, if this manlet would just spend a little time looking to his south, he might realize that he is not needed, and regime change could always find a new target. NATO hasn't chalked up a good victory in a while, and a slice of Turkey may be just the thing to curb our appetite.

as far as i can tell the article is about terrorists and july 15 which is their national day i think? im no roach so idk for sure

if it comes to this, I hope you get a quick painless death.

didnt know mudslimes infiltrated the baltics

so you really are arabs

> now we would easily conquer Greece. Gr**k army is literally weaker than ISIS.

Have my thanks. Good luck on your path.


Turks did it same way as now they do with germany.

>According to Ottoman tradition, Osman's father Ertuğrul led the Turkic Kayı tribe west from Central Asia into Anatolia, fleeing the Mongol onslaught. He then pledged allegiance to the Sultan of the Anatolian Seljuks, who granted him dominion over the town of Söğüt on the Byzantine frontier.[13] This connection between Ertuğrul and the Seljuks, however, was largely invented by court chroniclers a century later, and the true origins of the Ottomans thus remain obscure.[14]

Your ancestors were refugees running from mongols(father of Osman I was). They were invited by Anatolians who showed them mercy and let them live in their aging empire as by that time it was probably not as populated as it used to be. After they settled they started recruiting young religious fanatics for their troops

>Osman's early followers consisted both of Turkish tribal groups and Byzantine renegades, many but not all converts to Islam.[30] Osman extended the control of his principality by conquering Byzantine towns along the Sakarya River. It is not well understood how the early Ottomans came to dominate their neighbours, due to the scarcity of the sources which survive from this period. One school of thought which was popular during the twentieth century argued that the Ottomans achieved success by rallying religious warriors to fight for them in the name of Islam.

So pretty much, they were guests who rebelled against people who gave them helping hands, and then genocided them and they wrote their own history by getting rid of all documents and informations about the region and then-recent history.

Fucking parasites

Reported you to Saugumas for being a traitor.