The Islamification of the west

Memes aside lads, what will the west look like in 2050? In every important western country there has been a massive increase in Muslim migration, and (with the exception of Italy) the number of mosques is increasing year after year while the number of churches is decreasing. It seems very likely that in the UK, Germany and France at least, the percentage of Muslims in the population will be 10-15% (in France, for example, 25% of teenagers today are Muslim). It might not be quite so high in other countries, but at least 5% seems realistic. We are becoming increasingly Islamified whether we like it or not, whilst there are very few Muslim countries that tolerate Christianity.

What do you genuinely think the results of this will be? Will western Muslims lose their religion and just view it as a cultural thing, like many western Christians? Will the number of Muslims affect social attitudes and even laws in the west? Is there any reason to be optimistic?

I think violence and civil war are inevitable. It blows my mind why Europe would do this, rather than keep the post ww2 peace. Muslims aren't going to integrate sufficiently, especially when they get greater numbers.


It's not a civil war if you're expelling foreign invaders. No piece of paper issued by any authority can magically turn a muzzie into a German, Frenchman, American, etc.

It's not quite so bad in USA, but you still have 1% of the population as Muslim and the number of mosques is rapidly increasing. Trump might have stemmed the flow, or alternatively you might get a new Trudeau-tier president afterwards who was so appalled by Trump's anti-Islam stances that he re-doubles efforts to increase Muslim migration.


Just wait 5-10 Years. The population is pretty much redpilled and media has to shift their point of views, to not to loose more audience. Solutions like these from Sobotka (Austrian Secretary of the Interior), where they want to put migrants in camps, before they deport them and Sebastian Kurz( Austrian foreign minister) where supports for migrants are only granted after passing an ethical and language course. Will become popular in Europe.

Islam will die along with Christianity.

Almost every religion will be death by 2100,skin color wont matter.

I hope you're right, because I genuinely worry about growing old in the west, with the way it's going. I have noticed more support for """"""Islamophobes"""""" online recently, but there is still some way to go.

I think you might be right very broadly speaking (obviously it won't be completely dead, but reduced), but something will replace the void left by religion. It's a fundamental human need to believe in something greater than oneself, so I think there will be some sort of new-age religion that's more compatible with science which takes off.

>fleeing poverty

I love this meme

There won't be any civil war or gratuitous violence. Death will come slowly but surely; the demographic shift is irreversible, Western culture is corroded to the point of meaningless; every aspect of society has been corrupted and compromised. Power is too tightly vested in the hands of those wishing to destroy the West. We simply won't be able to recover, without a complete purge of those who have poisoned our society; which considering the passive state of the everyday citizen, will never be on the cards.

>Important Western Country

Yeah, but half of the country is going to oppose getting rid of the Akbars cuz tolerance. Clash of worldviews.

Native who converted to Islam and is married to 2 Bosnian qts awaiting his 5th child this September here, feels pretty good lads.

All of your country apart from Vienna hates Muslims, and is one of the few in the west who will oppose their Islamification, so it's probably best you convert your missus to Catholocism desu.

I said memes aside lad. Do you really think there is a cabal of powerful people in the West who want to destroy it? Who are they? For what purpose?

>ethical course
>"Is it a woman's choice what to do with her body?"
>"Why is diversity our strength?"
Good luck, Hans.

Austria is pretty based and everybody is fed up with that diversity shit. "Austria for Austrians" is modern and in some parts really conservative on family values

A nation needs a people and an identity to work, the EU has neither, but the people living here have nations that are centuries old.
They hope that by importing refugees with no allegiance to any nation they will have a sort of glue that can be used to keep the EU together.

Its kek. Who will decide!!

Large scale ethnic and religious conflicts.

Why should I care about my country when it was stupid enough to invite these people in in the first place? There will never be an expulsion of muslim citizens, let alone people that don't even look like muslims.

First you gotta bring blacks on your side, u can't defeat islam without involving other communities (asian, indian, blacks). Our fight against Islam is common.

>India's worst enemy is someone who values toilet hygiene

>being this mad about your crumbling empire
cant wait for scottish,welsh and irish independence to put the nail in the coffin kek

Recommended reading


>The novel, a political satire, imagines a situation in which aMuslimparty upholding traditionalist and patriarchal values is able to win the 2022 presidential election in France with the support of theSocialist Party.

I don't care about expelling Muslims, so long as they remain at about 1% of the population, and we give absolutely no ground whatsoever on the building of mosques, sharia law, etc.

Read it years ago, very good book desu. Not even Islamophobic either, despite what many people said.

That guy is Mi6

He might just be a very angry Muslim desu.

>I don't care about expelling Muslims, so long as
user, that's not something you get to decide - especially not since we're long past that stage.

I'd be worried too with that flag.

>What do you genuinely think the results of this will be?
Most western countries will turn into shitholes and get completely destroyed by civil war like Syria.
Germany will stay a pretty peaceful place with a few bombings here and there while the white population gets completely cucked.

Bosnia is a muslim majority country and even wouldn't take in imigrants (not that they want to come here)

He is a Jew. Pol found out age's ago, info graph somewhere

What makes you think Germany will stay peaceful where other western countries will not, given that you're currently in an even worse place than the UK (and we're in a pretty bad place)?

I'm skeptical myself, but some think he's a jew. I think hes Mi6. He gets around. Each of these photos are in a different country.

Germany is not in a worse place than any other Western country. In fact UK has another problem called Commonwealth.
If Germany happens to turn Muslim-majority it will become the most livable and orderly Islamic caliphate on the planet. Also the one with the most economic power.
Sweden will simply divulge into chaos.

This is all we have to say

>It blows my mind why Europe would do this, rather than keep the post ww2 peace

West is our slave

>Stemmed the flow of stinky Moslems
The state dept recently announced there would no longer be a limit on the number of Moslem """"" refugees """" America takes.
The kikes and Moslem Brotherhood are literally jerking their mutilated dicks to see who can fuck America the worst. When the sharts fall, Europe will be a piece of pie. Without the overwhelming numbers of kike slaves in American Army Europe will eventually fall.


You will believe in One God.