What the fuck is wrong with modern men?
What the fuck is wrong with modern men?
Other urls found in this thread:
>post a picture of a cross dresser which makes up 0.0000001% of the male population
>hurr durr why are men like this???¿
Great thread buddy, lots of good discussion going on
What's the problem? Just looks like a normal dude to me.
What happened?
Honestly kill yourself too you fucking filthy degenerate
no u
The internet taught them that they could feel better by uploading pictures like this and having faggots like you beat their dicks to them and spreading them around on chinese cartoon boards for attention.
>What the fuck is wrong with modern xyz
>How can we save xyz
Nice political discussions there. God, I hate these theads so much...
Gays are actually notoriously racist against blacks in their preferences and the meme of blacked white women is blown way out of proportion.
>tfw no one will beat his dick to you
a very sad feel.